Results of Intuitive Experiment #17

One of the things I really love about doing these experiments is that we sometimes get to learn or find out more about some amazing figures from history…

So who was the woman in Intuitive Experiment #17?

It was Sophia (Sophie) Scholl, a young German woman who founded an anti-Nazi activist campaign during the Second World War that eventually resulted in her arrest for high treason, and her death by guillotine at the age of 21.

Sophie was born in Germany on May 9, 1921, in Forchtenberg, Germany.  Her father was the mayor of the city, and Sophie was the fourth of six children.


Raised a Lutheran, Scholl joined the League of German Girls in 1937 at the age of twelve, but soon began to view the organization in a critical light – an attitude which may have been influenced by her politically liberal father.  Her brothers and friends were arrested in 1937 for participating in the German Youth Movement, and this made a strong impression on her too.  Sophie developed a strong belief in the innate value of all human beings, which eventually led to her dislike of Nazi doctrine.

Scholl was forced to enter the National Labor Service in 1941, which was a prerequisite for entering university.  She tried to avoid this duty by becoming a kindergarten teacher as an alternative, but that strategy didn’t succeed.  The military nature of the Service led her to think deeply about the current political climate in Germany, and she began to practice passive resistance (a form of nonviolent protest).

After her six months of service, Sophie enrolled at the University of Munich in biology and philosophy.  At University she met the politically motivated friends of her brother Hans, as well as many other intellectuals and artists.  Their discussions on philosophy and how the individual must act under dictatorship eventually led to the formation of a group called ‘The White Rose’, founded after reading an anti-Nazi sermon written by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Münster.

The purpose of The White Rose was to distribute leaflets and graffiti encouraging passive resistance to Nazi ideology.  Core members of the group included her brother Hans, Willi Graf, and Christoph Probst.  Sophie did not help to write the articles, but helped in distributing them, since as a woman she was much less likely to be stopped and searched by the SS.  But Scholl and the other members of the group were arrested at the University of Munich on February 18, 1943, for distributing the sixth and final leaflet.

Her Death

When she appeared in court, Sophie is quoted as saying “Somebody, after all, had to make a start.  What we wrote and said is also believed by many others.  They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.”

Sophie, Hans, and Christoph were found guilty of treason on February 22, 1943, and sentenced to death.  They were all beheaded by guillotine in Stadelheim Prison in Munich. Scholl accepted this fate with remarkable grace and composure.  Her final words were:

“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?  Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?”

After Scholl’s execution, a copy of the final leaflet was smuggled out of the country and dropped over Germany by the Allied Forces.  In later years, her actions have been praised as an example of great spiritual courage under extreme political and ideological pressure.  She remains a symbol of the highest forms of nonviolent social dissent, and continues to be inspirational to this day.

Your Intuitive Hits

I think that many of you were picking up on the general atmosphere of darkness surrounding Sophie, and on her brief life and violent death.  While she did not take part in evil acts herself, she was obviously involved in confronting and resisting them and more than one person did mention her connection to activism.

Several readers also picked up on the connection to Germany and Jews, and Anne Frank is a close analogy to the kind of person that Sophie was – high minded, philosophical, brave, and a victim of the brutal Nazi regime.

Many people also mentioned an M connected to Scholl, whose middle name was Magdalena.   While she was an inherently good person, I’m sure that Sophie suffered a great deal of internal conflict and even rage over the atrocities she saw all around her, as well as fear of the consequences that might come from her actions.

Scholl lived in a very turbulent time and suffered a violent death, and that energy is imprinted on her, as well as the great courage she showed in resisting the evil around her.  This may have led to the sense of duality that some of you felt while reading her.

Overall, well done to everyone who took part in this experiment. This was not an easy one to read – it was easier to pick up on the dark energy around her, but not easy to know exactly where to place it. I hope you found it useful anyway to fine tune your intuitive skills!

How did you do with this one?

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Denise

    i picked up that she was one of many children struggling with a religious issue. I felt she was well read… And thought she was from a rural community.

  2. Anna

    Well done Denise!!

  3. Janice Killian

    I picked up on the darkness. I knew it was Germany and Jews. At first, I thought of Anne Frank, but, I knew what she looked like..

  4. Kamy Dova

    I picked up those: “she’s a victim though, German nationality; died young (max 40) and didn’t have husband nor children; She may have lived during Hitler’s time and the world war two.” First I was happy to achieve certain success, but then at the end when I look at the whole picture – as you said it is easier to feel the negative energy, but I didn’t sense her as a hero, I didn’t see that internal battle she had. Good points Anna, I have so much more to work on. Your experiments are great and helpful, thank you!

  5. Deb Brooks

    Thank you so much for this Anna. I posted this on my wall and one of the comments was that if that is Anne Frank I was very close. I felt strongly that she was a writer. Did she do any writing? Just curious.
    MY original feelings were:
    A very troubled child. I feel fear, distrust, sadness and an emotional wall built between herself and reality. She is somehow imprisoned. Whether or not it is a literal detainment or simply the emotional wall or both, I feel she is intelligent and perceptive and is aware of danger towards herself and possibly her family. She seems like a writer. Possibly her best source of communication. I like her and want to give her a hug.

  6. Ulrik Kris

    I appreciate you picking Sophie since she is an inspiration for me and I will definitely both blog about lessons from her life story and do a live-talk about her in the future. There are only few really extensive bios about her in English, unfortunately, but I like the movie “Sophie Scholl – the Last Days” which can be purchased with English subs:
    It is largely accurate and the girl playing Sophie gives a moving performance.

    As regards the ‘duality’ about Sophie that readers may have picked up and attributed to the world and time she lived in, I would like to add that she had a long-time boyfriend, Fritz Hartnargel – a German soldier. Her relationship with him may also be a cause for this duality that was picked up.

    She met him at a dance in 1937 when she was 16 and they stayed connected until her death. They had an extensive correspondence about life, love, ethics and the horrors of war, as Fritz participated in the German war effort from the invasion of France and onwards IIRC.

    Fritz sent Sophie money and when they met when he was on leave he apparently sometimes gave her info on certain military matters that may or may not have been used by the German resistance, such as it was (the White Rose was primarily non-violent students and academics as you also hinted above in her bio).

    He also fought on the Eastern Front and was caught in the Stalingrad cauldron in the winter of 1943 when the German 6th Army was surrounded and destroyed by superior Soviet forces – but he got out on the very last plane. I don’t remember if Fritz’ letters reached Sophie before her execution so she knew he had survived. Both her capture and his flight happened in February 1943 so it was a close call. He was told of her death while recovering from his injuries in a field hospital.

    I feel personally that this whole relationship – between the soldier and the young politically aware woman – was of crucial importance in shaping Sophie’s social justice awareness. Fritz could both report on both the horrors of war and occupation firsthand, his own feelings about them and his attempts to avoid being too much involved while still parrying orders and just trying to survive.

    She was also worried about him, of course and at the same time conflicted about how much to admonish him for his activities as a soldier. One can only imagine what must have went through her head as it dawned on her that her first and only love was fighting, albeit reluctantly, to support a political system she begun to loathe more and more. But what do you write to someone you love then who is at the front and scared he may die at any moment? ‘You’re an idiot and a coward for having chosen to be there?’ Of course not! 🙂

    Also interesting to note is that on a few occasions the ethically stalwart Sophie wasn’t adverse to accepting luxury items Fritz sent her and her family from the occupied countries (where he had probably just taken them from wherever he could find them … ). Okay, there was scarcity in Germany at the time, but perhaps it’s also a bit like when we buy a cheap T-shirt and don’t give too many thoughts to the kids in a Taiwanese sweatshop who work 14 hours a day to make it? We just can’t live up to our own ideals 24/7, can we?

    Bottom line: Sophie was full of contradictions and inner conflicts as the rest of us, and I think these more than anything came to the fore through her relationship with Fritz. Most of that relationship was lived through letters because he was in the war almost from its beginning.

    So perhaps it was also a bit of *that* energy that people felt when trying to ‘tune into’ Sophie?

    Of course the fact that she was conflicted does *not* to my mind detract from her heroism when she finally took an active stand against Nazism. As far as we know she never once tried to give up her comrades in return from her life or otherwise placate the Nazi judges. She accepted her fate and told everyone in the court room very much why they were in the wrong and would suffer for it.

    The last illegal publications of the White Rose were later smuggled out of Germany and reprinted in the hundreds of thousands and then dropped as leaflets by British planes over Germany so everyone could see that somebody said no to Nazism.

    And afterwards, so everybody could remember.

    So … thanks a bunch for sharing that pic. Sorry if I got a bit carried away in talking about it, but I really do think that your readers were closing in when they noted these conflicting energies.

    And I just felt like sharing that story. 🙂

    I believe we are all to some extent conflicted about how to be active for something we believe in. But we also have the power – everyone of us – to eventually push away our doubts and take a stand.

    Looking forward to another pic 🙂



  7. walter julio

    That was my definition I did the course with you and it was In daily life-useful. Thanks Anna
    Walter Julio

  8. Amber

    What an amazing woman!! Thanks for the opportunity to learn about her.

    I was having serious doubts about my own intuitive hits. I sensed she was a fighter for the underdog, political activist, and someone I would want behind me if I was in desperation and needed help. She has a deeply sensitive and reflective nature. But I read everyone’s comments about her darker side, and thought I must be way off! What you said about the negativity and turmoil of the events surrounding her life makes sense about what others were picking up on.

  9. Sherri

    I immediately picked up Germany and the Halocaust and I had a Jewish reference, although I now know that she was Lutheran. I felt she was kidnapped, but being arrested and taken against her will would be along those same lines, so I picked on the energy of that, I just used wrong terminology. I knew she died an early death but did not know how, I felt something coming at her and impacting her at the time of death but I did not even think of guillotine. I knew that she was involved in writing and speaking, that she was a deep thinker and a very strong person and had seen a lot of injustice in her life. I had written “master communicator” on my list, and from reading her death speech that title certainly applies. I had written that she advocated for others and got a miltary reference as well, so that makes perfect sense reading her story. I’m not sure what the National Labor Service was, but I was getting the feeling of hard work in a hot, noisy place…I kept hearing a whirr of some type of machinery with dogs in the distance and I felt sticky hot. I felt that she cleaning and moving things a lot in her work there…maybe she was, maybe not. I have noticed recently that I get energy hits when looking at photos and I been looking for something to practice and learn on so thank you thank you thank you for these exercises! I am definitely learning and I am so excited about that! This is fun 🙂

  10. Lera

    Wow, I think I did really well on this one. I immediately picked up that she was German and had a lot of fear. I felt she had very strong beliefs and values, that she had to keep quiet most of the time, but she would speak her mind when necessary. I also picked up on Nazi Germany but I was questioning whether she was Jewish or not, I knew that was probably my mind trying to make sense of what I was getting. I felt she was trustworthy because of her strong values; a very strong sense of right and wrong that she would not violate. I was not getting a sense of darkness about her at all. Mostly I just felt her fear, and a conflict about wanting to speak up about what she saw as wrong, but she was limited in her ability to do so – a lot of that being because she was a woman, I felt.

  11. Sue

    I picked up that she was a crusader, loyal, steadfast, honest, hardworking and that she sacrificed much. I got the name Anne, Germany and WWII. Very interesting!! Thanks

  12. Anna

    Wow! This was my first time having a proper go at one of these. I picked up her activism and being arrested for it. I also picked up WW2, but didn’t mention it, as I was afraid it was too specific and didn’t trust that info.

    Can’t wait to try more of these 🙂

  13. Marie

    Wow, I surprised myself with this one… in my notes I had jotted down that this girl was serious, dedicated to a cause, and lived thru tragedy and devastation, like the Holocaust… my mouth just dropped open! Thanks Anna for these opportunities to test ourselves!

  14. Pj

    I always participate in the experiments, but this is the first time I ever posted my … feelings? The clearest trait or anything I could make out was her strength. I just KNEW this was a strong individual… In ways that was difficult to articulate. “A tough cookie” was the phrase that kept circling in my mind, and that normally means, to me as goofy as it sounds, “someone who has stood in the face of an unbearable obstacle, and never wavered”. We all have our personal phrases that translate to something else, right? Lol

  15. Nancy Bragin

    I also picked up strong impressions of music, the arts, the violin, and love of German composers, and was surprised you did not mention this connection to this amazing woman.

    In Nazi Germany A LOVE OF THE ARTS led a few German students to sacrifice their lives to publish an underground newsletter. Sophie Scholl was one of those students and their resistance group was named The White Rose. The memoirs of one of the surviving members, the first uncensored English translations of their leaflets, gives a moving look at the relationship between art and resistance. It is illuminated by the art of the German Expressionists and the music of Bach, Beethoven and Schubert.

    Thank you for introducing me to this remarkable woman. “The sun still shines.” Indeed.

  16. Pat

    I said, ‘At some point she has become very determined to get her own back and to fight for what she believes in. She has a steely determination. There is strong connection with war. ‘
    I did keep thinking of Ann Frank when I saw her picture but I knew it wasn’t her. What a brave young woman she was and what an inspiration.

  17. Katrina

    I got a lot of accuracy on this one, more than I usually do with these experiments. I got that she died young, that she helped in a political sense during the war, that she was strong minded and not afraid to stand out against the prevailing rule, that she was politically motivated. It seems that others got more this time too, I wonder if that is partly because of her physical resemblance to Anne Frank which may have influenced us? Or maybe her positive strength lives on in her photographic image?

  18. Lise

    I felt her goodness and strength immediately and an Ann Frank impression like others mentioned. Moments into the contemplation I sensed the negativity which confused me and made me doubt my initial sense.

    I was moved to tears when I read the description of her life and the realization that 8 years ago I inadvertently named my only child after her, Sofia Magdelena.

    Anna I wrote to you months ago in response to your cats death but decided against sending because doing so is put of my comfort zone. For 10 years I had the pleasure of sharing life with a cat I named Big Boy. The account you wrote of your profound connection and loss was so moving and I empathized completely. The fact we had chosen the same name for our pet lingered with me as uncanny things often do. Now the historic figure you chose shares my child’s name. Clearly if I’m receiving your news letter I have intuitive tendencies but I wonder what this particular Ping is trying tell me……I’d love your opinion. Does this happen to you all the time? Thank you for the work you do!

  19. Raelene

    I picked up that she was a girl that faced many challenges. That she was a very strong person and very determined. I did not pick up darkness at all, I picked up goodness with a lot of fear.

  20. Sandy

    I picked up on Germany, (Anne Frank though I knew it was not her), the large family and most especially the little brother. Her protecting other younger children and fighting the Nazi movement.

    Thanks, I love these experiments!

    Thank you!

  21. EC

    This was the first time I tried an experiment like this. I picked up on her strong determination and fiery energy. Intuitive flashes of: resistance, fighting for the underdog and Second World War came to me. First I did not trust her, but with more tuning in I realized this was an extremely old and strong soul with something intellectual in her face as well. Remarkably, my throat started to feel discomfortable. I did not take the time to tune in more, because I was too curious to know whether I had picked up on something ‘right’

  22. Rosie

    I haven’t been keeping up but I got your email and read the article about how to deal with doubt when working on developing your intuitive abilities (lovely). And as I scrolled down to the photo (above) I stopped before reading the reveal and grabbed a notebook and wrote down the following:
    Very sensitive. Dealing with an issue like a large historical movement or similar. A leader or someone of some stature within a movement against something corrupt -political or societal. Very strong.

  23. Anna

    Well done everyone – some great hits among these comments!

    Ulrik – This is great additional information to have about her – thanks v much for posting it! I would love to read your blog about her when it’s written. I’d love to hear a talk about her life too.

    Deb Brooks – Maybe you were picking up on the letters between Sophia and Fritz (see Ulrik’s comment) !

    Amber – Well done! A good reminder to go with your own instincts even if they differ from everyone else’s!

    Lise – How funny you accidentally named your daughter after her (and had a cat called Big Boy). I’m guessing he was also a large cat 😉 Yes – get lots of synchronicities with people who follow my website – it’s great! 🙂

  24. Amy

    This is so amazing, thank you Anna! I too picked up on Germany, WWII, and Anne Frank. It seemed to me that I was using logic to come to that conclusion (black and white photos, the hairstyle, the neutral to sad, reflecting expression on her face) and I was seriously doubting any psychic activity on my part. My last thought was “Bonnie and Clyde”, which I’m now wondering if it was my interpretation of a violent death. More than anything, and it is hard to explain, but having reflected on this for a day or so, I can kind of feel a subtle difference between what I perceive through my senses and experience vs. what I just “know” (or “knew” when I was looking at the photo of Sophie) If that makes sense! I appreciate the exercise, I enjoy these soooo much. =)

  25. Shelby

    I think I pretty much nailed something, this is what i posted initially:
    Shelby on August 21, 2015 at 2:43 am
    I feel as though this is a young girl teenager who seems to have suffered something not sure it could be something as extreme as maybe the Holocaust or maybe something else Like a domestic violence type of situation in either case this young woman (young lady young girl) definitely made the headlines looks like maybe the 40s or the 50s ummm sad girl inner strength though….she’s a personality type that goes from one extreme to the other and whatever this person does it’s huge…she may have died young

  26. Shannon Cox

    I thought I was way off too, reading all the comments. So super excited how accurate I was also…”I got the name ‘ Hannah’ while I was looking at this girl. I get the feeling she is English or European and born 1930’s. She seems as though she had to face some hurdles as a young girl. Something to do with her family, maybe a disability of some kind. She is strong & fiesty and seems to be destined towards helping others. Standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I feel as though her life was not long. I don’t think she had children. She seems to be someone you could trust but very stubborn and set in her ways. She may have met someone she liked but I don’t think she found any life partners. mmm curious to see how much of this is right” Reading re her partner in life made sooo much sense. I did get Anne Frank feeling straight away but thought it was the hair, dress etc. Aaah thanks Anna so much – a little bit more faith in my abilities xxx

  27. Amanda

    I failed! I read she was angry in pain had hard life was withdrawn. Died an old woman,no children and forgotten I didn’t see, much just felt these emotions off her. There was the feeling of a concentration camp. Abuse. ..I see only emotions not facts. …is this wrong? Do I fail?

  28. Rosemary

    i picked up a violent death and thought she was a student (or maybe teacher).
    I also thought she was trustworthy yet very troubled.
    Surprised myself on this one! 🙂

  29. Shyann

    wow, I totally got her character all wrong ! I feel so bad for her, I really
    sucked at this one. Obviously I wasn’t focused or in tune enough. oh well.

  30. Anna

    Amanda – It’s OK if you only pick up on emotions – that is a great place to start.

    I don’t really see anyone as having failed the experiments. It’s cool when you get it right, but actually the more you get it wrong, the more insight you gain into how you can improve for next time!

  31. Anna

    Well done Rosemary, Shannon, Shelby and Amy!

  32. marilyn

    I picked up on her European roots. I felt that she endured much difficulty, and perhaps some physical hardship though this was not her choice. I saw her as kind and gentle, intelligent and successful at academics. Ann Frank actually came to me while trying to read her.

  33. Ulrik Kristiansen

    Anna, thanks for your words – I’m glad you, or anyone else, wasn’t put off by my long reply. I guess it is what happens when we get hit by inspiration(s).

    I’ve expanded upon my thoughts about Sophie’s growth into becoming a resistance fighter in this article:

    But I will do a more thorough article about her life later on. I feel there are so many lessons to be drawn from that relatively brief space of time she got here on Earth – or chose if you will.

    Like with Anne Frank, who dreamt of being a journalist and mused to herself:

    “I finally realized that I must do my schoolwork to keep from being ignorant, to get on in life, to become a journalist, because that’s what I want! I know I can write …, but it remains to be seen whether I really have talent … ”

    What I feel we can take with us from these remarkable lives is that some very inconspicuous actions, like writing a diary under certain circumstances, may have a huge impact later on.

    It’s all about the intention of love and good-will that is behind that seemingly small action.

    Handing out leaflets in Munich, trying to rouse students and the public to see the war as ‘evil’ surely must have felt like a drop in the ocean, too, for Sophie Scholl. But if only she had known the legacy she would leave, like Anne’s diary.

    Real people who could have been anyone of us – and in them: mixes of both light and shadow that was picked up by many of your readers.

    But those two women were looking most strongly at the light, even when it seemed farthest away.

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