Graduates of
Anna’s professional level

The Professional Intuitive Healing Program Graduates
The Intuitive Healing graduates listed below are certified to offer cord cutting sessions, release earthbound spirits, and a variety of astral debris for clients. They are personally recommended by Anna.

Braden Ong
I am passionate about helping others become their best potential selves, and I offer this help in three areas: relationships, health, and neuroscience.
In the area of relationships, over the years, I’ve learned that understanding and naming the unhealthy dynamics in toxic and resentful relationships is critical for us to contain the big emotions and evolve so we can make different choices, take different actions, and trust ourselves not to repeat those unhealthy dynamics moving forward.
Time does not heal relationship wounds, as opposed to conventional beliefs. WE are the ones who can heal them, and we need to be proactive and see from non-victimized perspectives in order to transform into the best possible selves in this lifetime.
Our success in life is a reflection of our relationships with ourselves, others, and life. I help others succeed in their relationships with relationship coaching and Anna Sayce’s Intuitive Healing modality.
In the area of health, as a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner, I help my clients understand the interactions between the internal systems in our body and how stress, from a myriad of ways (food, environment, relationships, chemicals, drugs, …), is causing the symptoms they are experiencing with verifiable lab results. I coach them to implement changes in their lifestyle and get back onto a recovery path with changes in diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements.
In the area of neuroscience, as a certified Awakened Mind Practitioner Trainer with decades of experience in the Information Technology field, I use my knowledge in neurofeedback and I.T. to help others advance in spiritual development and tackle psychological symptoms (like anxiety, PTSD, depression, …) with neurofeedback home training and EEG assisted meditations.
I am also an entrepreneur with a keen interest in hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Bio-Geometry, and Bio-Well.
My website: bradenong.com

Jessica “Ruby” Hernandez
Jessica “Ruby” is a licensed holistic Psychotherapist, Yoga Instructor and Spiritual Integration Coach who loves holding space for Sensitives, such as HSP’s, Psychics, Empaths and Introverts, to come into their fully-expressed, authentic, empowered, & unapologetically groovy selves without getting stuck in burnout.
As a Sensitive and Intuitive herself, she understand the struggles of her clients, but mostly kept that side of herself private in an effort to blend in with the “muggles.” One day, during the pandemic, she decided it’s a shame to waste innate gifts, and she didn’t want to hide her authentic self anymore, so she pursued her desire to share them with others. Upon completing training with Anna Sayce’s Intuitive Healer Program, she has been granted the blessing of Anna to begin offering Intuitive Healing sessions to clients. It brings her great joy as she watches synchronicities, new understanding and deep healing unfold for her clients during their Cord Cutting sessions.
Jessica Ruby’s offerings include Cord Cutting, EFT Tapping, Spiritual Integration Coaching, and private Yoga lessons.
Learn more at her website: HolisticTherapyLMFT.com

Dannah Chaifetz

Hello, my name is Gema and I am a certified Intuitive Akashic Record Reader and Healer. I am also an angel card reader, reiki master, ancestral energy healer, and a Happy for No Reason Trainer. I also connect people with their loved ones who have transitioned and passed through the veils.
Let me share something about me.. I had a normal childhood, growing up with my mom, dad and sister. I’d always had a good six sense, but I thought that it was pure luck. A few years ago I discovered that was not the case. My dad committed suicide and understandably, my life changed completely. At that time, I became very interested in studying the angels and learning more about energy and healing. While I was seeking answers I also remembered how these things had already been a part of my life since childhood. Feeling reconnected and inspired, I started taking courses and now feel at home with my incredible gift of intuition. It is a passion to support people like you to discover your true essence and guide you through the challenges and breakthroughs that life brings us.
It is possible to clear old energy that may be holding you back while also connecting with your own guides (who are not far away) so that you may experience healing and happiness at every level of your life.
For more information please visit my website – www.radiantenergyhealing.com
Hola!! Me llamo Gema y estoy certificada en lecturas intuitivas y akáshicas. También leo las cartas de los Ángeles y soy sanadora energética y graduada del programa Ser Feliz sin Razón. Conecto con los seres queridos que ya no están en esta dimensión.
Si quieres saber más de mí por favor ve a mi website – www.radiantenergyhealing.com

Andrea Graham
As a child, I was sensitive, imaginative, and creative. I grew up summers playing on the shores of Lake Superior in the north woods of Upper Michigan. While I loved being with my close friends, I was instinctively solitary and found joy in reading, writing, and daydreaming amongst the trees. The natural world is still a source of magic and inspiration to me, as is connecting with and helping others.
I am an Intuitive Energy Healer and Psychic. I can sense emotions, feel energy, see and hear messages from spirit guides and angels, and I receive information in intuitive downloads. My goal is to provide you with messages for healing, soul discovery, and to pathways of new growth as you walk your journey in this lifetime.
Website: theleafheartpath.com
I also have an ETSY store under the name: The Leaf Heart Path

Kelli Reese
Read Kelli’s full profile here.

Shelly Ebeling
Shelly Ebeling is a Professional Intuitive currently living in Hawaii, USA. Shelly has been certified in Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program, Intuitive Reading Program and her Intuitive Healing Program.
After years of ignoring her sensitivity to energy and strong Empath gifts, Shelly was called upon by Spirit to use her Clairvoyance and channeling skills to bring clarity and healing to her clients in a personal and down-to-Earth way.
In addition to offering Akashic Record Readings, Shelly specializes in (and really enjoys!) helping others with both Decision Based Readings and Career Guidance Readings. Readings are offered all over the world via phone or Skype.
To book a cord cutting session with Shelly please visit her website.

The Intuitive Reading Program Graduates
The Intuitive Reading graduates listed below are certified to offer both Akashic Record Readings and Intuitive Readings (encompassing decisions, relationships, Spirit Guides and career).

Shelly Ebeling
Read Shelly’s full profile here.
Kelli Reese
Read Kelli’s full profile here.

Inga Kastrone
Inga was trained in various energy healing modalities, and combines her work in the Akashic Records with intuitive healing at the soul level. She is specifically interested in removing blocks and obstructions to living an abundant, spirit-filled life, and focuses on relationship readings and healing past lives.
For Inga, accessing the Akashic Records has been an empowering soul activation that helped her connect more fully with her soul and access much deeper levels of intuition. She loves helping others connect with their purpose and mission through understanding their soul urges, gifts and the energy they are bringing into this life as a soul. She is honored to offer Akashic Record readings and intuitive guidance to fellow seekers on the path and to assist her clients in living more fully from their soul.
You can find out more about Inga and her services on her website or on her Facebook page.
Michelle Schmidt
Michelle Schmidt is an accredited Crystal Oracle Reader / Practitioner, a Certified Angel Intuitive & Angel Card Reader ™
She resides in Melbourne, Australia. Michelle’s life experiences and background as a Reiki & Seichim Master and an accredited Advanced Crystal Healer and other healing modalities has prepared her to assist others on many levels in providing excellent service and value, by combining all of her expertise.
She is a bringer of positive energies and optimism; her soul urge is to assist others to reach their fullest potential by bringing light to all aspects in life. She enjoys working with Spirit and passing on valuable information from the Akashic Records & Spirit Guides, to empower and assist all on their life journey.
Michelle offers Akashic Record Reading, Spirit Guide Profile Reading, Decision-Making Reading, Relationship Reading, Career Reading, and General Intuitive Readings. She also offers Healing Services and provides other Spirit Guidance Readings.
For more information please visit her website or Facebook page.

Lucia Roberts
My name is Lucia Sienna Roberts, I’m in my forties and originally from Denmark. I am a Certified Clairvoyant & Reiki Healer living and working from a house by the sea in Brighton, Southern England.
I have completed Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading & Intuitive Reading Programs, and offer individually tailored readings via email. I also offer Angel Intuitive Guidance, Reiki Healing Sessions and Distance Healing.
My background is in Personal Training, Fitness, Massage Therapy, Social Anthropology & TV Production. As a child, I was highly intuitive and sensitive and always felt a close connection with nature, animals, angels, spirits and the magical dimensions. All my life, I’ve had a passion for psychology and helping others achieve health and happiness in their lives, and the last three years, I have been working professionally with Clairvoyance, empowerment and self-development.
Wendy Kimpton
My name is Wendy and I am a qualified Intuitive Akashic Medium. I give accurate intuitive readings, which can help empower everyone on their journey here. I use my intuition, channelling abilities and gifts of Clairvoyance, Place and Physical Empathy to gain accurate details to pass on to all clients that come to me.
I wish to guide others with inspirational knowledge which can help empower everyone to move forward and use their own gifts they were born with. Each reading will be personally created for each soul in mind, with detailed information that can help one to reach their ultimate goals in life.
I am also offering spirit communication, spiritual clearings, healings and attunements. If you are interested in these readings please visit Akashic Awakenings or email me: akashicintuitive[at]gmail.com

Debra Reeves
Debra Reeves is an intuitive with over twenty years experience communicating directly with Spirit. Originally from New Zealand, Debra lives with her husband and three sons on the heart shaped island of Tasmania, off the South Eastern tip of Australia.
Debra was called upon to be a Spirit Rescue Worker when she was 21, assisting lost souls (earthbound spirits) to enter the light. She spent 5 years travelling and working through Asia and the Near East, where she learned to think in a more expansive way that embraced all spiritual and religious traditions and cultures. By the age of 27, Debra had studied Usui Reiki to Master Level, Spiritual Healing, Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Traditional Thai massage (northern style) and Vipasana Meditation. Most recently, Debra completed Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading & Intuitive Reading Programs.
Debra offers Akashic Readings, Spirit Guide Profile Readings, Career Readings, Decision Readings, Relationship Readings, General Intuitive Readings, and Spiritual Mentoring.
Debra uses her skills and experience to assist the living to make the most from life. By accessing your soul’s information in the Akashic Records and communicating with your Spirit Guides, Debra offers you a deep understanding of your unique soul gifts, your soul journey, and how to create a future aligned with your highest path and purpose.
For more information, please visit her website.
Akashic Record Reading Program Graduates
Graduates listed below are all certified by Anna to give Akashic Record Readings.
If you’re after an Akashic Record Reading, I know that any of the readers below will be able to help you, and take pride in their work.
(To find out more about the Akashic Record Reading Program, please visit this page.)

Alexa Darrin
Hi, I’m Alexa. I’m a certified Akashic Record Reader, Psychic Medium, and Intuitive Counselor. I love helping people at a crossroads tap into their soul gifts, reconnect with their Higher Self, and take inspired action towards living the life of their dreams.
The Akashic Records are a powerful resource for understanding yourself on a soul level and the challenges and patterns that appear in your life. I’ve always loved personality tests, so discovering the Akashic Records and Soul Profile readings was pretty magical, and it is super empowering for my clients. I offer written Akashic Record readings and Spirit Sessions on Zoom where I connect with your Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides, and sometimes even loved ones who’ve crossed over to guide you in any and all areas in your life. You can find out more information on my website or by booking a free 15-minute consultation.
My website: alexadarrin.
My TikTok: tiktok.

Juliette Kristine Conner
Juliette Kristine is an Award Winning Manifestation Coach, Intuitive Healer and Akashic Record Reader who specializes in helping success-minded individuals get unstuck so they can manifest their next-level of love, money and success.
Recognised as a Manifesting Expert, Juliette’s blog has attracted over 600,000 readers and she’s been featured in over 23+ media publications including: Today.com, Yoga Journal, Well + Good, Women’s Health Magazine and more.
With results that range from: $35K in business opportunities, $50k unexpected income, TV appearances, $18K big name clients, their soulmate, pregnancies, weight loss and more, Juliette has been described as having the ‘magic touch’ when it comes to helping people get what they want (even when they’ve tried all the things!)
To book a reading: juliettekristine.com/akashic-
Website: juliettekristine.com

Kamila Ataman
Hey there! I’m Kamila, an Energy Healer and Akashic Records Reader, passionate about self-growth and human psyche.
Throughout my own personal journey, I’ve immersed myself in awakening and honing my abilities. I’ve been fortunate to meet incredible mentors and teachers who have guided me along the way (side note: none of them used crystal bowls ;)).
However, the most profound lessons have come from within myself. It’s through my own experiences and those of my clients that I’ve discovered the empowering results of energy healing and psychic work, which have the potential to truly transform lives.
Being psychic is not reserved for a select few; it’s a natural gift we all possess. It’s about embracing practice and dedication to unlock its full potential.
If you are someone who is curious and wants to learn how to develop your spirituality or you feel in need of some healing and guidance and perhaps feeling more connected to your own inner guidance, then I can definitely help you.
My instagram: @kamila.ataman

I am Kata from Croatia, a graduate of Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading Program. I find passion in working with women through body-oriented psychotherapy, sensual dance and research of the feminine principle. My goal is to empower women in their strength, wholeness and authenticity through finding their unique soul purpose and gifts. Creating spaces for safety and connection are my driving forces as well as finding tools and ways for deep integrative healing on every level of Being.
You can reach me on Instagram: @essentia.eterna
Or E-mail: essentia.eterna[at]gmail.com

julia Ng
Hi, I’m Julia. I care about bridging the intangible and the practical because spirituality doesn’t have to be airy-fairy and is expressed in many forms. While Akashic Record readings and astrology are my favourite interior tools for guidance, perspective and clarity, I also love experimenting with ideas from learning, productivity, psychology and PKM (personal knowledge management).
I’m always looking to develop anchors for life. and live each day with more intention. I don’t have all the answers (who does? :)) but I aim to create space for exploration, questions, ideas, opinions and perspectives through my readings and newsletters. If you want to see your big picture, express your purpose and maximise your potential, pop by [The Lucid Path] (https://thelucidpath.com) and join me on my journey.

Jessica “Ruby” Hernandez
Read Jessica’s full profile here.

jeanette Raucci
Hello! My name is Jeanette but you are welcome to call me J. I’m a Certified Empowerment Coach, a Soul Journey Mentor, and Personal Autonomy Advocate.
As your Akashic Record and Empowerment facilitator, my purpose is to help you feel validated in who you are, connected to something greater, and bring purpose into your present lifetime. Above all, my work supports you to feel empowered to be who you truly are!

andrea Graham
As an Intuitive Energy Healer and Psychic, Andrea Graham uses her natural empathic abilities to provide messages for healing, soul discovery, and growth. She specializes in working with others who are highly sensitive, introverted, or who are striking out on their own spiritual journey.
In addition to Akashic Record Readings, Andrea’s offerings include a variety of healing services: Aura Cleansing, Chakra Rebalancing, Distance Reiki, and her favorite, the deeply rewarding Cord Cutting Sessions.
Through her study of the Akashic Records and conducting Cord Cutting Sessions, Andrea has discovered a strong connection between healing and exploration of clients’ past lives. By examining and healing the past, clients are often given a new lens through which to view their present experiences.
Andrea enjoys spending time in the north woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on Lake Superior. It was here, as a child, she discovered her Spirit Guides, and witnessed the deep interconnection of all living things. In addition to spending time in nature, Andrea has a life-long passion for psychology, inner work, studying the Tarot, and helping others through active listening and witnessing. She loves working with crystals for healing, and coaching developing intuitives. Some of Andrea’s most popular intuitive sessions are Spirit Guide and Spiritual Gifts Readings. She holds a degree in psychology from The University of Pittsburgh, and spent over a decade teaching and counseling students and families both privately and in public schools.
You can visit her website here: theleafheartpath.com
Or to directly book, please visit: etsy.com/shop/TheLeafHeartPath

amy Wong
My name is Amy and I’m a graduate of Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading Program. I am also an Energy Healer and Meditation Teacher. I currently reside in Sydney, Australia.
My journey into Spirituality started a few years ago during my Saturn Return when I started to become aware that my childhood unhealed wounds and unmet needs have been impacting my relationships my whole adulthood. Originally I wanted to dive into Spirituality and the various modalities (Energy Healing, Astrology, Numerology & Akashic Record Reading) to understand more about me, find answers to all the puzzling questions and ultimately heal my own wounds. However the more I’ve progressed on my own Spiritual Path and Self Discovery journey, the clearer ‘The Calling’ or ‘Higher-Self’ voice became and I knew I didn’t just want to learn all this for myself — that I actually have a deeper innate desire to use what I’ve learned to help and inspire other people and accelerate them on their respective path of evolution.
I currently offer Akashic Records Reading via email or Zoom. Accessing the Akashic Records can provide valuable wisdom about a soul’s purpose, gifts, history and personality. For me personally, I was able to understand my soul’s purpose, came to peace with why I was attracting certain experiences in my life and ultimately found directional clarity about my future. I look forward to reading for your soul!
Website: www.presentmomentz.com.au

I am an Akashic Record Reader….but also a Certified Management Accountant with a degree in MBA (Indiana), and a government certified Business Consultant (Japan). I am also a million miller at an international airline because I have traveled all over the world for more than two decades on business. I speak English, Japanese, Spanish and know a fair amount of French. I also have a family of five, including three boys. So, as you can see, I may not be a typical intuitive reader but I understand all the normal, human aspects of life. And I am proud to be so grounded!
The concept of reincarnations, and the spirits and the worlds that are invisible to most people, have always fascinated me since I was a child. Yet for many years I was busy with my studies in business, professional career and raising a family. About 10 years ago I got a calling and stared being drawn to the spiritual side. Over the last decade I have made a big spiritual leap.
I enjoy reading for people because it is what my soul enjoys and it fills my heart with unspeakable sense of satisfaction and pleasure. I believe it is one of my soul purposes for the rest of this lifetime.

Julie Saccary
My spiritual journey started with Reiki and got my Reiki Master Certificate. That enabled me to do some healing on myself. I also did some sessions with other practitioners, quite a few Cellular Transformation workshops (psycho-spiritual healing modality), and a few Akashic Record Readings. I also took an Intuitive course after having an Akashic Record Reading. I wanted to know more. Then I took a Akashic Records Reader course. I discovered that everyone could be psychic and we all have the abilities and gifts. Mine was to see a person’s past life that their guides felt was the most beneficial for a person to hear at that time.
Website: www.juliedanielle.org

alicia Hamilton
Alicia has trained with Anna Sayce in the following courses: Akashic Record Reading Program, Intuitive Awakening and Energy Clearing & Spaces. Now offering Soul Profile Readings through the Akashic Records.
With a decade of spiritual development, an honest search for truth and a sincere desire to be of service to others, Alicia invites you to know yourself at the core of who you really are on the soul level with an Akashic Record Reading. Having an opportunity to understand yourself on the soul level is one of many amazing ways to self actualization and healing. Approaching truth in a down to earth way and being able to apply those truths is a key to self discovery and freedom.
Alicia lives near the mountains in the beautiful state of Wyoming with her husband, two children and one feisty blue heeler named Sam.
Readings are offered all over the world via email, mp3 recording, and Zoom.
You can currently reach her via email at: acehamilton21[at]yahoo.com or acehamilton333[at]gmail.com with questions or for a personalized reading.
Alicia will be launching her website divinesoulpath.com soon.

claire Solomon
Claire Solomon is an Intuitive Business Strategist that weaves the ancient wisdom of Astrology & Akashic Records insight with inspired technology and marketing innovation.
She’s a Spiritually-Steeped, Sequin-Lovin’ Gal based in Melbourne, Australia who helps her clients see the things that they’re naturally attuned to, where their innate talents lie, and what needs to be created, culled, cleared, automated, or outsourced so they can flourish.
She offers Business Coaching through her Signature System and also individual Soul Purpose Akashic Records Readings either via zoom or in an in-depth digital report emailed to you wherever you are in the world.
You can find out more about Claire and her services on her website: https://clairesolomon.com/

Emily Pearl and Matthew Hollingsworth
Emily and Maty are highly intuitive, empathic, healers that have been married seven years. While working in the Akashic Records they were guided towards a long held dream and their business PearlWorth Vibe came to fruition. Along with it, the discovery that the combination of their feminine and masculine polarities served to amplify the intensity and clarity of their healing work.
Their mission at PearlWorth Vibe is empowering their clients to discover, understand, take ownership of and work to integrate their unique soul vibration into their daily life. Each of their Akashic Record Reports are carefully compiled using their combined intuitive skills, strong guidance, tons of research and come with an additional energetic activation. Each Report comes Reiki charged to help clients not only integrate their soul’s vibe into their past, but to unite all of their energy in the ‘here and now’ resulting in a powerful activation. The PearlWorth Vibe Akashic Record Report is a blueprint of YOU and a great foundation for working towards personal empowerment by self realization.
Both have an extensive background in Reiki and the hospitality industry. Maty’s background also includes creating bar programs from scratch and has won awards for his unique and elaborate flavor combinations. Additionally, Emily has 13 years experience as a massage therapist. She also coached all star cheerleading and performed in a breakdancing crew. They currently live in Asheville, NC and when they aren’t putting energy into their business they enjoy hiking, viewing wildlife, and traveling the world together.
Website – soulvibeinsights.com

laura Lì-Wéi Sheffer
I am a medical intuitive and an Akashic Record reader. I will soon be licensed as an acupuncturist in the state of California. It is my joy to help others in healing. Although I am fully rooted and engaged in the physical and in the mental, my approach to healing absolutely engages the emotional and the spiritual. I am excited to help others identify their soul path, purpose, gifts and lessons through Akashic Record readings.
I am so grateful to have found Anna’s offerings. Her Akashic Record reading course is exceptionally well-organized, suitable for self-paced learners, suitable for both visual and auditory learners, accessible and quickly applicable for use with clients. I felt I had the freedom to learn in the privacy of my own space, and at the same time, I knew I had access to support through her team and her online forum. I also appreciate her certification process as I enter the Akashic Record reading profession because I know I am going in with professional support. I have no idea how she manages to do so much, but am grateful for all that she does.
Connect with Laura on Instagram: @laurasheffer_medicalintuitive

Dominique Claire
Dominique discovered intuitive living 10 years ago and never looked back. With a wide range of interests and experiences, her journey has led her into many intuitive practices.
With a background in tech and a passion for arts, Dominique’s offerings have a unique groundedness to them. Her ability to take intuitive guidance, research and messages into the ‘real world’ resonates strongly with her clients.
Originally from Australia, she now calls New York City home. Following her own passion for dance and her husband’s passion as an engineer, they picked up their lives and moved halfway around the world. During this challenging time, Dominique really dived into personal practices and training in Akashic Record Reading, Feminine Embodiment, Dance, Oracle Card Readings, and meditation.
She now focuses on offering Akashic Record Readings (or Soul Readings) and providing support and coaching to those experiencing hair loss (through conditions like Alopecia Areata). Combining intuitive and movement practices, her mission is to help womxn come back to their authentic self and uncover their own unique gifts and superpowers.
To book a reading, her website is www.dominiqueclaire.net/akashic-record-reading.
You can also email her at hello@dominiqueclaire.net

Karen Marshall
Hello! I am Karen Marshall, a soon-to-be-retired high school English teacher with a penchant for spirituality. From my teenage years on, I was endlessly curious about a wide variety of spiritual topics. When I was 19, I obtained my first set of Tarot cards and enjoyed using them to do readings for myself and friends. Fifteen years later, marriage and raising my five children took center stage. Being a Navy wife meant relocating several times, and as my family grew, I focused my energy on raising healthy, happy children. My oldest daughter says I was one of the original “crunchy” Mamas!
In 2015, my younger daughter passed into spirit and our family’s lives were changed forever. In October of 2018, I was led to Rhythmia, a spiritual retreat and life advancement center. My heart was soothed, my body healed, and my spirit transformed through the many spiritual healing modalities there. I returned home to Maui on a mission to find tools to carry out my purpose: to serve Spirit by helping other spiritual seekers on their journeys and to learn to use energy healing.
During the second half of 2018, I completed the requirements for Akashic Record Reading certification and Anna’s course on Energy Clearing for Spaces. I will begin Reiki training in January. The name of my business, Ala Lani, is made up of two Hawaiian words: ala, meaning way, path or stairway; and lani, meaning the stars or the heavens. I currently offer Akashic Record Readings and Tarot Readings via Skype, and local Energy Space Clearings.
Bibi Boyadjieva
Bibi Boyadjieva is a Professional Astrologer, Akashic Records and Tarot Cards Reader, Psychic and Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Additionally, Bibi holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Science (MSc) degrees. She has many different interests and passions and travels the world to continually gather knowledge and deepen her understanding and experience in each of these fields. The overarching team of her qualifications and educations has always been exploring different self-discovery, healing and empowerment modalities.
Currently, her main fascination is investigating deeply into the human psyche through the lenses of Western Astrology and The Akashic Records on one side, and Modern Psychology on the other. In her coaching sessions, she incorporates Tarot and Oracle Cards and intertwines tools from her studies in Yoga Philosophy and Meditation. Bibi uses her psychic gifts to navigate through her consultations with greater clarity, to connect with higher frequencies of consciousness and deliver additional guidance. Her mission and life purpose are to empower people by helping them find their True Authentic Self and giving them permission to be that Self unapologetically. She is working on inspiring her clients to know themselves better, to discover their underlying individual and unique source of light and to gather the motivation and courage to share this light with the rest of the world.
The essence of her work is to initiate and facilitate her clients’ evolution and self-growth on the levels of body, mind and soul. Bibi is helping clients all over the world to achieve their personal and professional goals, by identifying core astrological and psychological blueprints, unique strengths and potential challenges. She specializes in creating personalized plans and providing tools to inspire, empower and liberate others to become their highest and most authentic version of themselves, to achieve their desired goals and to overcome with confidence the challenges and setbacks that may arise along the way.
For more information:
Email: bibi.sacred.authenticity[at]gmail.com
Facebook: Sacred Authenticity
Instagram: @sacred.authenticity
Website: www.sacred-authenticity.com

Kelli Reese
Kelli Reese has trained with Anna Sayce in the following: Intuitive Healing Program, Akashic Record Reading and Intuitive Awakening.
She is an Author and Certified Leadership Coach. She works privately with female founders and women in management & executive roles to finally free them from the chronic self-worth issues holding them back. In her research, she’s discovered that what’s keeping soulful, empathic women from thriving in the highly visible leadership roles they were born to succeed in isn’t “imposter syndrome”: it’s childhood shame cycles – a confidence-destroying feeling of never being enough.
Kelli combines years of experience in business and leadership with decades of personal growth and spiritual development. Through Kelli’s signature method, she’s helping women thrive in their roles and get the recognition (and the fulfillment), they deserve. Her clients feel more like themselves than ever, while having the impact they’re meant to have.
Kelli lives full time in an Airstream with her pug and cat. When she’s not working you can find her planning her next adventure, hiking in the mountains, hanging out with trees, soaking in hot springs, nurturing her obsession with finding amazing second-hand clothing and cooking dinner for friends.
Want to work with Kelli? Visit her here www.kellireese.com. Join her community to receive advanced notice of private readings, Sacred Soul Journey retreats, and more.
Patty Swiatly
Hi! My name is Patty. I am an Intuitive Development Coach, Certified Angel Intuitive/Angel Card Reader, and Akashic Records Practitioner. I have completed both Anna’s Akashic Record & Intuitive Awakening Courses, both of which have had a positive impact in my readings for other people and in my own life and career! I reside in Chicago, IL USA.
I have always been very intuitive and fascinated by the spiritual and metaphysical world, and became interested in astrology and tarot as a teenager. I’m also very fascinated by the subtle world of energy and spirituality and have been studying these my whole life. Amongst these, I’ve also been a massage therapist for 27 years, and am trained in body-centered psychotherapy, yoga, nutrition, and chakra balancing.
Through my readings, I enjoy helping people tap into their soul purpose and gifts, and to show them how to navigate these to find fulfillment in their career, relationships or other areas of life they need guidance with. I also enjoy helping people become empowered through their intuitive strengths and gifts, and so much more.
To get your Akashic Record Reading, you can visit my website here. Readings can be done via Skype, Zoom, or by Phone if in the USA. I look forward to connecting with you!

Akashic Record Readings definitely reveal answers and interesting facts; it could bring closure and more than likely it will stir up a few questions. I have been working with people all my life and for more than 30 years now, I have been offering sessions through healing energy systems, massage etc… My passion is to help people become happy and fulfilled. I offer readings in both English and French.
Contact via my website me at or info[at]wellbeingenergy.com.
Energetically yours, Johanne
I was born in Europe, Lithuania. where I spent most of my life. Despite of deep interest in psychology, languages and writing I graduated University and obtained a degree in Thermal Engineering science. In 1998 I moved into United States, Colorado.
Through all my life I have been experiencing the heightened sensitivity to all forms of energy expressions. Occasionally, I was helping my loved ones and friends with some medical intuitive insights or advises based on my clairvoyant gift and authentic energy perception.
Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program directed me onto the path of truly understanding my inborn psychic ability at deeper professional level and guided me into emotionally exiting and fulfilling spiritual journey.
From the very first Akashic Records reading I realized that by integrating my uniquely expressed soul gifts and adding other types of energy readings I am able to provide extended information to ones who are looking for personal spiritual growth and harmony as well as emotional wellness and physical health.
To learn more click here.

Shar Jason
Hi! My name is Shar and I’m a graduate of Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program. I am a psychic medium and love to provide Akashic Record readings to my clients. I take great care to type up a detailed report and email it as a PDF document so you can refer to it for the rest of your life. I love the feedback I get and am constantly fascinated at how much this type of reading can change someone’s life. It doesn’t just provide clarity, but is also motivating and empowering.
Jennifer Brown
Hi! I’m Jennifer I live in Helena, Montana with my husband of 12 years along with my two beautiful daughters; Scotland (10) and Scarlett (7).
My own spiritual journey began before I even realized it. I spent my youth and early 20’s being able to sense different energies around me. I spent that whole time being afraid of them, ignoring them and wishing they would just go away without understanding what they were or what they meant. I finally began to become tired of being afraid all the time and started asking questions to try to find out more about why this was happening.
In trying to understand why I was able to these energies, I learned it wasn’t something to be afraid of and progressed into a journey that was about so much more! I learned not to be afraid, but to accept and learn from what I was experiencing. I also learned how to develop my intuitive abilities in other levels and areas as well.
I now have a much better understanding of how to listen to my own intuition and guides, and can now see how pieces of my life have just fallen together. My goal with my readings is to provide a space of positive energy & light where I can work with you to open pathways to a journey of soul discovery and healing. I was guided to give Akashic Records Readings & to learn Reiki, and through these, I’ve found my calling to help others.
Jennifer’s website is www.sonaenergyhealing.com.

Lana Le
My name is Lana. I help people shift out of their emotional states of doubt, confusion, and indecision. I assist them in finding inner clarity, aligning with their life purpose, and living a more fulfilled life.
I maintain a nurturing, uplifting, and encouraging space. I do intuitive readings through accessing the Akashic Records and energy healings using a number of different modalities to empower souls. I also help people clear out limiting beliefs and cut energetic cords to release all that no longer serves. I often channel messages from Spirit Guides to pass on to clients.
Through my work with my amazing and always loving Spirit Guides and Teachers, I have a deep understanding for soul work.
Find me at my website!
Cathy Kenyeres
Hello. I’m Cathy Kenyeres. I live in the Toronto, Canada area and I am a graduate of Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading Program.
I have been psychic all my life and I love to help people awaken to their soul purpose and/or help them on their journey when they become stuck on their path. As a small child, like many others, I was told I was being silly when I would speak of future thoughts or tell people about what would happen to me in my later years. So I pushed my intuition aside.
I had a life threatening event happen to me as an adult and I am only still here because of divine assistance from above. Shortly after, I started to believe in my intuition again and it became stronger and stronger.
I have been able to bring comfort to many individuals who need clarification in their lives, or to receive messages from deceased loved ones. I also provide Akaskic Record Readings, Angel communication and Mediumship readings.
You can reach me at cathy.kenyeres[at]gmail.com

Mati H Fuller
My name is Mati H Fuller. I am a homeopathic healer and author of a homeopathic psychology book that describes the patterns we came in with and how it affects our relationships. Parts of the book was channeled and written with automatic writing. For the last 15 years, I have also offered channeled sessions to my homeopathy clients whenever they presented me with a case that had roots into past lives. I have recently graduated from Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program and can now also offer recorded Akashic Record readings via phone.
My passion is to discover the patterns that go through your life. I have added numerology to the traditional Akashic Record readings to give the readings more depth and to help make the patterns more obvious. At the end of the reading, I also offer an individual channeled message from the Akashic Records that pulls together all the information from the reading.
I love doing Akashic readings for people because I believe that deepened understanding is the key to spiritual transformation, as well as change on the physical plane.
I am so happy and and very impressed with the outcome having done the wonderful Akashic Record Reading Program with Anna. It has made such a difference to my life and being able to accurately read the records. A little bit about me:
I have been blessed to have had the natural psychic ability that is in all of us, but with most it needs to be brought forward and relearned. From as long as I can remember I had many abilities that I thought to be our natural state. I found once starting school that it is not so much accepted and learned how to close things off so not to appear “different”. It was very frustrating to say the least. Later in life I reopened these natural gifts. I have searched for answers and finally found the ones that makes the most sense even though it is to a lot of souls kind of out there.
I have studied many different religions and spiritual beliefs and have drawn wisdom from many sources. They didn’t quite hit the spot I was searching for. That is not to say that each has its own valid perspective. I am quite fond of many of these things. ????
Having found this course through Anna it has finally put the pieces of the puzzle together for me. I learned my soul purpose and where I originated from. This made so much sense and gave me the freedom to know that all my “differences” were normal for who I am and where I came from and most importantly what my purpose in this lifetime was. I am now living the life I was supposed to be living and helping others on their journey to find their soul purpose too.
I offer a variety of readings and also use my visions as an addition, these visions come not only from my guides but from loved ones, both mine and others.

Linda Dawson
Hi! My name is Linda Dawson, I live in New York City, and I am a graduate of Anna Sayce’s Akashic Record Reading Program.
I am excited and grateful to be able to offer Akashic Record Readings. I think that the information given during the readings are amazing confirmations and validations of what we know on a soul-level, but may have forgotten.
My intuitive journey has been exciting, and continues to unfold in beautiful ways as time goes on.
I am a graduate of Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program and am currently offering written Intuitive Readings from the Akashic Record through email.
Though currently living in Nevada, I am originally from Iowa, and a very deeply rooted person. I was an Emotional Empath and Clairsentient from day one, although I never had words for these gifts. Like many people, I did my best to cope in a world that overlooked or downplayed such things. Where I grew up, being sensitive meant you couldn’t take a joke!
However, my down to earth upbringing made me a very balanced left brain/right brain person. A few years ago my spiritual awakening began, and while a whole new hidden world opened up to me, I have kept my balanced nature and bring that quality to my readings.
I love helping people to see what their soul purpose is, what their gifts are, and show them that they already have everything they need to accomplish what they are here to do. Knowledge really is power, and I firmly believe that you should walk away from your reading feeling strong, reassured, and excited about what’s to come next in your life’s journey.
Visit my website. I look forward to working with you.

Diane Cheetham–Leakey Derden
My name is Diane Cheetham–Leakey Derden. I have a healing practice called Bodhi Tree Soul Spa where I offer intuitive healing, Akashic Records reading and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. I have been using energy healing techniques for more than five years and have highly developed psychic abilities and utilize important protective measures and spiritual boundaries with all forms of energy healing and implant and blockage removal as well as for all council and higher self channeling.
When I read your Akashic Records, I work with your higher self and my Akashic Record Spirit Guides to douse for and download information that you need at the time that will give you clarity of your life’s purpose and about the tapestry of your past lives. With a reading, you will be able to lift the veil of forgetfulness and celebrate the eternal aspect of your beautiful soul. I will send you a summary of my findings as well as provide an hour-long phone or Skype session to go over the information gathered from your reading. I am always available for follow-up questions via my website, Facebook page or by email at bodhitreesoulspa[at]yahoo.com
I am a master level Reiki practitioner, a Shamanic Healing practitioner and am certified in ThetaHealing® with advanced training, Trinity Energy Progression®, Akashic Record Reading, and Dolores Cannon’s QHHT® Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy.
I have trained for many years to develop psychic tools to help you. Essentially, I am a facilitator and a witness while your eternal self brings transformation. Being creative, loving, and peaceful is everyone’s birthright, and I am here to remind you of that. Much love for you on your divine journey.
Jordan Prebys
Hello! In addition to being an Intuitive I am also a licensed psychotherapist.
I live in Ohio, one of the United States, but I can work with anyone around the world by phone or Skype. I provide both Akashic Record Readings and Intuitive Support sessions. I combine my intuitive skills, which include claircognizance, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, with my years of experience working with clients as a licensed mental health professional. I greatly enjoyed learning from Anna’s down to earth nature, which fit well with my own way of being in the world. I work holistically and I strive to integrate the mind, body, emotion and spirit in my work. I use my intuitive gifts to heighten these abilities.
What I love about the Akashic Record Readings I provide is they don’t predict the future or direct you regarding what to do, as that power should be kept with you. Instead, my readings are incredibly strength based, and are to be used as a guide to better confirm our soul’s gifts, life path, purpose, and soul lessons that we have chosen to learn this lifetime. My training and expertise as a counselor, although separate from my readings, also helps guide and strengthen my work.
I’m also available to explore life lessons more in depth, as well as other areas one would like to focus on through Intuitive Support Sessions. I provide readings for adults as well as for children and adolescents.

Cynthia Sebry
I have been the “Soul” owner of Essential Energy Healing in Lacombe, Alberta for over 6 years where I teach and practice Reiki. I am passionate about helping women who are ready to powerfully show up to awaken to their true selves! For years, I have known that there was something calling me to help others on a deeper level of healing and understanding and was guided by Spirit to study with Anna.
I am so blessed and honored to have the ability to work with people on a deeper soul level! The clarity, transformations and changes have been empowering for my clients to experience many powerful shifts in their own relationships with themselves.
By utilizing my own unique integrated energy healing skills and energy clearing, it has opened the way for life to flow in my own life, I have overcome anxiety, sleep issues, depression & illness, and am doing what I love! Thank you, Anna!
You can visit my Facebook page.
Namaste, Cynthia
Shannon Dahlen
Hello! My name is Shannon Dahlen and I am currently living in Flagstaff, AZ. I am a level two Reiki practitioner and I also offer Akashic Record readings. I have just completed Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program and am so grateful I was able to find a mentor that was so practical and down to earth.
I have had intuitive abilities since I was very young but didn’t realize or understand what was happening. When I was finally ready and willing to commit to learning and understanding these experiences, Anna’s website magically appeared!
While my life story is unique, I also believe it to be universal. I have lived through a lot of pain, made many mistakes, but in the end it’s serving a higher purpose. I have a soul urge to help others heal, to help people understand their life circumstances, and to help them move forward in their lives without fear.

Cassandra Ocken
A Colorado native and teacher by trade, Cassie spent her college years studying middle school education and history. After seven years as a teacher in the public school system, Cassie began a success-coaching business for at-risk teens in 2000 helping middle and high school youth and their parents connect with their full potential. In 2001 Cassie moved to California and embarked on a dark, yet very enlightening night of the soul!
On December 30, 2004, Cassie became a mother and gave birth to her beloved son. Becoming a mother changed EVERYTHING for Cassie. After settling into motherhood, Cassie began to deeply value the importance of living up to her full potential as a woman and a mother. She became motivated to connect with what made her special and unique so she could be a positive influence and example for her son.
In September, 2010, Cassie traveled to Sedona, Arizona and experienced an intuitive awakening. Upon returning from this spiritual sojourn, Cassie chose to open herself up to exploring her God-given intuitive gifts. She chose to embrace and honor the special abilities she had feared, misunderstood, and resisted her whole life.
In November, 2010, Cassie began intuitive training with Lori Camacho’s 13-month Clairvoyant Intuitive Certification Program, graduating in early 2012. Cassie has also received training and certification through the Akashic Record Reading Program, which allows her to offer specialized Soul Path/Akashic Record Readings. Cassie uses her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, teaching, and coaching to connect with Spirit and deliver empowering messages to clients. Cassie has already assisted many in connecting with their true gifts and potential.
Cassie currently lives in Southern California and commits her time to her wonderful son, her home, her spiritual growth, meditation, yoga, walks on the beach, her clients, and her business.
Peter Huetz
Hi! My name is Peter, I’m from Austria. Right now I offer Akashic Record Readings, and soon I will offer additional readings.
I have been working with Anna for more than two years, and I have to say that she’s one of the best teachers that I’ve ever had. I enjoy having clients from all over the world. People can be so individual, that’s what I like a lot. Everybody is different and has different soul gifts.
I’m optimistic where we all are heading. I think good times are upon us. I’m often light-hearted, but at the same time also grounded and serious about the work that I do. I think you can do meaningful work without being uptight.
I want to inspire people through my blog. You may think you have no talents, but nothing could be further from the truth. The universe gave you magnificent gifts, you just have to find them and live them.
Visit my website.

Kelly Kiss
My name is Kelly Kiss and I am a Spiritual Healing Practitioner located in Burnaby, British Columbia Canada. I offer Akashic record readings and clearings, Reiki classes and sessions, ThetaHealing sessions and Holistic Nutrition consultations and workshops. However, the Universe currently has me busiest with Akashic record readings and energy clearing.
I first learned to read the Akashic records about three years ago through a modality called Soul Realignment™, and just recently completed Anna’s Akashic Record Reading Program – to further enhance my abilities and offer more to my clients. Most of my sessions are done remotely via telephone (or Skype) and I have worked with clients in both Europe and North America.
I love connecting with people, sharing with them what their soul gifts are, and helping them to empower themselves. Most of my readings are just validating what they already know, and just needed to hear from someone else. I feel blessed to be able to connect with such beautiful souls and I am always amazed at how different each reading is –as we are all so unique and special.
For further information or to read testimonials from past clients, please visit my website. You can also find me on Facebook.
Floor Dehing-Schmeitz
I am Floor and I was a high-performing businesswomen. Until everything collapsed and I was stuck with extreme fatigue. I rediscovered my spiritual side and through my journey got introduced to the Akashic Records. It was love at first sight. Helping people find their soul path is my passion.
You can find me on Instagram @FloorsPlaybook.

Mandy Carsten
Hello! My name is Mandy, and I’m a Professional Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Practitioner. My family and I live in Minnesota, where we enjoy hiking through the woods, swimming in the lakes and yes, even playing in the snow. Ok, you got me. My family loves playing in the snow – I love watching them from my living room with a cup of hot coffee in my hand.
My goal is to help you understand your soul’s purpose and the innate gifts you hold. During a reading, we’ll look at your soul gifts, natural talents and life lessons. I’ll channel any messages Spirit wants to send through, and we’ll work together to see how all this information can be applied to your life. My clients enjoy my down to Earth attitude, and have found their Akashic Records reading to be invaluable in determining if the path they’re walking is the one they want to be on.
In addition to Akashic Record readings, I also offer distance healing sessions using a powerful combination of Reiki and emotion pulling. At my core, I’m a healer and I want you to be at your best – whether through a healing session or by reading your records to help you understand your life better. My only question is, how can I help you?
Visit my website to work with me or follow me on Instagram or Facebook – I’d love to connect!
Linda Thorp
I am dedicated to personal growth and service to humanity. I understand how life changing an Akashic Record reading can be. My reading really helped me to understand myself, It enabled me to grow and my whole life has changed for the better. I love helping others to do the same and to help them to understand themselves on a much deeper level. I am also a Reiki Master in many different forms of Reiki, my favorite is Kundalini Reiki and I love working with crystals.
Come visit me at my Facebook page!

Patricia Broder
I am a Soul Mentor and Energy Healer based out of Colorado, USA. I use my training as an Akashic Record reader and energy healer to help people move forward when they are feeling stuck on their soul journey. As a practical intuitive, I love to research and integrate a wide variety of tools into my practice and daily life. I use the Akashic Record reading as a foundation, and then bring in energy healing tools, such as PSYCH-K®, Emotion Code™, Holy Fire® Reiki, plant essences, and crystals to help you shift your energy towards empowerment and action. I work with all levels of clients, from woo-woo newbies to other energy practitioners.
Alex Levy
I am a Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Guide, and an Oracle Deck Creator. I was featured on Buzzfeed as one of the top 7 Male Oracle Card Readers. You can also find me featured in Kindred Spirit Magazine, Unity Online Radio, and my new podcast The Spirit Guided Life.
My goal is to encourage empaths, seekers, and lightworkers to step into their power of wholeness, and ultimate potential.
Come visit me at my website!

Sarah Noble
Life can be unpredictable and challenging and through this we are each the hero of our own journey. The more we reconnect to ourselves, our hearts and our intuition, the more we realize we can do hard things. I am passionate about guiding you to access your courage and strength within, not only to get through uncertain times, but also to find the gifts in your experiences.
As a Modern Day Intuitive, I bridge the space between the seen and the unseen worlds, allowing for healing at the level of the soul. I am a certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, Life Coach, Akashic Record Reader, Mystic, and teacher of Energy Management and Meditation.
Born in England and raised in the Bahamas, I have lived and worked in seven different countries. I love learning, growing, new adventures and everything intuitive. I currently reside in Bend, Oregon with my husband, two kids and our dogs.
You can find more information on my website, Instagram or Facebook – I’d love to connect!
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