The professional

Intuitive Healing


Are you a heart-centred healer or psychic who is looking for new ways to help your clients move beyond relationship challenges, downstream consequences of karmic complexes and other issues that keep them stuck?
Are you a heart-centred healer or psychic who is looking for new ways to help your clients move beyond relationship challenges, downstream consequences of karmic complexes and other issues that keep them stuck?

This course teaches you methods which will enable you to help clients:

  • Get closure on break-ups
  • Release attachments to past partners
  • Heal from past difficult experiences
  • Recover from abusive relationships
  • Improve existing relationships
  • And free themselves up to attract positive, new relationships and experiences into their lives

All of this can be achieved through intuitive healing, which is now available to learn through Anna’s Professional Intuitive Healing Program.

This Intuitive Healing Program consists of four parts:

(which is an advanced technique)

(including negative thought forms, emotional residues, unwanted influencing energy and psychic ties.)

Let’s look at cord cutting first:

What Are Negative Cords?

When you have a significant relationship with someone (or an impactful experience involving someone else) you form 2 energetic ties to that person.

The good energies of the relationship – the positive, easy, happy ones are reflected in a spiritual connection between the two parties.

And then the shadow side of the relationship, is reflected in a different energetic structure, and this is the negative cord. This cord contains the heavy, challenging energies of the relationship and it is an actual energetic structure that connects your aura to theirs. Both parties contribute negative energies into this cord, which affect both of you, along with your emotional health.

There are ways to eliminate the impact negative cords have on our emotional lives and our relationships. And that’s what cord cutting does. It effectively limits how much influence the negative patterns of a relationship/encounter (past or present) have on us. And it’s not a temporary solution – it has a permanent effect on the energy field.

(Note that cord cutting is not always about letting go of challenging relationships altogether – it can also be about letting go of the negative patterns within existing relationships.)

So Why Learn to Cut Cords?

As a professional intuitive, I got into this field because I wanted to help people with the things that really matter in their lives. I have always wanted to help people to heal.

I saw this as my calling and my soul’s mission. I knew I was a healer.

I started feeling this calling strongly when I was 23 and working as a teacher in a language school in the Spanish Pyrenees, and I realised I was going to be very restricted in how I could pursue it, if I remained working as a teacher. And so I trained as an intuitive instead.

I loved working as an intuitive and an Akashic Record reader, and it was a huge step in the right direction for me (compared with working in a language school.) But once I was working in the intuitive field, I still felt a sense of limitation around how much I could help my clients.

Don’t get me wrong – intuitives, counsellors and coaches do very good work with their clients (I say that as someone who is a professional intuitive who also has been helped very much by psychotherapy/coaching.)

But when you are a coach, a psychic, a Tarot reader, or a counsellor for that matter, there is a limit to what you can help a client with, when they come into your practice, grieving a loss or a break up, healing from trauma, dealing with the aftermath of abuse/violence, or having relationship or family issues.

In those situations, professional intuitives are restricted to delivering insight (rather than healing) and therapists usually need time for their work to make an impact.

But when I trained as a cord cutting practitioner,

I experienced the satisfaction of being able to help people rather quickly with these issues, on a deeper level than I was able to before.

The reason for this is because as a cord cutting practitioner, I was suddenly working with the Divine realm (Ascended Masters and Archangels) and they brought the healing energy of the session to my client (and these are not beings we ordinarily have access to when we work as psychics, coaches, Tarot readers or counsellors.)

In addition, I was also using my channelling ability to validate my client’s experience within the relationship and deliver impactful intuitive insights, and I was using other therapeutic techniques to help my client to extract the life lessons from the relationship.

This was often very transformative for clients, and the healing result was definitely beyond what I had been able to help people to achieve, as an intuitive.

Why Should You Learn this Particular Method of Cord Cutting?

Personally, I feel that cord cutting has a slightly bad reputation in this field, as a technique that doesn’t really do much for people. In fact, people often have the experience that cords come back, once they are cut – there is often no lasting transformation or change.

And the reason for this is because most of the people who have learned to cut a cord have simply found a prayer online or in a book, asking Archangel Michael to cut all cords between themselves and another person.

But when a person uses a quick prayer like this, what they are actually cutting is their psychic ties to a person – not the negative cord. (You can read more about psychic ties here and here.)

Cutting a negative cord properly, on the other hand, is usually a 60-minute process, with multiple steps. In it, we don’t just request that a cord be cut……

  • We also need to find out how the cord is affecting the client before we cut it
  • And we need to find out which negative energies were in the cord, so as to validate the client in their experience of the relationship
  • Finally, we also need to talk about the relationship, and extract the life lessons from the cord (this is the most valuable part, and no cord cutting can happen without it.)

So if you want to bring about

genuine healing

for your client in the realm of cord cutting, you can forget about calling on the angels to do it for you in a 2 minute process.

Real cord cutting MUST incorporate the three steps above, and executing those steps effectively, and in the right order, requires skill, know-how and experience. All of which you will acquire in this course.

PLUS if you want to protect yourself as a practitioner, you should also know when NOT to cut a cord for a client (and when to release an earthbound spirit for them instead.) <—— This is something very few cord cutting practitioners know about.

Earthbound Spirit Release Work

Earthbound spirits are the mental and emotional bodies of deceased people, that can attach both to peoples’ auras and to places.

You can read more about them here.

Many spiritual seekers and intuitive developers have attaching earthbound spirits, and these spirits can:

1. Drain our energy
2. Affect our intuitive accuracy
3. Affect our emotional state

Most earthbound spirit attachments are located on the outside of a person’s aura. These are your ordinary, regular attachments and I have released many of these for clients and students. Sometimes you can come across an earthbound spirit attachment located on the inside of the aura, which means that the spirit is sharing a portion of the client’s energy and consciousness. These are enmeshed earthbound spirits, and they require a different approach when it comes to healing (a combination of earthbound spirit release work AND cord cutting.) In this program I will teach you to do both, and then also teach you how to protect yourself (and teach your clients how to protect themselves) from this sort of attachment in the future.

Earthbound spirits are very prevalent among Reiki practitioners, empaths, those who use cannabis, and intuitive developers who are not concerned with spiritual protection.

Not only will you learn how to release these for clients, but you’ll also learn when each type of session is appropriate, and how to advise your client on what sort of work would be the best next step for him/her.

A lot of healers know the basics of earthbound spirit release, but not many have the skills to release enmeshed earthbound spirits — this is an advanced technique.

Aura cleansing sessions

In addition, you will learn how to clear and release four other types of ‘astral level debris’ from clients’ auric fields, including psychic ties, emotional residues, unwanted influencing energy and negative thought forms.

To make this program accessible to as many people as possible, there are two levels of support you can sign up for:

Here’s more information about the two levels:

The Independent learner


3 and 5 month plan available.

This level is suitable for those who want to learn these techniques primarily for themselves, and independent learners and practitioners with experience who do not feel they need support and mentoring.

Here’s what is included as part of this level:

  • An audio attunement to Divine-level energies (Ascended Masters and Archangels) who will be assisting you in your healing work.
  • 15 hours of pre-recorded video lectures, along with a the recordings of 2 support calls (around 3 hours) where Anna answers additional questions not covered in the video lectures.
  • 93,000+ words of written material plus cheat sheets and detailed protocols of the intuitive healing processes

Please note that for the Independent Learner level, mentoring from Anna is not included, however Anna ensures that all bases are covered in the program so that you can do an intuitive healing session with confidence by the time you have worked through the course materials.

You will be able to work with paying clients once you have completed this level, but you won’t be eligible for certification or for listing in the practitioner directory. If you’d like the opportunity to be certified, you’ll want to opt for the ‘apprenticeship’ option below instead.



Pay in one go

 $850 USD


3 month installments

$300 USD


5 month installments

$185 USD

The Apprenticeship


3 month plan available.

Here’s what is included as part of this level:

  • An audio attunement to Divine-level energies (Ascended Masters and Archangels) who will be assisting you in your healing work
  • 15 hours of pre-recorded video lectures, along with a the recordings of 2 support calls (around 3 hours) where Anna answers additional questions not covered in the video lectures.
  • Private email support from Anna for 12 months following your enrollment as a student, for support and help when it comes to your healing work. Anna will give you personalised feedback by email for each of your 10 practice sessions and be available by email for all other questions that may come up
  • A 30-minute mentoring session, in case you would like further support over the phone, that you can avail yourself of any time during the 12 months that follow your purchase
  • Certification and the opportunity to be listed in Anna’s graduate directory once you have completed the program, along with the possibility of receiving referrals as a result
  • 93,000+ words of written material plus cheat sheets and detailed protocols of the intuitive healing processes
  • The chance to be personally mentored by Anna in this apprentice style program, for any questions or sticking points that come up.


Pay in one go

 $2600 USD


3 month installments

 $880 USD

Personal Contact  & Total Support

This level is suited to those who are new to the field of healing, people who want to be certified and those who just want a high level of support. I will be available to you for questions for 12 months within your registration.

I will be committed to helping you to successfully graduate from the program and incorporate this modality into your toolkit. You will do 10 practice sessions, and will send in session reports to me, each time you do a practice session. I will provide feedback and comments about your progress.

Course Fees

The Independent Learner

3 and 5 month payment plan available.

The Apprenticeship

3 month payment plan available.

“I have seen other Cord Cutting Programs & techniques and I can say without hesitation that Anna’s is by far the best.

I routinely receive messages from my Cord Cutting Clients expressing their gratitude for the positive shift they have had with their ex, child, parent, or boss after our session. Many had even had cords cut before with other practitioners (not trained by Anna) without experiencing the results they did after working with me.

True Cord Cutting is so much more than simply asking an Archangel to cut the cords for you. There are many steps involved in thoroughly and permanently cutting cords with someone and Anna’s Cord Cutting Program goes into all of it.

This course is comprehensive, well laid out, easy to understand and most importantly teaches the correct way to cut cords for yourself and/or your clients.

Cord Cutting is a passion for Anna and it shows. She explains the techniques, the reason for the steps you take, and gives examples of things you may come across when channeling energies contained within a cord. She also explains personality types you may come across and how to work with them in a kind and non-judgmental way. If you are going to consider learning a healing modality that can change your life and others’ be sure to sign up for Anna’s Intuitive Healing Program.”

— Shelly Ebeling,

Who is suited to Anna’s Intuitive Healing Program?

This course is especially suited to helping and healing professionals who are already working with clients. In the last intake of this course, we had: professional intuitives, spiritual healers, psychotherapists & clinical psychologists, bodyworkers, yoga instructors, life coaches, Reiki practitioners, Akashic record readers, love & relationship coaches, mediums, past life regressionists, astrologers and Tarot readers.

I recommend some degree of training in the intuitive arts prior to working with clients and implementing the techniques you will learn in this course. (This is because one of the cord cutting steps involves using your intuition to gain insight on the relationship patterns within the cord.) This course does provide quite a bit of training in this area, but if you’re totally new to channelling and intuitive work, it’s possible you will need further training.

If you’re a complete beginner to intuitive work, I recommend completing my Intuitive Awakening Course or something of a similar level before you begin this course. If you sign up for the Intuitive Healing Program, I can also offer you 50% off the Intuitive Awakening Course. (Please email us to ask about that, at: hello (at)

Here is the Curriculum:


Module 1

This module is all about laying the groundwork to ensure your success as an intuitive healer, later on in the course. 

In this module, you will choose specific techniques that can help you to activate and develop your strongest gifts, to help you with the intuitive healing techniques that you will learn later on.

Also included in this module is an audio attunement to the powerful Divine-level Energies that you will be working with as a healer. This attunement will connect you in with these energies so that you can co-create with the healing realm during your client sessions.

Module 2

This is a deep dive into the human chakra system. In this module, we cover the 7 major chakras and the 162 chakra databanks held within them. I also cover the most common negative energies I encounter in the various databanks in my client work, and give you a super easy and highly accurate way to read the energy body during an intuitive healing session. 

If you already have an understanding of the chakra system, this module will massively expand on that knowledge and make it so much easier for you to complete your intuitive healing sessions with your practice clients.

Module 3

In this module, you will learn how to clear ordinary earthbound spirits from a person’s aura. And best of all, you’ll also receive a process to pass on to your clients, to ensure that earthbound spirits are never a problem for them again. In addition, you’ll receive step-by-step and word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing this healing session with your clients. 

The end result: a super easy and beautiful ceremony that you can do with your clients to help them to release spirit attachments, and also to help lost spirits to cross over into the light.

Modules 4  & 5

In both of these modules, you will learn how to cut a cord for a client.  I walk you through every step, one by one, and give you word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing this healing session with your clients.

The groundwork you put in place in Modules 1 and 2 ensures that you will have no problems channelling and intuiting for your clients in this cord cutting session.

Module 6

In this module we cover the issues that most commonly come up for clients during a cord cutting session, including: grief/loss, trauma, abusive/toxic relationships, attachment issues, limerence & fear of psychic attack. You will learn about how these issues commonly manifest in cords. You will also learn how to spot energies from past lives in a cord. Please note: Anna does not believe in psychic attack. (More on this topic can be found here. )

Module 7

Learn how to release enmeshed earthbound spirits for clients (enmeshed earthbound spirits are those attachments that are located on the inside of the energy field.) 95% of energy healers do not know how to release this type of spirit! In this module, you’ll receive step-by-step and word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing an enmeshed spirit healing session with your clients. 

In module 7, also learn how to do a general aura cleanse session for clients. This involves removing negative thought forms, unwanted influencing energy, emotional residues and psychic ties from your client’s energy field. As with all of the sessions taught in this course, I will give you a cheat sheet and word-for-word protocols that guide you through doing this type of session with clients.

Bonus Module:

(for Apprenticeship Students only)

Anna’s Online Spiritual Business Building Course

This workshop is 2 hours and 40 mins of Anna’s online business wisdom amassed over the last 16 years and distilled down to what is only relevant and valuable to new spiritual business owners. In this very candid workshop, Anna holds nothing back and tells it exactly like it is.

If you wish to set up a spiritual business using the cord cutting and aura cleansing techniques Anna teaches in this program, this business workshop will be an invaluable additional resource for you as you journey down that path.

You can read all about this bonus here

Expand your Business

By the time you have finished this training, you will be equipped to offer 4 new types of session with your clients:

(which requires a different skill-set from a regular earthbound spirit release)

If you have chosen the apprenticeship option, you will need to do a total of 10 practice client phone sessions in order to graduate from the program. Each time you do a session with a client, you will submit a client session report to me and I will answer any questions you might have or comment on your progress, by email. If you wish to receive further mentoring and support beyond the 12 month period for further work with your clients, this can be arranged, but is not essential. You will also receive a short reading list of books to read, and reading these is a requirement for graduating from the program.

More Info About Cord Cutting:

I have practiced Cord-Cutting sessions with my clients for over ten years. If you’d like to find out more about this modality, here are some articles I have written about my experiences, both as a client and a practitioner:

•  Cord-Cutting: A Spiritual Technology That Changed My Life
•  Cord-Cutting As A Technique To Improve Relationships (And Your Emotional Health)
•  How Many Cords Should I Have Cut?
•  Cord-Cutting – More Client Experiences

To sum up, I hope it comes through on this page
how much I love this modality

and the amazing level of healing it has brought to my clients (and not to mention, to myself as well). I am excited to be passing it on.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’, so much of our evolution occurs in the area of our relationships. For this reason, there is great demand among the general public for energy healing modalities which deal specifically with relationships, both past and present.

Many people are able to obtain psychological insights through counselling/ psychotherapy, but for shifting the energy side of our relationships and relationship dynamics, cord cutting is an excellent option, and a great adjunct to psychotherapy and psychologically oriented modalities. And more and more people these days are opening up to the possibilities and healing that this type of modality can offer them.

Finally, this course covers not just cord cutting but 3 other ways of working with clients besides. There is an insane amount on offer as part of this program. 

Feedback from previous intuitive healing students…

1000% worth the investment. This is a deeply healing and valuable skill to learn that will benefit so many people!

I am so grateful to Anna for her teachings and her leadership and support during this course! She is genuine and caring and her teaching methods are organized, practical and detail-oriented. I feel 100% confident in stepping right into using this modality with my clients after graduation. Thank you for helping me develop my intuitive gifts!”

— Jessica Ruby,, Licensed Holistic Psychotherapist, Yoga Instructor and Spiritual Integration Coach 

“If you consider yourself an empath or sensitive, this work will be especially validating.

I purchased a few of Anna’s courses & books and they have always seemed to speak directly to the issues I have. I signed up for the Professional Healing Program because I have followed Anna over many years and trust her. Her instruction is solid, has substance, and she delivers on what she sells. Anna speaks from her own experience and it’s one I can relate to. She brings in the logical mind, and consideration for the depth that is needed around trauma.

I want to create a business in energy healing, but was struggling with how to put together exactly what it is I do. The Intuitive Healing course really brought it all together for me.

I thought all of this course was well done. I loved to be able to read through the course book and then see and hear the description on video — it’s a very helpful way to learn. I really appreciated that Anna had cheat sheets for us, and guided meditations. It was a full sensory learning experience. The way it was divided was intelligent and made it easy to build upon the material.

In terms of results of the cord cutting sessions I have done with clients, people have felt lighter and clearer. There’s a sense of release I see. There’s a reclaiming of power that’s really beautiful to witness. I love that people were surprised by how in depth and accurate the sessions are. They really seemed to feel seen and heard in a way that I don’t think they were expecting.

Anna’s work is exceptional. Even if you never used the material in her Healing Program for anyone other than yourself, you would find tremendous value in it. She’s down to earth, and makes the realm of the unseen more tangible.”

— Shannon Iverson

“As an Intuitive Counselor, I work closely with my clients guiding them to become the best version of themselves, their relationships, and to live a life that’s not constrained and held back by their past. Sometimes there’s negative energy and an unhealthy attachment to someone that’s very hard for my clients to release and this has a damaging effect on them. This is what caused me to seek out cord cutting. Anna gives you step-by-step detailed instructions on how to cut cords, how to deal with clients, even what to say, each step of the way. But you do need to practice and do the work. Her Intuitive Healing Program is very, very organized, thorough and detailed, more so than any other course I have ever taken in the past. This is a very comprehensive course. She truly tries her very best to give you everything you need to know and she succeeds!

I have been offering the cord cutting sessions to my clients and they have been very successful and effective. I am now able to cut negative cords of attachment that allow them to let go of negative emotions and feelings that hold them back and keep them stuck. My cord cutting clients have reported back to me that they feel lighter, less affected by the person’s behavior, no longer obsessed and not as easily shaken up and other positive outcomes. It has been a valuable addition to my offerings.”

— Dannah Chaifetz,, Professional Intuitive Healer and Psychic

“This course is hands down one of the most comprehensive intuitive healing classes that I’ve seen.

While on the surface it feels like we’re learning about three different things (earthbound spirit release, aura cleansing and cord cutting), this class really pulled together how the three areas can impact one another and gives you a better view of all the different areas you might need to look into to give a true, good energetic healing. Anna is amazing about providing all the information you need and giving you concrete steps to help you walk through the process.

I’m so excited to help more people using these techniques – I’ve been getting some seriously amazing results with clients! My clients have all responded feeling lighter and clearer, with more room for their intuition to come in. I’ve seen some really spectacular results with cutting my own cords, too!

So many of the healing trainings that I took (before doing Anna’s healing course) talked about concepts and ideas but didn’t really have clear steps on how to do things. I was looking for something methodical, but with other trainings, I was really left to do a healing where I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing but I’m just trusting that I’m doing it.

I appreciate how methodical Anna is, and how she teaches how to use both your left brain aspects and your right brain aspects and integrate the two together to give a great healing.”

— Mandy Carsten,, Professional Intuitive & Akashic Record Reader

“Anna’s Intuitive Healing Program was an absolute game-changer for me, my business, and my clients. 

I am a practicing psychic medium and Akashic Record reader, and before this program, I did not know how to handle cord cutting for my clients. Quite frequently the angels and guides of my clients would show me that the client needed to release a negative cord of attachment to an old relationship or event in their life. I would attempt to cut the cords myself, or I would send them to try simple “cord cutting” video from YouTube, but never felt like it was a permanent situation for my clients. Anna’s Program was EXACTLY what I needed!

The Intuitive Healing Program was wonderful to follow, I felt fully supported by the online course material. Anna was available to answer all of my questions, and I received so much value from this program as a whole. Not only did I learn about cord cutting, but Anna covered so many other topics in-depth that have come up for me in my sessions with clients in the weeks and months following the program. I am so grateful for everything that I learned!

I have also received wonderful feedback from my clients with the cord cutting modality. Old relationships and friendships that were dragging them down simply don’t trigger or bother them anymore. They finally feel like they can be free of the negative attachments of the past, and can move forward in life with more positive energy and enthusiasm.”

— Emily Logan,, Psychic Medium 

“In the past, I had used online prayers or YouTube videos released by some very well known metaphysical/spiritual teachers. I realize now that they were just cutting psychic ties, they did not provide the same release nor level of relief that a true cord cutting does, as Anna teaches in this program.

I loved the detail of the Intuitive Healing program, and the fact we could leave comments and ask questions. Also, Anna’s e-mails and insights for our reflections were so helpful. That level of personalized attention from an expert mentor was just spot on and truly wonderful. I felt supported throughout the course 100%! Any questions I had were answered.

This course has excelled my growth as an intuitive and has allowed me to fully embrace the role of a healer. I would not be where I am now without taking this class. I was able to feel confident enough to leave my job and start up my own intuitive healing practice because of this. I am so pleased and forever grateful that I enrolled. It has been a blessing and truly life changing.

I have had wonderful feedback from my client sessions. One client has reported major physical changes. Even her chiropractor remarked on this client’s increased strength. The client attributed it to two cord cutting sessions.

To anyone who is considering Anna’s healing course but is unsure, I would say it’s the best thing you can do for yourself! You will take your healing practice to the next level with this knowledge!”

— Andrea Graham,

“To someone who is considering Anna’s Intuitive Healing Program but is unsure, I would say: don’t hesitate. Anna’s course walks you through every step needed to confidently offer cord cutting (that works!) in your practice.

In my work, I help clients free themselves from the chronic self-worth issues holding them back. I use a number of different tools and modalities. Because my work goes into childhood trauma – this can include relationships of all kinds – the cord cutting work I was offering (that utilised a different technique from the one Anna teaches) wasn’t having the impact my clients needed. 

I knew there was something missing. As soon as Anna offered this healing course, I signed up without hesitation. It was exactly what I was looking for, and in it, Anna addressed WHY the typical cord cutting processes people often use are insufficient. I’ve also completed so many of Anna’s programs that I know what she offers WORKS and I can put it to immediate use.

Now that I’m using Anna’s cord cutting technique, every single cord cutting client feels the shift. I get comments like, “I feel lighter,” “A weight has lifted,” and “I feel free”. Among clients who were still involved with the person they cut the cord with – each one was surprised that the relationship had surprisingly improved or shifted peacefully.

Every cord cutting session I do is incredibly impactful for the client. I love utilizing cord cutting in my work.”

— Kelli Reese,, Author and Certified Leadership Coach

“To someone who is thinking of taking this program, I would say that there is nothing to lose. Just having the knowledge to nurture and deepen your intuitive gifts is worth doing the course. 

As a love coach, I wanted to be able to offer something different than just coaching to my clients — something that incorporated my intuitive gifts that complemented my other services. I am also always looking for ways to nurture and develop my intuition further. Anna’s Intuitive Healing Program met both of those needs.

There were so many things I loved about this course. I loved learning from Anna and understanding about earthbound spirits; learning about the chakra databanks; learning the pendulum and channeling methods.

I have seen success using the cord cutting method taught in this modality — in myself and for clients. After cutting my cord with my boss I was able to let go of the attachment to my job and her approval/reactions. I am in the process of leaving this job. Some of my clients were able to completely forget about an ex, songs no longer triggered them into sadness, and reminders stopped showing up of past experiences.

This course has also helped me to get to know myself deeper at a soul level. The growth I’ve experienced since taking the course has been noticeable and given me more confidence in my intuitive gifts.”

— Farrah Blakely,, Love Coach

“Thank you for yet another brilliant course!

I have taken all of Anna’s professional courses…she is a brilliant, thorough teacher that takes you through, step by step, how to cut cords & release earthbound spirits, along with the reasons behind each of the steps. This is an extremely easy to follow and unique course that will help many people.

My favourite part of the course was the explanation of the chakras and chakra databanks and what they hold, and how they show up.

The ‘building a spiritual business’ workshop as a bonus was brilliant, too!”

— Jane-Marie Skinner

Independent Learner


Pay in one go

$850 USD



$300 USD



$185 USD



Pay in one go

$2600 USD



$880 USD

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