Law of Assumption 

What do you desire to bring into being?

Let’s create it in your 3D reality!

NOTE: I am not currently offering general Law of Assumption coaching. However, I am available to support to those who are doing revision work independently

Revision is a very powerful way of creating change (it has been life changing for me.) You can apply for my revision support session here.


***The coaching package below is no longer available***

In this 4-hour coaching package, I will give you a step-by-step process and daily practice plan for creating this desire in your life.

In the first 2 hour session, we will comb over your personal history in this lifetime (for the life area you’d like to change), uncover any subconscious thinking and stories that you are running, which are holding you back and creating your unwanted current circumstances, and come up with a new story for you to affirm and visualise.

One month later, we have a second 2 hour session where we discuss what needs to be revised in order to achieve your goal in the 3D and I teach you how to revise events from your long-term past. The events that you will revise will be connected to the unfavourable subconscious thinking and stories that we uncover in your first session.

Anna Sayce

Here are some examples of desires you can bring to this session:

Your energy center of training
Getting started on a new career path
Increasing your income
A new relationship
Improving an existing relationship
Your energy center of training

Moving to a new country/city

Better health
Conceiving a child
Manifesting a new home

When should you get coaching?

Please be aware that if you are in the end stages of manifesting something new and you’re fairly happy with where you’re headed and how it’s going, coaching may temporarily delay your manifesting results. You are in Barbados! (Please read this article for more on this concept.) Us discussing what you have not yet created in your 3D reality may reinforce that reality further. I do not offer ongoing coaching for this reason and our work together will be a one off.​

You should only get coaching if you are in the early-mid stages of manifesting something new, and you are experiencing a lot of resistance, you have questions or you feel that things are somehow not working for you and you want to explore why.

I’ve created some amazing things from 18 months of practising the Law of Assumption. My biggest manifestation is that I was often depressed, with Seasonal Affective Disorder and C-PTSD throughout my adult life, and I have manifested inner peace and joy, along with much better physical health, without the use of any pharmaceuticals.. (You can read more about some of my own conscious creations in my articles below.) Because of my experiences, I am really passionate about conscious reality creation and want to help others on their path.

How the coaching package works

  • This coaching is held via Skype.
  • After the first session, you will also receive a detailed written plan by email, customised for your particular situation
  • Payment is required before your first session and is only accepted by credit or debit card (no PayPal).
  • This is only available for people over the age of 18.
  • No refunds after payment is made.
  • These sessions only deal with conscious reality creation and reaching your goals in life via the Law of Assumption. Although I’ll be using my intuition to help us to uncover your subconscious stories, this session does not constitute a reading. I will not be answering questions about any of the other topics you usually see me write about.
  • You are 100% responsible for your results following the sessions.

Also please note that I am based in New Zealand and sessions are only held between 2pm and 9pm New Zealand time.
At time of writing, this corresponds to:
10pm – 5am Eastern
7pm – 2am Pacific
3am – 10am UK time
Weekend appointments are also possible.

You can use the time zone converter here to find out whether our time zones are compatible.

Apply here for coaching*

Please note: A prerequisite for this session is that you must have read my Law of Assumption article series (see below) before the session starts.

You must understand the concepts that we will be covering in this session. It is not a good use of my time or yours if we spend the 90 minutes explaining key concepts and as a result you do not come away with a specific manifesting plan for you because we lacked the time to do this.

Please read these foundational articles FIRST — before your session. They are in a specific order to help guide you.

These are not essential to read, but if you’re interested in more, here are some optional articles about the Law of Assumption.

Apply here for coaching*

*Final note: My coaching process has a heavy focus on what your old story is and where it comes from (it always comes from your karmic patterns and your past in this lifetime.) Do not book this coaching package with me unless you are willing to look at your past with a view to resolving it. Examining your past isn’t always easy and not everyone is in a position to do it. If you have a history of C-PTSD or trauma, you should also have a psychotherapist to support you while we work together.

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