Three years ago today I left my job teaching English in a language school in Northern Spain. I felt like I was dying inside at the job I was working in. I was exhausted, tired of the monotony and lonely, away from home. I remember it was winter time, and it snowed a lot, as I was in the mountains.
I had felt the pressure building inside of me over several months. I had always hated winter. And a little voice said ‘Leave. Start your own business.’ Every day it spoke to me and every day I ignored it because I had no business, no clients and no website. And I had no idea how to start one. Until one day, I finally cracked. And I couldn’t stay any longer. Even if I didn’t know how I was going to start afresh – I had no idea.
And I did something not so admirable, which was to leave my employer in the lurch with only a week’s notice to replace me, in a tiny mountain village. Sorry, boss! – I couldn’t stay a day longer.
And I left the tiny mountain village with about $300 to my name, no job and still no business. And no website (the website happened one month later and was called ‘Healing and Insight’ back then and a computer nerd friend had put it together for me in an afternoon.)
What was I thinking?!
I had backed myself into a corner (at least in my mind) and for the next couple of years or so I knew it – I made a lot of decisions out of panic, impulsiveness and financial scary-ness. In love, life and in work, I have learned so much in three years.
And things worked out. But it taught me to take things slooooowly and I gained a healthy respect both for employment and for self-employment.
For me, this website has been my lesson, become my independence, my passion, my challenge.
I wanted to say, if you are a regular reader, thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, thank you for supporting this site. I look forward to the next three years!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a lovely day and an amazing year to come!
Anna, Happy Birthday!
I am glad things worked out for you when you made that leap of faith.
You story is inspiring and Im glad you found your calling in your life 🙂
It is a pleasure ‘knowing’ you through the written word and learning so much from you.
Hi Anna, I love your blogs, and its nice to see a writer say thank you to the readers.
May the next year and those beyond see your dreams come true and lots of laughter
I am so glad you took that chance three years ago. Congratulations and may it be a great year. Thank you for your lovely website and all that you share here.
Hi Anna! Many many blessings for you for a prosperous and wonderful year ahead! You do such a wonderful service for the world and I’m grateful to have crossed paths with you.
Your story reminds me of me now and I thank you for sharing it with us.
T, L & L, Sallie :~)
Hey, Anna, you’ve sure come a long way in 3 years. You’ve got a totally amazing site here that offers so much.
What a great example and inspiration you are. Thank you!
Hi Anna,
I admire your courage in leaving your job the way you did and following your inner voice and passion.
It is a joy to share your path with you through your blog. Here’s to many more years of reading your writings, and perhaps someday meeting you!
Congratulations, Anna! I am a young emerging intuitive and I love your website ! I read it all the time….Keep up the great work.
Thank you to everyone for the lovely comments 🙂
Lindsay – thank you!
Sallie – you are very sweet to say that! Thank you.
Patti – Thank you for your lovely, encouraging words. It’s always nice to look back on the last few years and realize you have moved forward.
Kara – Glad you enjoy the blog! Thank you.
Latrice – Welcome – very glad you are enjoying my website!
Hi Anna.
Just wanted to say: as a business owner about 2 1/2 years in, I can really relate.
Hi Anna! Am a lucky beneficiary of that decision 3 years ago. Thank you and keep up the great work. May the coming year be wonderful for you! Catrionaxx