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Emotional and spiritual healing
How to Let the Spiritual Realm Help You

How to Let the Spiritual Realm Help You

If you follow my blog, you may know that I have had a few interesting adventures with long water fasting over the last 18 months or so. Originally I got into water fasting for health reasons. I completed three long water fasts over a period of 18 months, (coached and...

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How to Make Your Guardian Angel Happy Today

How to Make Your Guardian Angel Happy Today

“An angel who exists for no reason is a tragedy in the spiritual world” I recently read this sentence in Pierre Jovanovic’s book ‘An Inquiry into the Existence of Guardian Angels’. Pierre Jovanovic is a French journalist who was working in California for the Quotidien...

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Why Cord Cutting Often Doesn’t Work

Why Cord Cutting Often Doesn’t Work

90% of the cord cutting processes provided in guided meditations and YouTube videos do not work and only provide temporary relief. That’s a bold claim but I’ll explain why they do not work (and how to tweak them so they actually work) in this post. OK, so the average...

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5 Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Underactive 

5 Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Underactive 

In this post, I’m going to go into the 5 clear signs that your third eye chakra is underactive. If you prefer to read just one section of the article (rather than the whole thing), use the links below: 5 signs your third eye chakra is underactive Common reasons for an...

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4 Signs Your Throat Chakra Is Overactive (& How to Fix It)

4 Signs Your Throat Chakra Is Overactive (& How to Fix It)

In this post, I’m going to go into 4 signs that your throat chakra is overactive, and also how this problem can be resolved. If you are looking for one particular section of this article, and want to skip the rest, you can use the links below: 4 signs of an overactive...

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