News & Updates from Anna – Cord Cutting Sessions & Rehoming Lucy

Hello from Northland, New Zealand, where I am house sitting for 2 months.

I am in house sitting heaven!

Here are some pictures of the view from my office:

It’s been a bit quiet on the blog front recently…

So I just wanted to give a few updates about what is new around here.

I have been busy working on my book which will be released this year. We’re also busy working on a move to a different newsletter platform so there have been no newsletters for a while as that has been happening. And I have a new business/operations manager who has come on board to help me with things behind the scenes of this website, and it is fabulous to have some support in that regard but a lot of work to get everything set up.

Seeking a New Home for Lucy

In December/January I did a house sit in Cambridge, New Zealand that broke my heart a little bit.

I was looking after Lucy, a 14 year old cat. Unfortunately for the last 4 years she has been living the life of a stray cat – only coming into the home to feed occasionally.

This is because her home has 4 young, noisy children and a large, boisterous dog and Lucy is too scared of the dog and does not like the noise and bother with the kids either.

The dog and children were away for the duration of the house sit, and I got to know Lucy and she spent most of her time napping next to me and smooching. She is such a lovely cat and it is a shame that she is very people-oriented and loves company, but spends all her time alone.

When the owners came back, Lucy turned her back on them and walked away and has not been around much since. This is clearly not a good situation for an elderly, sensitive, attention-loving cat to be in, and the owner sees that, too. I had a little cry when I drove away from that house sit because I felt bad for her and knew I was going to really miss her 🙁

Lucy is so lovely and wish I could take her myself, but I am a full time house sitter and cannot give her a home. However, the owner has agreed to attempt to re-home her.

We are seeking a cat lover based in New Zealand (Lucy is too old to travel overseas) – preferably someone in the North Island. It would need to be a home with no dogs and no young children so that Lucy can get the peace and quiet she needs at her age.

Are you (or is someone you know) a cat lover in New Zealand?

Please do forward this post on to people you know in NZ because there may be someone who knows someone who can take this special girl and give her a proper home.

Some things to know about Lucy:

  • She is 14 years old so is obviously not going to be around for years to come. However, I have looked after several cats older than Lucy on my house sits so she could have a few years in her yet
  • The vet says she has a heart murmur which could cause problems for her later on or could just be a sign that she was stressed at the time of examination – we don’t know. Otherwise she is in good health
  • If you can give Lucy a home but you are worried about vet bills for an elderly cat or otherwise on a low income, we can talk about Lucy’s vet insurance getting paid by someone other than you, for the remainder of her life
  • Lucy is in Cambridge, NZ but I, or someone else, can transport her to you
  • Lucy is an affectionate cat and has a beautiful nature. Every morning when I got up she would greet me with a meow and wait for her breakfast. I couldn’t get her to sit on my lap but she curled up against me and kept giving me kisses. Like many Abyssinians, she gets quite vocal when she is hungry but she is not one of those cats that meows or whines all the time
  • Although she spent most of her time indoors with me, she has been an outdoors cat for a long time, so an apartment with no garden (for example) would not be suitable for her
  • Please email me at anna (at) anna if you are interested in finding out more about Lucy and I can put you in touch with her owners
  • Please forward this post on if you are overseas but know a cat lover in New Zealand.

Thank you!

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >

1 Comment

  1. Brett Butler

    Oh Anna, I’m sending up all the angels to bring lovely Lucy a most wonderful home. May the biggest problem from here on out be choosing from the many perfect places.

    Thank you for your great heart for everyone but especially for making a big difference in the life of this cat.

    All blessings continued your way,


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