3 Blocks That Stop Us From Hearing Intuition in Relationships

Sometimes it can be difficult to listen to, and trust our intuition in the area of relationships.

Even professional intuitives have a hard time in this area. The fact is, it’s easy to read for other people because you’re not attached to their situation, so the information comes through clearly. But when it comes to your own situation, it’s not always as easy.

In this article, I’m going to talk about the three reasons why intuition can be difficult to hear in relationships and in dating situations.  I’ll also give you some tips from my own experience to overcome these blocks to hearing your intuition more clearly in relationships.

Block #1: Neediness

In relationships, intuition can help you to:

  • Know what someone is like
  • Know whether you’re compatible with someone
  • Be alerted to times when your needs are not being met or your values violated

The role of your intuition in relationships is: to help you to get your needs met, while honouring yourself and your values.

Your intuition gives you feedback about your relationships mainly through gut feelings and impressions. Your feelings and gut impressions are fantastic input because they give you feedback about every single interaction that goes on and everything that is said between you and another person.  You may not consciously register that someone has upset you in an interaction, but afterwards your gut feelings will let you know about it.  Sometimes it takes time for intuition to come through clearly and give you a verdict, but it will, if you let it and if you’re not afraid to see the truth.

Hearing intuition in relationships is not complicated – you don’t need any fancy techniques, you just need to listen to your gut feelings and impressions, even if they don’t make sense straight away.

Listening to your intuition produces much happier results in the long-run. After all, the voice of intuition wants you to get your needs met in ways that don’t violate your personal values and don’t have negative consequences.

Your intuition cares about keeping you safe and happy in the short AND long term. It’s looking for the route that honours you. It’s not looking for the quick fix to patch up your ego. It’s looking to improve your life and make you happy in the long term.

That’s why it’s worth listening to.

Now let’s look at the voice of neediness.  This is the complete opposite of intuition.


I’m going to give you a little scenario to help you to see the contrast between neediness and intuition.

Let’s say that you’re in a nightclub. Two weeks ago your partner broke up with you.  You’re still feeling rather upset. You’re sitting in a secluded corner with some friends.  One of your friends spots some people she knows, and she brings them over to your table.  One of them is a charming, attractive and smooth-talking stranger who singles you out, plies you with drinks and then asks you back to his/her house. But you also sense that this person is a bit of a ‘player’ – and not what you need right now.

If you were the person in this scenario, how likely would it be that you stop and listen to your intuition telling you this person is a player?

Not very likely. At least, not as likely as it normally would be.

It’s the classic rebound situation.  Do people make good decisions while they’re on the rebound? No. The reason for this is that they’re feeling needy.  And the voice of neediness drowns out intuition.

The voice of neediness looks for and grabs onto anything that will make you feel better in the short term.  It’s well meaning but not very helpful in the long run.  We can all have a needy voice and it shouts the loudest when we have needs that are not being met. At times where our needs are far from being met, it is almost impossible to hear intuition because the voice of the need is shouting much louder.  The voice of neediness also lives in scarcity, whereas intuition knows that there are a million ways to get our needs for love, community or intimacy met.

Learning to Listen to Intuition Instead of Neediness

Here are some tips to do this:

1. Adopt an abundance mindset in relationships

The abundance mindset in relationships is one where you know that if you lose one relationship, there are billions of people in the world, so there must be many people you could be happy with.

Things suddenly become much clearer when you know that whatever you seek from another person exists in abundance anyway, and does not only come from that one person. There are plenty of ways that you could get your needs met.

2. Know your needs and get them met

When I say needs, I’m talking about the need for love, intimacy, the need to be listened to – things like that. You don’t have to get needs like that met in a romantic relationship. Having a romantic relationship is one way to get many needs met at once, but there are other ways too.

I highly recommend a book called The Secret Laws of Attraction: The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want (by Talane Miedaner) for working out what your dominant needs are, and finding ways to get them met outside a relationship. The idea behind this is that when your needs are being met, you make much better choices in relationships. And you don’t make decisions based on unconscious unfulfilled needs.

Now I want to talk about the next common block to hearing intuition in relationships. It’s a really common one among spiritual people…

Block #2: A Dedication to Non-Judgment

One mistake spiritual people often make when meeting people, is that they switch off their creep radar. As spiritual people, we pride ourselves on being open, accepting and non-judgmental.  But just because you accept people as they are doesn’t mean you want to spend time with them or associate with them.

You need to retain the ability to feel the negative input that your intuition gives you.  Sometimes your Higher self will tell you someone is not that nice (i.e. a bit of a jerk or a creep). That doesn’t mean your Higher self is bigoted or judgmental.  It just means that as wonderful as that soul may be underneath, your Higher self doesn’t think it would be helpful for you to spend time with this person. And you need to acknowledge this if you want to surround yourself with people who are supportive and loving.

I made this mistake when I was living in London and met a guy that my intuition told me was not what he seemed.  Because I was naive and discarded all negative judgments I was having about people at the time because I thought it made me more ‘spiritual’, I didn’t allow myself to see that he was attempting to steer our relationship in a totally inappropriate direction (he was my teacher and 40 years my senior).  I kept telling myself I wasn’t seeing the situation right, while my intuition was trying to show me the truth.

Maybe you have had something like that happen to you too. No matter how accepting and non-judgmental you want to be, you still need to be discerning when it comes to who you spend time with.

Block #3: Overactive Empathy

Overactive empathy can be a big block to seeing clearly in your relationships.

In case you’ve not heard the term ‘overactive empathy’ before, here’s how I defined it in my last article:

You know when you get a glimpse into someone else’s emotional experience or their pain? You can really feel it for a moment and sometimes it might bring you to tears or motivate you to help someone. That’s empathy.

Overactive empathy, on the other hand, is when you have that experience of opening up to someone else’s emotions and experience, but then instead of coming back to yourself afterwards and being centered in your own needs and feelings, you remain ‘out there’ – absorbed in everyone else’s ’stuff’.

Why Overactive Empathy is Bad for Listening to Intuition:

Your intuition gives you input based on what is good for you – what serves you, what honours you, what helps you to meet your needs. On the other hand, overactive empathy takes into account other people more than it takes into account YOUR needs. When you are going around with empathy switched on all the time, you usually make win/lose decisions.

For example: you take a course of action that depletes your energy massively but helps someone else. This is because you can feel the other person’s pain/need so much, that it detracts from your own needs and feelings. Everything becomes clouded by the other person’s pain and feelings.

And you may think that the impulse to sacrifice yourself came from spirit or the angels, because God loves a giver, right?

Not really. Real intuition is actually balanced, sensible and grounded. It is aware of your own limits – in terms of time and energy. It will always recommend courses of action that are win/win, as much as possible.  After all, everyone has their own intuition and spiritual support network (guides, angels, etc) and ability to look out for themselves. Intuition will not encourage you to sacrifice yourself either so you can help others.  It is looking for a mutually beneficial solution for everyone involved.

If you feel like you are an overactive empath, you might be interested in my book, The Empath’s Toolkit.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Angela Artemis

    This was an excellent post!
    So well written and thought out.
    I’m blown away by the wisdom in your article.

    Thank you for sharing this with us!

  2. Asanji

    Interesting post Anna, thanks. x

  3. Anna

    Hi there Angela, thank you for the lovely comments!

    Hi Asanji, hope all is well with you, glad you liked it.

  4. Rachel

    Wow – I have never seen neediness contrasted with intuition this way, but it makes perfect sense. I certainly have a wealth of experience in sacrificing my better sense to the insistence of loneliness. I had never stopped to think that one dominates at the expense of the other, but this is a most excellent point!

    Thanks again for the great post!

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