This common piece of business advice is the worst advice ever for spiritual service providers like intuitives, healers, mediums, Akashic Record readers, and Tarot card readers…
When I did a recent business workshop, participants wanted to know: “Is it possible to thrive in a spiritual business by using and selling multiple modalities?” For example, “can I build a successful business by offering a healing modality, Akashic Record Readings and Tarot readings?”
Multiple people had been told by business advisers that they should “niche down”, effectively choose one service and specialise in that.
I’ve been in the spiritual industry for 14 years and I can tell you that this is bad advice for anyone who is aiming to make a living offering spiritual services.
Here’s why:
When people come to you for a particular service, they are not just coming for healing, insight, clarity or whatever. People choose the spiritual service providers they do because they want to come into contact with a particular kind of energy in the process of receiving the service. What do I mean by this? Well, one person may be grieving and need some gentleness. That person will need a service provider who is a super gentle and sensitive person. He or she will not be in the mood for some tough love.
Another client may prefer a kick in the pants and some tough love. If you’re the kind of person who calls people out on their BS (but with tact and kindness), you are going to attract customers who need that kind of energy.
Therefore, clients who book you for one service will often book you for another. The more types of service you offer, the more income you can potentially make, and the more likely it is that you can make a full time living in your spiritual business.
An example from my own business: many of the people who take one course with me, also take others. Some of the people who buy from me, buy everything I’ve created.
So this is why I recommend you have multiple strands to your spiritual business. Don’t niche yourself into a corner. Open up the possibilities by adding more offerings.
And don’t forget to always run business advice past your own guidance and inner judgement. Some of the people who give business advice out to spiritual workers have never worked in the spiritual industry and don’t really know anything about our ideal clients or what their needs are. They may just be taking advice that fits other businesses and industries, and assuming that it applies to the spiritual industry, too.