Below you can find list of my favourite affirmations for manifesting money (and you can find instructions for using affirmations successfully here.)
Money flows to me easily
I receive with ease and gratitude
I know that my destiny in this lifetime is to be wealthy
I am capable of making huge amounts of money
I am the wealthiest I have ever been
I can have it all
I am so lucky
I feel relaxed and secure in my life
I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit (this is an affirmation I found in one of Joseph Murphy’s books)
My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways
The tide of destiny is now turning and I am busily receiving all that was meant for me (these last 2 affirmations are from Florence Scovel Shinn’s book ‘The Game of Life & How to Play It’)
Good money management is in my DNA
I am inherently abundant
I am the place money and opportunities come from
The more money I have, the more of myself I can be
I love that I have such a fantastic work-life balance
My world takes such beautiful care of me (I came across this lovely affirmation in Vadim Zeland’s book ‘Reality Transurfing’)
I was always meant for great wealth
I was always meant to be financially comfortable
I love that I always have more money than I need
I am ready to live my life in complete freedom
I love that I have abundant savings
Money comes into my life to stay
My life is rich and full of wonderful things
I love feeling so relaxed about money
I love that I have a paid off home
I love that my money allows me to live my purpose
Money is always coming to me
Large amounts of money keep coming to me on a continuous basis
Money is my birthright
I’m comfortable managing large sums of money
I receive money from multiple income sources
I enjoy my money, knowing that I always have more
Money self-concept affirmations
In order to keep the money that we manifest, our self concept needs to be on point and we must feel worthy of what we want to manifest. Here are some affirmations which focus on money self-concept:
I am worthy of the best that life has to offer
I am a child of God, inherently worthy and connected to all of life
I decide if I am worthy of abundance or not. I am the only one who determines my worth and value — no-one else can do it for me
I am good enough to have exactly what I want
I know that I am deserving of ____________
I deserve prosperity
I deserve to make a 6/7 figure income on part time hours
Further Reading:
I offer a free online resource for manifesting your desired reality using the Law of Assumption — it’s a collection of online articles which are presented in the right order so that you can use them as a ‘how to’ guide. It’s quite a comprehensive resource and can help take you from A to B with almost any intention. You can find that here.