How to Use the Law of Assumption to Manifest Money – The Ultimate Guide

This article is actually the content I had created for a ‘money manifesting’ course that I was going to offer as a paid course, but I decided to offer it for free instead.

For this reason, I think it might be the most comprehensive and detailed free article out there on the internet on the topic of manifesting money! It really does cover all bases.

I am confident that if you apply the steps in this article consistently over time, you will manifest the money you desire, sooner or later.

First of all, what is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption (which I abbreviate in this article to ‘LOA’) was a term coined by the late New Thought author and teacher Neville Goddard. It states that whatever you believe and assume to be true in your subconscious mind, is what is going to manifest in the 3D.

Put simply, if you feel, think and assume that you are wealthy (or that wealth will come to you in this life), that is what will happen in the 3D.

If you feel, think and assume that you are poor (or that you won’t be able to get ahead financially), that is what will happen in the 3D.

Let’s have a look at an overview of my formula for manifesting money using the LOA – I go into all these points one by one in a lot of detail below.

Step 1: Set a money intention

Step 2: Identify the energy behind your intention

Step 3: Choose a LOA technique which helps you to anchor your chosen energy into your inner world

Step 4: Anchor your desired energy into your outer world, wherever possible

Step 5: Release/minimise importance

Step 6: Look at your childhood and limiting money beliefs, if necessary

Step 7: Revise past negative money situations

Step 8: To keep the money you make, check your self-concept

Step 9: Be consistent with techniques

Step 10: If all else fails, consider karmic complexes

Now I’m going to cover each of these steps in more detail…

Step one: Set your money intention

Setting a money intention is a bit more complicated than setting other types of intention — I go into all the details on how I recommend doing it here.

Step two: Get clear on the energy/energies behind your financial intention

Once you’ve set your intention, it’s time to hone in on why you want this money to come into your life. Perhaps you want more freedom, security or luxury in your life (to give a few examples).

In order to manifest the money you want, you will need to identify and then anchor the energies behind your intention into your inner world.

Here are some possible energies behind a money intention. (Underneath each one I’ve given some examples.)

  • Love

Maybe you want to manifest money in order to help or support someone that you love

  • Self-love

Perhaps you want to manifest money as an act of love towards yourself, so that you can live an easier life

  • Security/safety

This is a big one for most people when it comes to money. Many people want to manifest money because it makes them feel safe and secure. No-one wants to feel that their home is going to be taken away from them or that they can’t afford to pay their bills

  • Freedom

This is another common energy that people want to bring in through money manifestation. Some people don’t want to work a 9-5 job or they want to retire and be free to spend their time however they choose

  • Joy

Money can bring short-term happiness & joy in a variety of ways. Perhaps you want to manifest money so that you can go on a holiday of a lifetime with your family, which will bring joy into your lives

  • Wellness

We can use money to improve our health. Maybe you want to eat organic food or have a less stressful life by working part time, instead of full time

  • Stability

Perhaps you want to manifest money for a downpayment for a house, which will enable you to live a more stable life as a homeowner

  • Peace

Having money allows us to sleep peacefully at night, because we know that all our material needs are covered.

  • Worthiness

Maybe you want to feel more worthy of the good things that life has to offer.

  • Rootedness/belonging

If your money intention is about buying a home, this can allow you to put down roots in one place

  • Relaxation

This is similar to ‘peace’. Perhaps you want to relax when it comes to money, and not worry that you have more month than money.

  • Power

Maybe you would like to experience yourself as a powerful creator who is in control of your reality, and manifesting money will allow you to experience that.

  • Luxury

Manifesting money can allow you to live a life of luxury, perhaps living in a beautiful environment, with people taking care of your cleaning and cooking.

  • Richness/abundance/variety

Maybe you want to live a very rich life, that is full of a variety of experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to without that money. Perhaps you want to travel extensively. Maybe you want to eat in amazing restaurants. Or perhaps you would like to learn some new skills that you need money to learn.

  • Contribution/purpose

This energy is for those of you who feel you are here to contribute something special or unique to the world but you’re not in a position to do that because of your financial situation. As an example, maybe your plan is to become a professional intuitive and offer readings to the general public, but you don’t have the money yet to get training. Manifesting the money will allow you to live your purpose and contribute your talents to society.

  • Self-sufficiency

Maybe you want to buy a small farm or homestead, and live a more sustainable, self-sufficient life that doesn’t rely so much on supply chains that are controlled by other people.

I recommend you choose no more than 3 of the energies listed above that you feel are behind your money intention.

This step is important because if you want to see something appear in your 3D life, you first need to experience it within — “as within, so without”. So, you will need to anchor the energies you chose into your inner life using techniques.

Next, I’m going to explain how you can do this.

Step three: choose a technique which allows you to anchor your chosen energies into your inner world

I have a list of LOA techniques here.

Here are some examples of how you can use techniques to anchor your desired energies into your inner world.


Craft some affirmations based on the energies you chose. For example, if you’re exhausted because of so much worrying about money (and the energy you want to bring in is ‘relaxation’), you could use an affirmation such as: “It feels so good to be able to relax about money and know my material needs are all covered”

If you’d like to bring in ‘worthiness’ you could use an affirmation such as “I deserve the very best that this life has to offer”.

Create affirmations that are tailored to you and the energies you want to bring in.

I find that affirmations such as “I have $1 million dollars in my bank account” are quite dry and don’t excite most people or allow them to connect with the reason behind them wanting the money. I believe that in order to manifest money into your world, you need to focus less on the literal desired outcome like “I have a full bank account” and instead focus more what that money can do for you, and how it can improve your life.

I’m not saying that you should never focus on the literal desired outcome, but in my experience, it’s best to do that in combination with a focus on your desired energies.

I also have some more general money affirmations here.

Let’s have a look at another technique:


SATS stands for ‘a state akin to sleep’. It is essentially getting into a really relaxed state and then visualising your desired outcome. (You’re more likely to impress your subconscious mind when you are relaxed.) Again, I recommend coming up with a visualisation that encapsulates the energy you wish to bring into your life. For example, if it’s freedom you’re seeking, see yourself living a free life, where you get to travel, where you can eat lunch in a restaurant during the week, where you can play golf on a Monday afternoon (or whatever it is you like doing). Hear yourself telling a friend that it feels so good to be have time freedom these days.

Bringing your desired energies into your energy body

This is my favourite LOA techniques out of all of them and the one I have used most in the past.

In this article, I explain how to do it. The method is about half way through the article and it begins with “Rehearsing your new character until you become them”. (If you go to that page, do CTRL + F and type in “rehearsing”, it should take you straight to the relevant section.)

Using past memories to anchor your desired energies into your inner world

Something else I like to do is consider the highlights of my life and past positive memories that allow me to connect with my desired energies. For example, if it’s more freedom you’re after, remember times in your life when you felt free.

I have a very positive memory from childhood when I was around 7 or 8 years old: I was in the school playground and I came to the realisation that I was about to have 6 weeks off school during the summer holidays. I remember standing on the playground feeling the sun on my skin and knowing that I was going to be free for 6 weeks and have a great time exploring the outdoors and just being a kid. I still feel mildly excited when I think of that memory and if I really lean into the experience and relive it, I can work myself up into more excitement about being free to enjoy what life (and the summertime/outdoors) has to offer.

So, it might be effective to look at the 3 energies you chose and try to remember times when you felt: relaxed, powerful, worthy, free (or whatever it is that you desire more of) and relive those experiences. It can be a really powerful way to anchor these energies into our lives.

Not everyone has experienced their desired energy before, so if you can’t think of any memories that correspond to your desired energy, no worries.

Guided meditations

Joe Dispenza has a good financial abundance meditation, that is very much in alignment with the teachings of the LOA because the aim of it is to put the listener into a state of abundance and freedom. (Note that it is a paid meditation.)

You could also go to YouTube and type in your desired energy + meditation – e.g. ‘safety’ + meditation. Or ‘power’ + meditation.

Or go more general and type in ‘money meditation’ or ‘financial abundance’ meditation.

You can find so many high quality, free meditations on YouTube these days. I think it is an amazing resource to have access to.


Another effective technique to use for manifesting abundance is to start a gratitude practice.

It’s best not to do this if you are not enjoying your life and feel you have nothing to be grateful for (forced gratitude sucks!)

But most of us living in the Western world have something to be grateful for. For example: clean, hot running water, enough food to eat, a safe place to sleep, shelter, clothes to wear, and medicines like antibiotics if we get an infection.

Some people in the world do not have these basic things.

It can also help to practise gratitude every time money comes your way. For example, maybe you have a business that isn’t making enough money yet, but you do have some money coming in. Bless the money that comes in and feel as grateful as you can for it, that this customer chose you and your service or product.

We can also go deep into gratitude for one experience or thing in our lives. I love the book ‘Hardwiring Happiness’ by Rick Hanson which goes into this concept in more detail and provides instructions for feeling gratitude for blessings in our life, in quite a deep way (it is not your regular gratitude practice!)

If none of the above techniques appeal to you, there are more techniques listed here that you can use to manifest money.

Step four: look at your outer world and consider how it might be currently misaligned with your chosen energies

Something else that can work well for manifesting a desired outcome is to take those desired energies that you came up with in step 2, and consider how your life may currently be out of alignment with them.

Consider whether there might be any behaviours, situations or relationships in your life that run contrary to your desired energies.

For example, if you’re want more ‘relaxation’ about money but you are constantly stressed and have no time for yourself, your life may be out of alignment with that energy. What can you do in practical terms to bring more relaxation into your life?

For this step, you don’t always need to make big changes – just little steps can help.

It can also be helpful to look at how you can bring more of your desired energies into your life in practical terms, even if your life is not misaligned with your desired energies.

For example, if you want more safety and security in your life (and that’s why you’re manifesting money), look at how you could create more of that. Perhaps you can have a deep pantry stocked with a lot of food and have some water stored in case of natural disasters or water outages.

One of the things I’ve noticed about the bridge of incidents is that it often addresses these situations in our lives that run contrary to our intentions. For example, if there’s a relationship in your life that makes you feel powerless, but your deep desire is to know yourself as the powerful creator of your life, the bridge of incidents may bring change to that relationship.

This is why we shouldn’t throw our hands up and declare defeat when we set an intention and something shows up in our lives that is unwanted. Often unwanted circumstances are about preparing us for receiving our manifestation.

Step five: release importance

I talk about this step in a lot of detail here.

It’s often easier to manifest money when you don’t really need the money. It can feel harder to manifest money when you can’t pay the rent this month and you have nothing in the cupboards to eat.

The reason for this is importance. When you place a lot of importance on your intention, it creates resistance and it makes it harder for it to come in.

That’s why I recommend that people who are new to money manifesting (and in a bad financial situation) start with manifesting an emergency fund of at least $1000 US – this is something I talk about more in the money intention article that was mentioned earlier on.

People who have an emergency fund in place can manifest money more easily because they aren’t going to be coming from a place of desperation.

If you already have savings or an emergency fund and you’re manifesting from that place – great. That is something that is going to work in your favour.

Step six: look at your childhood and limiting money beliefs

(Not everyone needs to take this step, but it can be helpful for some.)

For this step, look at what the money situation was in your home growing up because this will give you an idea of the limiting beliefs you may have taken on.

For example:

  • Who earned the money and how much?
  • Did you have enough for needs and wants?
  • What were your parents’ attitudes to money when you were growing up?
  • Do you remember anything specific they told you about money (e.g. ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘money is the root of all evil’)
  • Did your parents talk badly about (or seem cynical of) rich people?
  • Did your parents have limiting beliefs about commerce? (e.g. people who sell stuff are trying to scam us)

Here are some more examples of limiting beliefs around money. Which ones do you resonate with?

  • Only bad people/selfish people get rich
  • I need to be really frugal and live a miserable life to get rich
  • It’s difficult to make money
  • I can’t make money doing what I love
  • We can’t always have what we want and have to ‘make do’
  • I will have to work REALLY hard to get rich
  • I’m not worthy of being rich
  • People will judge me if I charge a lot for my products or services
  • Only people with privilege get/are rich
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • I was born poor and I’ll remain poor
  • I’m unlucky
  • There’s a limit to how much money I can manifest — e.g. I can manifest enough for the basics but that’s all
  • Making a lot of money is never win/win and someone always gets screwed over
  • Money is a reflection of my self-worth
  • Life is unfair

If you agreed with some of the above, I recommend crafting affirmations that are the exact opposite of your limiting beliefs.

Step seven: Revise situations related to money

I recommend this step either for people who grew up in poverty or for those who have used LOA techniques for several months and who haven’t seen any change in their inner or outer world.

Possible events/situations to revise:

  • Growing up poor e.g. no food in cupboards growing up or shoes that didn’t fit
  • Growing up comfortable but parents were too frugal/mean
  • Being teased or bullied by other children because you didn’t have what they had
  • Being shamed or told off for wanting something your family couldn’t afford (as a child)
  • Bankruptcy
  • Being fired
  • Being laid off
  • Being given a warning at work or threatened with dismissal
  • Being financially abused
  • Ex hasn’t paid spousal maintenance or child maintenance
  • Having to ask someone for money and being ashamed about it
  • Doing something for money that you’re ashamed of
  • Doing something for money that didn’t honour your needs/boundaries
  • Working in a job you hate/hated because you needed the money
  • Being abused or mistreated in a relationship but not being able to leave due to lack of resources
  • Overspending
  • Business deals gone wrong
  • Business failure
  • Losing large sums of money
  • Bad investments
  • Giving away a sum of money to someone who squandered it
  • Making a large purchase that was in retrospect a bad decision
  • Being scammed out of money
  • Participating in get-rich-quick schemes
  • Parent refused to help pay for education despite having the money
  • Being financially screwed over in a divorce

You can find my instructions for revising your past here.

Step eight: check your self-concept

Manifesting money is not that difficult, but keeping it can sometimes trip people up. The reason for this is: in order to not only manifest money but remain wealthy, your self concept must be in alignment with that.

Put more simply, you can manifest money with a poor self-concept, but you will have a hard time keeping it with a poor self-concept.

Common money behaviours connected to a poor self concept include:

  • Spending or giving money away as soon as you earn it (even if you need the money!)
  • Landing a high paying job but being unable to keep it.
  • Having feast and famine phases in your business, where you make good money for a while but you can’t sustain it.

Any situation where you manifest money but you are unable to sustain the prosperity is a sign of something awry with your ‘money self-concept’.

There is a self-concept quiz in this article.

If you answered ‘yes’ to more than a couple of statements in that quiz and you’d like to manifest wealth, you will probably also need to look at the root of your current self-concept that may be out of alignment with being wealthy, and revise anything from the first 20-27 years of your life (when your brain was still forming) that may have contributed to your current self concept.

For example:

  • Take the ACEs quiz and revise anything that came up for you that you think may have impacted on your self-concept
  • If you experienced emotional or psychological abuse in childhood from a parent, revise the relationship with that parent
  • Sexual and physical abuse can also impact very negatively on our self-concept, so I would definitely recommend revising that kind of abuse
  • If you were treated as ‘less than’ compared to your siblings or your parent favoured a sibling over you, revise that

Step nine: be consistent

In order to manifest your desired reality, you usually have to do techniques everyday over an extended period. Doing techniques sporadically probably isn’t going to cut it, especially if you’re manifesting a big life change like going from not having enough money for most of your life, to manifesting wealth.

Making big life changes can take time for some (but not all) people.

I wrote more about how to structure a LOA practice here.

Step ten: when all else fails, consider karmic complexes

I recommend this step if you have done all of the above for an extended period and you still haven’t seen any change in your inner world or 3D life.

One of the most common reasons for being unable to shift a poverty consciousness, no matter what you do, is a karmic complex.

You can read about karmic complexes and their impact on conscious creation here.

I read for a young woman who was manifesting a successful business. When I read her Akashic soul record, I found that she had had a past life as a farmer who experienced a famine several hundred years ago, and she blamed herself for her family dying. The woman from that previous life was cut off geographically and didn’t understand or accept that the famine was down to climatic conditions and not her own failures. This past life self had not had a life review after death, had a lot of unfinished business and was feeding my client fearful ‘guidance’ around money and business.

The fact is, we manifest our 3D lives based on the contents of our subtle energy bodies (not just based on the contents of our subconscious mind) and these energy bodies are not wiped clean from one lifetime to the next. Our unresolved past life traumas stay with us until we resolve them. And if we did experience a past life trauma around money and resources, this can manifest in our present life. The reason it does manifest is because it is seeking healing and resolution.

I have an online course which is coming out in the next few months which allows people to identify and clear their karmic complexes. You can find out more about that here.

A little tip: revising events from one’s present lifetime can often resolve certain past life complexes.

Two more final recommendations for manifesting money that aren’t steps to the formula as such, but which could be helpful…

1. Extreme penny pinching may be a false economy

From 2015-2019, I had some consumer debt and a big student loan that I wanted to pay off in full. I did this by house sitting full time and cutting my expenses in a big way. I did pay off a lot of debt during those years and put myself into a better financial situation, but I was sometimes miserable and travelling so much negatively impacted my health.

I also under-earned during those 4 years, and within 2 months of settling in one place again in 2019, my business became a lot more prosperous. At that point, I realised that all the penny pinching might have been a false economy because moving around and travelling so much distracted me from my work and it meant that some weeks I didn’t have much time to dedicate to my business. I was also too tired to work oftentimes because of all the travel I was doing and all the travel arrangements I was making (that felt like a part time job in itself!)

The problem with extreme penny pinching is that it can put us in the energy of lack, which can cause an energetic constriction in terms of our income.

I also had many wonderful experiences during that time of my life – I met some amazing people and pets. And I got to see the world! But if I could re-do that time again, I wouldn’t be penny pinching, instead I would focus all my energy on increasing my income.

I’m not saying that frugality is a bad idea (some people do build wealth this way), but I don’t recommend taking it to extremes or living in a state of deprivation for very long, otherwise you may be bringing more lack into your life. I personally feel that it’s better to take all that energy you would use penny pinching and channel it towards increasing your income.

It’s also worth considering the impact penny pinching has on your health. I think extreme frugality often has a health cost, such as a lack of variety in your diet or poor quality food. These are obviously false economies when you manage to meet your financial goals but then start having problems with your health (which is what happened to me.)

2. To manifest money, have a contribution mindset

I love this quote by Derek Sivers:

“Making money is nothing more than a neutral exchange of value. Making money is proof you’re adding value to people’s lives. Aiming to get rich is aiming to be useful to the world.”

Some people who are aiming to manifest money are focusing on what they can extract from life and the world. But if you want to manifest money, it makes more sense to focus on service and being useful to other people because money often comes through what we give. If you’re in business, you might like to visualise a scene where you are making a difference to peoples’ lives on a massive scale or having many happy customers and getting great feedback about your services or products.

You can also ask Spirit to show you how you can contribute at scale (and consequently make more money). Set this intention and watch what happens next.

I hope you found some of these ideas helpful and good luck in applying them!

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Fe

    I took the ACE test and felt sick while taking it. However, the article is helpful and hopeful. Thank you!!

    • Anna Sayce

      Hi Fe,

      Being reminded of past traumas can be quite unpleasant. There’s a lot you can do in terms of money manifesting without going into it. Good luck!

  2. Cloud

    I appreciate how clear these instructions are. There is nothing vague here.

    • Anna Sayce

      Hi Cloud, thanks for your feedback!

  3. Valda DeDieu

    I’ve been your subscriber since 2014. This is perhaps the best – and most user-friendly – guide to the Law of Assumption. It makes sense to the mind, yet also intuitively FEELS right.

    I saw immediate results. I know that those of us who are naturally spiritual are actually the most naturally abundant, yet also those *most often* targeted for brain-washing, particularly when, as part of our soul purpose, we chose parents and siblings and environments that are toxic and painful.

    This is refreshingly freeing, effortless and fun.

    Thank you, Anna

    Always, Infinite Love and Endless Light!

  4. Anna Sayce

    Hi Valda, That is high praise – thank you! I’m so glad you found this helpful and got results.

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