Manifesting Money? Take This into Account When Setting Your Intention

This is the first in a series of articles I am writing on how to manifest money. This article covers how to set a good money intention. (And in the next article, I will talk about how to actually manifest money.)

A while back, I wrote an article on how to set an intention when using the Law of Assumption to manifest a desired outcome. I also wanted to write an article on how to set an intention when you are manifesting money, because there are some extra considerations to take into account with this sort of intention.

With money intentions, you need to be specific

Sometimes when people set intentions, they are too vague about what they want. People often try to manifest “more money”, for example. But the Law of Assumption responds to you very literally, so you do need to be literal, explicit and specific in what you would like to manifest.

Let’s look at how you can formulate a money intention for best results.

How to Structure Your Money Intention

1. Choose whether you are going to manifest a one-off sum or a consistent monthly income amount

In many cases, I recommend manifesting a consistent monthly amount since it is a source of ongoing income.

2. Choose the amount

Guidelines for the amount:

  • Choose an amount that feels somewhat exciting but doable for you
  • If you’re a beginner conscious creator, I don’t recommend manifesting more than a 50% increase in your income initially, if you have never made that kind of money before (if you have already made that kind of money in the past, go for it.)

For example, if you currently make $80,000 per year and you’ve never made more than that, I wouldn’t set an intention beyond making $120,000 per year.

Similarly, if it’s a one off sum you’re manifesting, I don’t recommend manifesting an amount that you’ve never had in your possession before and can’t imagine having.

For example, if your current annual income is $40,000 per year, you may not quickly be able to manifest an amount such as anything above $40k or $30k, unless you’ve had those kinds of bigger amounts come into your bank account before. If that’s not the case for you, I would recommend going for $1k or $5k or something in between those amounts and then once you’ve achieved success, do it again with a higher amount.

The successes will increase your momentum and make future manifestations easier.

Here’s my reasoning behind that:

In my experience, most people who try to manifest large amounts or big jumps in income do not usually manifest what they desire quickly and they give up.

What happens when you set the intention to manifest a large amount or a big income is that you have to become the person who has that amount in their possession and the right self-concept and beliefs to keep it. For someone who is not currently that person, this could be a journey that takes a while and most people give up on the way.

As an example of this, see my blog post about Cynthia Stafford, a woman who won $112m on the lottery in 2007. She says she manifested this money and trained like an olympic athlete for 3 years ‘living in the end’. This is a fairly typical story for someone who is manifesting a big money intention. You have to put a lot of work in. The downside to manifesting a big amount like this is that it can take a long time and a huge amount of focus. Most people are not going to stick it out for years.

But if you go for a smaller amount, you’re more likely to reach your goal, and then you can use the principles of conscious creation to reach a new income goal. It’s better to manifest your desires in weeks or months (not years) and then re-use the process of conscious creation to increase your wealth further.

3. Next, set any other conditions that are important to you

For example, you may also wish to add to your intention that you want this amount of money to come on part time hours e.g. no more than 20 hours per week.

Or you could state that you don’t want to work more than 40 hours per week, otherwise you may manifest the money you want but you could be working 80 hour weeks for it.

So, be specific about that.

Alternatively, perhaps as an example you have an abusive boss and you want to exit that situation. In your intention, you will want to state that you make the money you want and you have a great boss.

4. Decide why you want the money

Ask yourself what the money will be for. A money intention is almost never about the money. Instead it’s about what the money means to you.

Perhaps you want the money so that you can:

  • Spend more time with your children
  • Have more free time
  • Indulge in the luxuries of life
  • Travel
  • Save for a down payment on a house
  • Pay off debt
  • Sleep better at night and worry less about money
  • Be less exhausted by thinking about how you’re going to make ends meet this month
  • Have a more beautiful environment.

This step may not seem relevant at this point, but you need to know what you want the money for once you get into using Law of Assumption techniques, plus ideally you are going to weave your reason for wanting the money into the money intention. So, please explore that now.

So, by now you should have crafted an intention that is:

  1. Either a one off amount or a monthly income intention
  2. With an amount that isn’t going to take you a really long time to manifest (no huge amounts at this stage unless you have received/dealt with large amounts of money in the past)
  3. Perhaps with other conditions
  4. With a reason for wanting the money
  5. If you have a deadline for your intention, state that, too (I only recommend this if an external circumstance is forcing you to set a deadline — don’t impose one on yourself otherwise — I explain why here).

Here’s an example of a good money intention:

“I make $100,000 per year while working 30 hours per week. I have paid off my credit card debt and I am spending more time with my children.”

“I make $75,000 per year, and I have a new roof”

Note that if you want to make $75k per year so you can afford a new roof, don’t intend: “I make $75k per year so that I can buy a new roof”, instead it’s better to say: “I make $75k per year and I have a new roof.”

So, you are not only setting the intention for the money to come to you, but you’re also setting the intention for what you want to do with the money. Make sure your intention contains both.

To go through the steps to set your money intention, I recommend you use this article.

Additional Considerations when Setting a Money Intention

One of the things I’ve learned in the last few years about manifesting is that although you can manifest anything you want to, it is better to create intentions that come from a place of positivity. Your intention needs to be about what you are moving TOWARDS, not what you are moving AWAY from.

If you’re setting an intention because you want to move away from something, you are coming from a place of fear, and that fact will be reflected in your manifestation when it shows up. You can manifest intentions that come from a place of fear, but although you may get what you want, you will also create more fear in your life in doing so.

This is why manifesting money can be tricky. People often engage with money from a place of fear around survival. Money for many people is wrapped up in survival fears. But when you come at money from a place of fear, you will manifest more reasons to be fearful.

Dave Ramsey, a popular personal finance guru calls this ‘Murphy’s Law”, saying that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and it always seems to happen when you’re least prepared. He has noticed that when people do not have a basic emergency fund, which he defines as $1000 USD, he has observed that more disasters occur. Peoples’ cars break down and the roof needs repairing. Whereas if you have an emergency fund, you’ll notice things don’t go wrong quite as much. On the level of conscious creation, the reason for this is because when a person looks at a bank account that has nothing in it and they have a beater car that could break down at any time and they live paycheque to paycheque, they naturally feel fear. That fear will create more reasons in your 3D reality to be fearful, resulting in more financial disasters and scarcity.

So, for this reason I don’t recommend setting big money intentions when you’re in an unbearable situation or as a solution to a problem you’re having that is really bothering you. It often won’t work.

Instead, I recommend focusing on what you want instead of the problem you’re having, and focus on manifesting that.

So, for example let’s say that you have inconsiderate, noisy neighbours. I recommend you set an intention that you move into a place that is quiet and peaceful. Maybe you want to live in the countryside with no neighbours. Manifest this and give the Universe a chance to bring it to you in any number of ways. You could also manifest money at the same time, but as mentioned above, I recommend that you make your intention a double one (a quiet place to live + the money to do so.)

The mistake people make when they are in bad situations is that they try to manifest bigger intentions, such as a large windfall, and they’re very focused on the money they need to escape their situation. This often doesn’t work because you are trying to move away from something. Instead focus on what you want instead, and manifest that. Manifest the money on top of it (e.g. “I make $75k per year and I have a new roof”), or keep money out of it and just focus on the essence of what you want.

The best money intention to set when you’re in a bad financial situation

If you’re in a bad financial situation, instead of manifesting a lottery win, I recommend you follow Dave Ramsey’s baby steps and intend only to manifest only the next baby step in your plan. So, for example, if you’re $30k in debt and you have no savings, manifest a $1000 emergency fund. Then once you have that, focus on step two, which is debt repayment. (This is effective because having the emergency fund in place will reduce some of the survival fears.)

In the next article, I’m going to talk about how you manifest money once you have set your intention.

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Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


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