Over the last couple of months, I’ve been doing what I call ‘Evolutionary Manifesting’ readings for people.
These readings answer the question:
“Why haven’t I yet manifested my desired outcome, and how can I change that?”
I decided to write a few articles about the most common reasons why my clients haven’t yet manifested their desired outcomes.
Karmic complexes is the main one.
What is a karmic complex and how does it hinder successful conscious creation?
To answer this question, I want to go into the story of Damien Echols.
Damien Echols was one of the ‘West Memphis Three’.
When he was 18, he was (along with two other men) convicted of the murder of 3 eight year olds (Steve Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher Byers) in West Memphis, Arkansas. He was sentenced to death by lethal injection.
The case was a miscarriage of justice and Echols was later released, but not before he had spent over 18 years on death row.
Damien Echols spent much of his time in prison meditating and towards the end of his incarceration, he used Law of Attraction/magick techniques to secure his freedom. He wrote a book about his experience doing this, entitled High Magick: A Guide to the Spiritual Practices that Saved my Life on Death Row. In particular, in the book he shared an affirmation that he used constantly towards the end of his imprisonment to manifest his freedom:
“May I be home, free from prison, living happily with my Lorri (his wife). May it come about in a way that brings harm to none and is for the good of all, and in no way let this reverse or bring upon me or my loved ones any curse.”
He stated that he and his wife focused on this affirmation every day and within one year, he was off death row.
It’s clear that conscious creation techniques can be used to reverse a whole variety of terrible situations.
But how does a person get on death row in the first place?
If we are to believe some conscious creation teachers, a person would end up on death row if they focused on the idea of it, or feared it subconsciously.
But how did an 18 year old Damien Echols end up achieving something like that — focusing so much on death row that he ended up there?
I don’t believe that ending up on death row is a result of where someone is putting their focus. Instead, after 17 years of practising as an Akashic record reader and working with the spirit world, I have come to believe that situations like these are down to karma.
In this article, I’m going to explain how karma interacts with the Law of Assumption and I’m also going to talk about how you can ensure karma is not messing with your conscious creation practices.
Many students and teachers in the conscious creation community do not like the idea of karma.
But the Law of Assumption itself is proof of karma. Karma is a Sanskrit word that simply means ‘action’ — it’s about choices and consequences. Every deed has a consequence. Every belief has a consequence. Thoughts have consequences — they can make us feel bad or they can make us feel good. There are consequences to everything we think, say, do and feel, and that is karma at work.
Karma underlies everything we experience here on earth and it underlies our soul’s path.
There are two types of karma that I want to talk about in this article.
The first type is justified karma. As souls, we are here to evolve our souls and raise the quality of our consciousness. Part of how we do this is by exploring certain ‘themes’ or life lessons. As part of that, we have experiences that are opposites of one another.
For example, in one life, if you do harm to a large group of people, the justified karma that results from that may see you becoming a healer in another life, helping the same group of people that you hurt in a past life.
Justified karma is a belief inherent to many religions, including Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism. It’s also mentioned in the Bible (…Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap – Galathians 6:7)
Judeo-Christian teachings have this idea that karma is about retribution, but that isn’t in alignment with my experiences reading for others and exploring my own past lives.
Karma is about wholeness.
If you have the experience of mistreating someone in a past life, you will later experience what it is like to be mistreated in the same way (often by the same soul you mistreated). Here on earth, polarities reign — as souls, we learn empathy by experiencing situations from all angles.
Damien Echols’ situation could have been the result of justified karma — perhaps a debt that he was settling with other souls. But it’s also likely it was a result of unjustified karma, which I’ll cover next.
Unjustified karma (also known as a karmic complex) is the number one thing that hinders successful conscious creation.
Unjustified karma involves a past life karmic situation that has been rebalanced and is technically completed on the soul level, but which was so traumatic that it has created what is known in sanskrit as a Samskara — a karmic complex. Samskara means ‘groove’ and it is like a groove in a record, which replays a certain situation over and over. This is a wound from a past life that is present in the energy bodies.
One of the features of a karmic complex or samskara is that it is carried over from one lifetime to the next, until it is resolved. With a few exceptions, our energetic bodies are not cleaned or deleted from one lifetime to the next — instead we take the negative preoccupations and unresolved traumas we had from our most recent past life and we carry them into our next life.
(This belief is central to both Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, and is also widely accepted in the field of past life regression.)
So, a karmic complex sits in the etheric body, it’s caused by a past trauma, and it has attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and feelings attached to it.
Karmic complexes cause unwanted situations in our lives, and they also cause compulsive behaviours.
There are varying severities with these karmic complexes — some are so severe that they can put us on death row or bring about other grave misfortunes. Others are relatively minor.
I can’t say for certain since I’ve not read for him, but it’s likely that Damien Echols had a karmic complex around his freedom or life being taken away, originating from a past life trauma. Karmic complexes involve powerful patterns of thought, feeling, behaviour and reactions that can cause us to manifest certain situations (that match the nature of the complex). Without some additional help from an existing karmic complex, it’s unlikely that a soul is going to be able to manifest something so terrible.
We don’t manifest only according to the contents of our subconscious mind. We also manifest according to the entirety of our subtle energy bodies (of which the subconscious mind is one part). And our energy bodies can contain complexes from past lives, causing us to broadcast the opposite of what we are intending. Our karmic complexes can also influence the kind of childhood we have.
Here are the outward signs that the soul has brought through into this lifetime a lot of karmic complexes to resolve:
- Abusive parents or family
- A high ACE score
- Illness (although illness is not a reflection of negative past life karma in every case)
- Pain and suffering (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical)
- Depression and/or other mental health struggles
- Addiction
- Abuse
- Bad luck and misfortunes that seem to come out of nowhere
- Multiple cycles of things going really well in life and then losing it all, and having to start again
- Financial struggles
- Unfulfilling relationships
- Loneliness
- Feeling disconnected from one’s life purpose
- Not enjoying life
- Struggling to manifest one’s desires or to even keep up a conscious creation practice
- A strong interest in past lives
Karmic complexes from past lives are the number one reason why some of my clients have not been able to manifest their desires.
Having an active karmic complex when you’re using conscious creation techniques is like having a lawn with weeds on it. You can use affirmations and other techniques to mow over the weeds and neutralise the complex, but if you stop using techniques, the weeds will come up again.
Many healing modalities alleviate karmic complexes somewhat but there aren’t many modalities and methods that fully neutralise karmic complexes. Some types of past life regression are really good at neutralising these types of complex. Revision is another good one for neutralising karmic complexes.
Note that you don’t usually need to do masses of work to neutralise a karmic complex from a past life — often, you just need to do enough to neutralise the complex that is impeding the manifestation of your desire in the 3D.
But first you need to know exactly which karmic complex you carry, and how it is impacting on your life, and your energy field.
To this end, I recently created a new modality: Evolutionary Manifesting
This is a diagnostics reading to help people to find out if they have past life complexes preventing successful conscious creation.
I am in the early stages of teaching this new reading to a small group of students and the Evolutionary Manifesting course for Akashic Record readers will come out later this year (or early next year.) Initially, I will only be teaching this modality to those who have already taken my Akashic Record Reading Program, since karmic complexes can be found and identified through reading a person’s akashic soul record.
Here is what I am teaching in the Evolutionary Manifesting course:
A summary of points from this article:
- Karmic complexes are wounds from past lives caused by trauma
- They cause repetitive negative thoughts, emotions, behaviours, habits, and attitudes
- Because they are traumas (and the essence of trauma is to try to find resolution) they set up a ‘repetition compulsion’ in our lives, where we keep manifesting the same unwanted situation over and over in an effort to experience a different result next time
- In this way, karmic complexes often hinder successful conscious creation
- Karmic complexes are also sometimes referred to as ‘unjustified karma’ or ‘samskara’
- ‘Karmic complex’ is a term coined by Dr Roger Woolger, the late past life regressionist
- Our energy bodies are not cleaned in between lives — we take on the same subtle energy bodies that we had in our last life
- We manifest our lives according not only to the contents of our subconscious mind, but also according to the contents of our entire energy bodies (of which the subconscious mind is one part)
- Karmic complexes can cause us to broadcast energetically the complete opposite of what we are intending
- Not many healing modalities fully neutralise karmic complexes, although many will give insight into karmic complexes or make a dent in the complex. All healing modalities have value for the varying stages of the journey, but when it comes to full neutralisation of karmic complexes, you have to be quite strategic
- My understanding of karmic complexes also comes from Patricia Walsh’s work – she wrote an interesting book entitled ‘Understanding Karmic Complexes’
I want to finish with a quote from Law of Assumption teacher and author Neville Goddard:
“Man and his past are one continuous structure. This structure contains all of the facts which have been conserved and still operate below the threshold of his surface mind. For him it is merely history. For him it seems unalterable — a dead and firmly fixed past. But for itself, it is living — it is part of the living age.
He cannot leave behind him the mistakes of the past, for nothing disappears. Everything that has been is still in existence. The past still exists, and it gives — and still gives — its results. Man must go back in memory, seek for and destroy the causes of evil, however far back they lie. This going into the past and replaying a scene of the past in imagination as it ought to have been played the first time, I call revision — and revision results in repeal.
Changing your life means changing the past.
The causes of any present evil are the unrevised scenes of the past.
The past and the present form the whole structure of man; they are carrying all of its contents with it. Any alteration of content will result in an alteration in the present and future.”
– Neville Goddard, the Law and the Promise.
Part 2 in this article series on karmic complexes can be found here.
Awesome Article!!
Thanks for bringing this out for My conscious/ unconscious thought!
Thank you, Kim, for your comment!