Common Pitfalls of Contemporary Manifesting Teachings (and how to avoid them)

In my last article, I talked about karmic complexes — deep patterns of thought, feeling and belief in the auric field (originating from past lives) that can cause energetic misalignments to manifesting our desires.

(Not all conscious creators will have a karmic complex, but many of the people I’ve worked with have.)

If you haven’t read that article, I recommend you go read it for some extra background before you continue with this one.

In this article, I want to go into karmic complexes in more detail and the mechanics of how they can prevent some of us from manifesting our desires.

This is what it’s like manifesting your desires when you have a karmic complex

(This is a composite of a couple of real cases.)

Let’s say that a young woman is manifesting a life partner but came into this life with a powerful karmic complex around not feeling good enough. She feels ‘second best’.

In multiple past lives she has been the ‘other woman’ in an affair, and she has accepted that scenario repeatedly. Maybe in her most recent lifetime she was killed because she was having an affair with someone.

In this life, her first boyfriend cheated on her then left her for someone else. In multiple relationships, she’s discovered she was in fact not in a legitimate relationship as she thought, but the other woman. The men who show up in her world seeking a relationship with her are often partnered and looking to cheat.

If she delves into her family tree/ancestral patterns, she may find affairs all over the place and dysfunctional romantic relationships (we tend to incarnate into families which echo our own past life karmic complexes.)

She also has negative thought forms that have taken up residence in her auric field (negative thought forms are repeated patterns of negative thought — like negative affirmations — that we repeat. We can take them from the collective consciousness or create them ourselves.)

Her negative thought forms centre around the idea that all men are bad people and looking to cheat, because this has been her experience.

This karmic complex is active on multiple levels of her energy field — in the mental body (with the thoughts and beliefs attached to it), in the emotional body (with the feelings attached to it), and in the etheric body (where the wound/original trauma is centred), and it may also have manifested in the physical body as physiological dysfunction or illness.

So, all of this busy stuff is going on on the level of her auric field. People are going to perceive it unconsciously as “negative vibes” and respond to her accordingly. She doesn’t know she’s sending out negative vibes (our karmic complex is like the water we are ‘swimming’ in and we aren’t usually aware of it.)

Now let’s look at what happens when this woman with a deep karmic complex around being ‘second best’ manifests a life partner.

First of all, she’s probably going to be skeptical of conscious creation because she will quite rightly sense that it isn’t going to work for her.

But if she does get as far as using techniques (and let’s say that she uses positive affirmations), within days she can set up a positive thought form in her auric field that she is happily partnered.

The energy that goes into setting up the positive thought form goes to waste because it is being contradicted by the many other negative things she is broadcasting energetically.

Positive affirmations are not going to erase any of the negative things she is broadcasting, although they may temporarily neutralise them. In my last article about karmic complexes, I used the metaphor of mowing over a ‘weed’ in your subconscious mind with positive affirmations, rather than pulling it out at the root.

The positive thought form “I’m in a happy relationship” and the negative thought form “all men are cheaters” are clashing. If she manages to manifest a relationship, it will be in alignment with her belief “all men cheat”.

She may be successful in manifesting a partner but it probably won’t be someone who is a very good partner to her.

With a karmic complex active, you may be able to manifest your desire, but either you won’t be able to sustain it, or you may in fact find after a little while that your manifestation is a lemon (this is the most common scenario.)

Through my experience working with clients, karmic complexes are one of the main pitfalls people encounter in conscious creation.

And if you have a karmic complex active in your energy field that is broadcasting the opposite of what you’re trying to manifest, you will need to neutralise it once and for all (and not just with daily positive affirmations).

We can overcome our karmic complexes (and now is the best time in human history to do it, in this Information Age). Our desires are the impetus needed to overcome any complexes which are holding us back on the soul level (and some souls struggle with the same karmic complex for lifetime after lifetime). For many of us, our soul’s purpose involves overcoming them and creating something different.

In my Evolutionary Manifesting course, which is coming out in the next few months, I teach people how to find out what they or a client are really broadcasting energetically. This course teaches a method to research any karmic complexes (for oneself or one’s clients) that are interfering with a desired intention.

Let’s look at some of the other problems with manifesting teachings (and how to avoid them)

2. LOA coaches and teachers in ‘holiday lifetimes’

One of the things I’ve observed as an Akashic Record reader is that some people are here in what I call a ‘holiday lifetime’.

Having a holiday lifetime means that a soul has decided to put their karmic complexes or negative karmic patterns ‘on ice’ and have a lifetime where they are resourcing themselves on the earth plane & experiencing something positive that will be useful for a future incarnation.

These souls have usually had difficult incarnations back to back, and they need a break and a positive experience on the earth place this time around.

They don’t have karmic complexes active in their energy body and so they aren’t broadcasting anything that goes contrary to their desired intention. It’s not because they have transcended their karma, it’s that they have a life purpose which is not at all about cleaning up negative karma.

Some LOA teachers and coaches come from this place. They’ve never had to clean up karmic patterns or had energetic problems run really deep. They sometimes invalidate others who do and tell them just to “affirm and persist” because that’s what works for them. They don’t know they’re in a holiday lifetime, and they don’t know what a holiday lifetime is. They don’t know what a ‘karma clean up’ lifetime is either.

If you’ve struggled a lot in life, don’t learn from people who say that they manifested all their desires in a short time, with no struggle. This is not an impressive achievement for someone in a holiday lifetime and they will know very little about how to work with someone in a karma clean up lifetime.

Seek out manifesting teachings or communities with people whose path is similar to your own. Healing is unnecessary for people in holiday lifetimes. It is totally necessary for people in karma clean up lifetimes (aka people who have brought through karmic complexes) in order to manifest their desires.

My Evolutionary Manifesting course teaches readers to find out which type of lifetime you’re in or the kinds of lifetimes your clients are in (this is something that can be researched in the Akashic Records.)

People need conscious creation techniques that are right for the type of lifetime they’re in, and this applies especially in the beginning of the journey.

Let’s look at the next common problem with contemporary manifesting teachings.

3. Some people do not have the energy to manifest their desires or clear and neutralise their karmic complexes

To be able to clear a karmic complex that is preventing your desire from manifesting, you have to first be able to identify it (hard to do.) Then you need to choose the right modality to address it (there are only a few healing modalities that fully neutralise karmic complexes — most modalities only provide insight on the complex, make a dent in it or weaken it somewhat.)

But before you can neutralise a karmic complex, you need to have enough energy to do so.

Some of the Evolutionary Manifesting reading clients I’ve worked with have depleted energy fields. To manifest your desires, you need an energy field that is large, healthy and replete with energy that is flowing well. I have a scale that I use to measure the energy field and there is a certain place on that scale that you need to be at, at a minimum to manifest your desire or neutralise a karmic complex. (And this principle applies especially when a person is working full time or has many responsibilities, such as taking care of children.)

This puts some people in a catch-22 scenario because they don’t have enough energy to neutralise their karmic complex, but if they don’t neutralise the complex, they will have a harder time keeping their manifestation.

How do you build your energy field and amass energy to do all of this?

Through LOA techniques and other healthy living practices.

You can also build your energy field by cutting off negative thoughts and keeping a mental diet, although this can sometimes be an uphill battle for people with severe karmic complexes.

If you’re very depleted in your energy field and don’t have enough energy to manifest your desire, in order to build your energy field, you need different techniques from those that many LOA teachers recommend. For example, I don’t recommend Neville Goddard’s SATS technique for someone who is very depleted – it tends to create a lot of importance when people are doing it from that place.

In an Evolutionary Manifesting reading, we learn to measure the energy field, find out how much energy is available to create, and if it’s too low, the reasons for that. We also get guidance on how to increase energy, and a timeline of how long it will take to do so, before we have enough energy to either manifest our desire or neutralise our karmic complex. (We also talk about the techniques that work best for people who are very depleted.)

An Evolutionary Manifesting reading provides a timeline of the manifesting journey for the next 6-24 months based on where the client is right now.

Many people can manifest their desire within months following this process, but some people in an intense ‘karma clean up’ lifetime might have a more extended timeline.

This brings me to the next point…

4. It’s not a good idea to use LOA techniques and use karma clearing work at the same time.

As mentioned, we must have the requisite energy before we can neutralise a karmic complex.

LOA techniques build energy and are high vibrational.

Healing work (or neutralising karmic complexes) is energetically depleting and it is low-vibrational work because it addresses wounding.

So if you do healing work and use LOA techniques at the same time, you’ll be using more energy and losing a lot of it to two modes of conscious creation that neutralise one another.

In the Evolutionary Manifesting modality, we get guidance around which one to do next, and how long for. And then which healing modality is needed to clear the karmic complex that is preventing the manifestation of our desire.

When clearing karmic complexes, you do have to be quite strategic about the modality you choose, because healing work depletes the energy field and is energetically “costly”. Once we have built our energy field through LOA techniques, we need to go straight to the modality that will fully neutralise the complex. We do not do years of therapy where we go over old negative stories that will deplete us. This wastes valuable energy and will not clear the complex. When we’re ready to clear a complex, we also do not use healing modalities that are particularly depleting but do not yield the result of fully neutralising our karmic complex.

An Evolutionary Manifesting reading will tell you what to do next, which modality is right for you, and will tell you the root causes of energetic depletion so that once you’ve cleared your karmic complex, you have the energy to manifest your desire.

Onto another point that Spirit tells me is important with this whole process…

5. If you do healing work to neutralise a karmic complex, it’s better to do in a short burst, and then go straight to LOA techniques afterwards.

People should not be in ‘healing mode’ long term — this is too depleting.

Most people need to amass energy through LOA techniques and focus on positive energies, and then do a short burst of karmic complex neutralisation, and then move back to LOA techniques straight afterwards.

Some people make the mistake of sitting long term in the low-vibrational energy that clearing a karmic complex will bring into your life.

For example, if you do a past life regression, you may encounter traumas from past lives and that repressed-low vibrational energy will move to the forefront of your energy field temporarily as you do the work necessary to clear it. It is necessary low-vibrational energy that you’re sitting in, but you must move out of it in order not to stay there over an extended period. However, our instincts often take us further down the road of healing (because ‘like attracts like’ and we usually go in the direction of the state we’re already in.) We often feel like we have more healing to do, even when we don’t have the energy needed to do it.

That is why it’s necessary to follow healing work with LOA techniques, and it should happen straight away.

People with karmic complexes are like big ships on the ocean going in a certain direction. Neutralising a karmic complex will turn the ship round in another direction but often our ‘ship’ comes to a stop when we do that, because it took a lot of energy to turn around. So, at that point, we also need LOA techniques to actually fuel a move in a different direction.

The Evolutionary Manifesting modality provides a really clear and holistic roadmap out of unwanted circumstances and into the reality you want to experience. I believe it is one of the most sophisticated tools out there that we can use to help us get to the root of our problems in life, and resolve them for good, allowing us to truly manifest our desires — and keep them.

Unlike most contemporary manifesting teachings, it works for everyone — and not just those who are in holiday lifetimes.

Finally, how can you find out if you have a karmic complex?

I recommend that people simply start with LOA practices before considering karmic complexes.

But you will know you have a karmic complex if you have used manifesting teachings for a good while and you haven’t managed to manifest your desires, or change your state to something more positive. If you haven’t been able to keep up a regular conscious creation practice, that’s also a good sign.

I have further signs about halfway through this article. The harder your life has been, the more likely it is that you have a karmic complex.

How to get clues as to the nature of your karmic complex

The nature of the repetitive dreams and nightmares that people have in childhood will often give strong clues.

Someone whose child drowned in a lake in a past life may have nightmares in childhood about lakes.

If you were imprisoned in a past life, you may dream of being trapped in a room.

A man I read for who had a complex originating from a lifetime fighting in the Finnish Civil War throughout his childhood dreamt of fierce gun fighting.

Dreams in childhood will rarely shed light on the complex in its entirety, but they will often provide clues.

Here are some of the courses, spiritual texts and books that have informed Evolutionary Manifesting:

  • Indian Mythology and Philosophy: The Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Kama Sutra and How They Fit Together, by Neel Burton
  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
  • Healing Your Past Lives: Exploring the Many Lives of the Soul, by Roger Woolger
  • Understanding Karmic Complexes: Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy, by Patricia Walsh
  • The work of the late Dr Coletta Long, specifically her Regression Therapy Course
  • Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, by Sandra Ingerman
  • The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk
  • I have also been very much influenced by the spirit world and what I have channelled over the course of the last 17 years while working with clients and being on my own spiritual path. And I’ve been influenced by the experiences I’ve had as a past life regression client (I have completed over 15 regressions).

Evolutionary Manifesting is now available and can be found here.

And part 3 in this article series on karmic complexes can be found here.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Therese

    Hi Anna
    From this article I’m not clear if you are offering karmic or evolutionary clearings?
    I have been reading all your newsletters for some time and find them so helpful and makes so much sense. I recently made a list of memories I wanted to revise. I’ve done maybe 2 which interlinked and now when I think of those memories they look and feel faded and small which is great. To get the motivation to continue is hard! I am recovering from M.E and doing really well unless I over do physical and emotional stuff. Perhaps a karmic complex is at the root? Thankyou so much

    • Anna Sayce

      Hi Therese,

      Thanks for sharing. I offer Evolutionary Manifesting readings intermittently (they are readings and not clearings)

      I will mention it in my newsletter when the readings are available again:

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