1 More Common Mistake People Often Make When Clearing Karmic Complexes

In my last two articles, I talked about karmic complexes and how if we have one active, they often prevent us from healing, changing our lives and manifesting our desires in life.

Here are those articles. I recommend you go and read them before continuing on with this one:

In the articles linked to above, I explained how important it is (if we do have a past life complex) to fully neutralise that karmic complex in order to truly create change in life.

In this article, I want to go into an additional potential pitfall on the path of healing that I haven’t mentioned yet. This is something we do need to bear in mind when clearing a karmic complex.

The common mistake I see people make is that they work on healing downstream consequences of the karmic complex but they never actually touch the complex.

Downstream consequences of karmic complexes include:

  • Present life soul loss/trauma
  • Earthbound spirits
  • Enmeshed earthbound spirits
  • Ancestral earthbound spirits
  • Unwanted influencing energy
  • Negative thought forms

This is not an exhaustive list of auric issues that can stop us from manifesting our desires, but these ones made my list because they are complications of karmic complexes that do not automatically resolve themselves when we clear a complex, and they usually need extra work. Any other auric issues not mentioned in this list tend to resolve spontaneously when we work with the karmic complex.

Example of a downstream issue of a karmic complex

I gave the example in my last article of the woman who had a complex of feeling not good enough and ‘second best’, when it came to romantic relationships. In the example I gave in the article, I mentioned that she had a ‘negative thought form’ (which is a repeated negative thought, like a negative affirmation that has taken up residence in her auric field) that all men are looking to cheat and are bad people.

That negative thought form is an example of a downstream consequence of a karmic complex, and it should be cleared at the same time we work on the complex, or afterwards.

Another example of a downstream consequence is an earthbound spirit attachment. We attract earthbound spirits that reflect our own karmic issues. For example, if you have anxiety and you attract in an earthbound spirit, that spirit will also likely resonate with fear and anxiety.

Healing downstream consequences of karmic complexes is not going to shift the complex.

So, if you work a lot on clearing auric issues but you never see any change or healing happening, it is probably because you’re not getting to the crux of the matter — which is the karmic complex.

If you’re doing soul retrieval with a shaman to gather soul fragments that you lost in this life, but you are not looking at your past life complex or aware of what it is, you’re not getting to the root.

My late past life regression mentor Dr Coletta Long taught the following:

“A painful and fearful childhood is an indication of an even more painful and fearful past life. The roots of the present painful experiences are in a past life. Your childhood experiences are like the strings that lead to the ball of yarn.”

What happens to us in this life doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

What we are living through in this present life is an effect of all we have done, said, thought and felt in past lives. The mechanism through which these things come back to haunt us is through our subtle energy bodies because these are not ‘wiped clean’ from one lifetime to the next. We attract our lives according to the contents of our energy field, which is a repository of all that we have experienced in our previous lives, good and bad.

What we see around us in this life is a faithful reflection of all that we have experienced and done up to this point in the life of our soul.

If we want to change what is showing up in our lives, we need to change the contents of our energy bodies. Our energy body can contain karmic complexes and their downstream issues. And if we’re only clearing the downstream surface issues, but never getting to the root, we’re not actually creating any change.

And if we’re healing things in the wrong order, that’s a mistake, too.

Downstream issues should not be healed before the complex is healed.

This applies especially to enmeshed and ancestral spirits (these are both complications of karmic complexes.)

Enmeshed earthbound spirits are covered here.

Ancestral spirit attachments are ancestors who are either haunting our family line, with their unresolved issues (and they can speak to us through our genetics, biologically). Or they can be spirit attachments that are attached to either us or another family member.

Not all karmic complexes have a strong ancestral component, but many do.

So, again if you’re doing ancestral healing and you’re not looking at why you have the ancestral karma that you do, you’re not getting to the root of what you need to heal. You may be gaining insight on your family’s issues and helping souls to cross over, but if you’re not addressing the karmic complex, you’re not changing what is in your own energy field and what you’re actually broadcasting (and manifesting in your life). You are missing an opportunity to do deep karma clearing that is going to allow you to change what is showing up in this life and it will even change the nature of your future lifetimes.

We choose to incarnate into families that reflect our own karmic patterns. This is by design. This means that our families bring us up a certain way that impacts on us negatively, and so the karmic issues we’re carrying come into our lives again. This is so that we can resolve them and heal them.

When I was working on my own past life complex, I became aware of many ancestors who were haunting my family line and who had passed on their issues and beliefs to my family.

One of them was Ida Sayce, my maternal great-grandmother.

I changed my surname to hers back in 2012 (I won’t go into why I did that because it’s a long story).

Some of my readers thought my name change was something to do with Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Records channeller (because I’m an Akashic Record reader) but Sayce was actually my great-grandmother’s married surname and it’s from the Welsh “sais” — it means Englishman and most of the people with this name live in England, near the Welsh border.

Ida died in the 1950s from complications of multiple sclerosis. After I took on her name in 2012, my health got a lot worse.

I became aware that she was with me around 2015 when she came through in a mediumship reading. The lights in my house had been flashing on and off the week before the reading and the medium mentioned it and told me it was my maternal great-grandmother making that happen. Ida also came through to mediums when I visited spiritualist churches.

By 2021 I had also developed autoimmune issues (not multiple sclerosis but something along those lines) and was quite ill. The illness was very intertwined with the ancestral karma and my own karmic complex.

I had to heal the karmic complex to let go of the illness. Then I did some ancestral psychopomp work on both sides of the family.

After I healed from the illness, Ida told me she was moving on. I felt a sense of completion, and that in healing my own illness, it had a ripple effect backwards and forwards in the family line. Healing the ancestors was another layer of freeing myself up from old patterns.

In my upcoming Evolutionary Manifesting course, I teach students to check for not only karmic complexes but also downstream auric issues (like ancestral influences) which are preventing the manifestation of desired outcomes. Then we get guidance on how and when to clear them.

Initially I’ll be teaching Evolutionary Manifesting to people who have taken my Akashic Records course only (since people will need to be able to read the Akashic Records in order to take Evolutionary Manifesting).

Some experience in channelling will also be helpful.

Two of my courses teach both of these things:

The Akashic Record Reading Program

Intuitive Awakening Course

PS. A tip for identifying your own karmic complex if you think you have one: look at the issues your ancestors, parents, grandparents, etc, created for you in your life. These will often reflect your own complex(es) in some way.

Part 4 in this article series on karmic complexes and downstream auric issues can be found here.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


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