ManifestingTM Course


  • Why do some people easily manage to manifest what they desire in life, while others fail?
  • Why is it that people can manifest some of their desires in life but not others?
  • Is it even possible to manifest all of one’s desires in life?
  • And if so, how?
I’M Anna Sayce

professional intuitive, Akashic Record reader and teacher of conscious creation.

My own path of conscious creation started in 2007 when I saw the movie ‘The Secret’. 

The Law of Attraction (LOA) ideas in that movie made a lot of sense to me and I was excited by them.

I watched it with some University friends, who were intellectual, skeptical types. They were seriously unimpressed with these spiritual ideas and they thought I was gullible for believing in it.

Undeterred, I excitedly put the ideas of the Secret into practice for several months. I was going to prove to them that it could be done!

I then manifested…nothing. At least, nothing that I wanted and as a bonus, I manifested a bunch of stuff that I didn’t want!

I also watched several of my spiritual friends who were using conscious creation techniques fail to manifest their desires and in many ways live lives they didn’t want.

This went on for years.

Maybe my University friends were right and it was all a scam.

Something was obviously amiss!

I still believed in a bunch of other spiritual concepts though, and in the meantime, I trained as an Akashic Record reader and a past life regressionist.

But since my own failures with conscious creation around 2008, sometimes I felt a bit impatient when people told me about wanting to build a successful business by sitting on the couch visualising.

Or with people who expected the life of their dreams to drop into their lap because that’s what they ordered from the Universe. 

I made my way through grit, persistence and work.

Not through wishing, visualising or wanting.

How did that work out?

Not that great.

On the plus side, I had had a successful business for many years.

But otherwise, I was having a hard time with so many things, including:



My health was failing in quite a serious way, leaving me unable to work.


My relationships were failing and I had lost my passion for my work – I felt very uninspired in general.


I had three car accidents in a relatively short period of time (two of them very serious with my car written off).


A neighbour was harassing me and I was too ill to move. I felt like I was on some sort of ‘nightmare’ timeline!

I couldn’t see any way forward, except to go back to the conscious creation teachings that had disappointed me years earlier.

Here’s what I did next:

This time I didn’t use Law of Attraction techniques or teachings, like I did before.

Instead, I studied (and used) the Law of Assumption teachings of the New Thought teacher and author Neville Goddard.

I combined them with teachings from Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism, evolutionary astrology, and everything I’d learned about karma over the last 15 years from studying past life regression and working with clients.

Along the way I was following the guidance that came from my Spirit Guides & inner teachers about how to get myself out of the mess I was in.

By the time I had recovered my health, I realised I had developed or perhaps more accurately, Spirit had given me…

a New Reading Modality.

I called this modality Evolutionary Manifesting™

because it is all about how the soul’s evolutionary journey and past can impact a person’s journey of conscious creation, and how we can use what we know about those things to manifest more successfully!

This modality reduces and alleviates human suffering, almost all of which has a karmic component. It helps souls to identify and then let go of longstanding negative karmic patterns that are carried from one lifetime to the next, and which are interfering with the process of conscious creation.

Can you relate to any of these problems?
  • Feeling unfavoured by life or the Universe.
  • Continually searching for that next piece of info or technique that will finally make the LOA work for you.
  • Telling yourself you’re lazy because you haven’t succeeded at using LOA techniques regularly.
  • Believing you must be ‘doing conscious creation’ wrong.

I used to believe some of these things about myself too

But what I know now is that none of these were the actual problems. 

The Actual Problems:
The four main pitfalls on the path of conscious creation
These are the four reasons I did not manage to successfully use conscious creation teachings in my early twenties, and my clients have often struggled with the same four reasons too. Can you relate to any of these?


Past life Karmic Complexes

A past life karmic complex is a wound that was created following a trauma in a past life. The wound has beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and compulsive behaviours connected to it. (It is often completely unconscious.) 

The essence of trauma is to repeat itself in search of resolution, and so a karmic complex is a repetitive negative pattern of belief, thinking, feeling and behaviour that manifests in our inner world and creates unwanted situations in our outer world (“as within, so without”).

Here’s an example

Let’s say that someone was in a past life a very successful and prosperous farmer, but they lost everything in a famine that killed their children and extended family members. Being geographically isolated, they didn’t realise that the famine was happening to everyone, rather than a result of something they did (or didn’t do). The trauma of this experience could have created a karmic complex.


Her past life self from that lifetime drew a particular conclusion from the trauma, and that conclusion was this:

“I never want to rise high and be successful again because to fall off the pedestal is too devastating. At least if I don’t rise high, I’m not going to fall from a great height and be totally devastated by my losses.”

And also:

“We can’t be trusted to earn a living and support a family”.

The past life self also felt that she doesn’t deserve to earn a good living because what happened was her fault (there seemed to be a survivor’s guilt element to the complex).

That wound and the karmic complex associated with it were still sitting in the client’s subtle energy bodies.

How is all of this relevant to conscious creation and using the LOA?

It’s relevant because we create our lives according to the entirety of what is in our subtle energy bodies and our subtle energy bodies are not cleaned up from one lifetime to the next.

If we have an active past life karmic complex, that will be reactivated the next time we’re in a body.

If we’re carrying a karmic complex in our energy field, that’s going to feel like being given (and then having to wear) a heavy fur coat the next time we incarnate – it’s going to weigh us down.

The Law of Attraction and New Thought teachings say that we attract according to the contents of our subconscious mind.

But the subconscious mind is a part of the energy body, and not the other way round.

I believe that the Law of Attraction/Assumption should be called the Law of Reflection

because life is reflecting us and who we are being energetically back to us. It reflects the contents of our energy bodies back to us. And our subtle energy bodies can contain complexes from past lives. 

And we don’t just attract our lives according to karmic complexes in adulthood. When we have a significant karmic complex active in our soul, we will in fact choose our family, location, and early life circumstances according to it. 

Then our early childhood re-imprints us further according to the wound/karmic complex, and we are affected by it to some degree as we go through our lifetime.

Here are the signs a person has a karmic complex:
  • Illness (although illness is not a reflection of a karmic complex in every case)
  • Pain and suffering (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical)
  • Abusive parents or family
  • A high ACE score
  • Addiction
  • Inability to control negative thoughts
  • Abuse
  • Bad luck and misfortunes that seem to come out of nowhere
  • Multiple cycles of things going really well in life and then losing it all, and having to start again
  • Financial struggles
  • Unfulfilling relationships
  • Loneliness
  • Feeling disconnected from one’s life purpose
  • Not enjoying life
  • Struggling to manifest one’s desires or to even keep up a conscious creation practice
  • A strong interest in past lives
  • Depression and/or other mental health struggles
  • Low vitality

Is your Karmic complex getting in the way of what you want to manifest?

We broadcast the contents of our energy field out into the quantum field at all times, and we manifest a 3D reality that matches that. 

So, we don’t necessarily attract or manifest what we want 
– instead we are going to attract who we are being.

Karmic complexes broadcast their hidden energies, which can run contrary to what we’re manifesting. And this will mean that we can’t seem to manifest our desires, or we can’t keep them (if we do manage to manifest them).


Having an active karmic complex when you’re using conscious creation techniques is like having a lawn with weeds on it.

You can use affirmations and other techniques to mow over the ‘weeds’ and temporarily neutralise the complex, but if you stop using LOA techniques, the weeds will come up again on the ‘lawn’.

Remember my client who was a successful farmer whose family died in a famine in a past life?

She struggled to manifest abundance and success in this life, despite being a gifted healer. She has also had a strong fear of success that seems to have no origins or cause in this lifetime.

If she were to use LOA techniques to manifest success without addressing the karmic complex, all she would be doing with that is mowing over a ‘weed’ on her ‘lawn’. (And this is not a very sustainable way to manifest a desired outcome because she’d need to do that regularly for the rest of her life).

Instead, Spirit gave me guidance to help her to overcome that complex, and also identified and described it for her in a lot of detail.

That is what we do in an Evolutionary Manifesting reading and what this course teaches you to do for yourself or a client.

Past life karmic complexes are the number one barrier that stops people from manifesting their desires.

We are all souls on an evolutionary journey.

(The average number of past lifetimes for a soul incarnated on earth is 56.)

Spirit tells me that two thirds of souls incarnated here carry at least one karmic complex from a past life that is interfering with the manifestation of a desired outcome. 

Some karmic complexes are severe and affect all life areas. Others are relatively minor and/or only affect us in one life area, such as money or romantic relationships.

Some people Don’t carry karmic complexes in their energy field.
This is called a ‘holiday lifetime’.
People in a holiday lifetime make up around 15% of the population.
Having a holiday lifetime means that a soul has decided to put their karmic complexes or negative karmic patterns ‘on ice’, and have a lifetime where they are resourcing themselves on the Earth plane & experiencing something positive that will be useful for a future incarnation.

These souls usually have had recent difficult incarnations back to back, and they need a ‘rest’ and a positive experience on the Earth plane this time around.

They don’t have karmic complexes active in their energy body and so they aren’t broadcasting anything that goes contrary to their desired intention. It’s not because they have transcended their karma – it’s that they have a life focus which is not at all about cleaning up negative karma.

Spirit has told me that many of the LOA teachers and coaches out there come from this place.

They say things like:

“Earth is not a school — it’s a playground!”

Some of them have never had to clean up karmic patterns or had energetic problems run really deep. They may sometimes invalidate others who do and tell them just to “affirm and persist” because that’s what works for them.

They don’t know they’re in a holiday lifetime, and they don’t know what a holiday lifetime is.

They don’t know what a ‘karma clean-up’ lifetime is either.

Unless you are in a holiday lifetime, you’ll likely have to do a little (or a fair amount of) inner work on top of LOA techniques.


You choose a healing modality that doesn’t fully delete your karmic complex

Let’s say that you’ve worked out you’re among the 65% of people who have some kind of karmic complex running from a past life, which has created negative beliefs for you.

You recognise that you’re probably going to need to do more than just use LOA techniques (such as reciting affirmations).

So maybe you go into therapy or try out some healing modality to help you with the karmic complex.

Here’s the problem with this:

There are many healing modalities in the world and the vast majority don’t fully ‘delete’ karmic complexes from the energy field.

Most of them alleviate the karmic complex somewhat or make a dent in it. Or (like therapy) they provide insight into the thoughts and beliefs corresponding to the complex, but they don’t fully neutralise the complex.

There aren’t many modalities out there that wipe out karmic complexes wholesale and fully change what we are manifesting in this lifetime (and what we will experience in future lifetimes).

So, even if you manage to pinpoint your karmic complex, the chances of choosing a healing modality that actually neutralises it completely, are slim – unless you know which ones work to achieve this and you choose your healing modality very strategically.

Evolutionary Manifesting will teach you how to clear your karmic complex yourself!

I go into a lot of detail on how complexes can be resolved, and teach you how you can do this for yourself or a client.

Evolutionary Manifesting™ isn’t just about gaining insight on a karmic complex (like psychological modalities do) or alleviating it somewhat (like many healing modalities do). It’s about wiping out complexes wholesale and completely so that a person can finally change their life, heal fully, and manifest their desires.

Clearing karmic complexes fully is what changes what we manifest in this lifetime.

It also alters the content of what we will experience in future lifetimes.



Let’s say that you manage to identify your karmic complex AND you chose a modality that neutralised it fully. Great!

Did you know that karmic complexes can also come with downstream auric consequences, that sometimes need to be cleared at the same time as the karmic complex (or afterwards) – and not before!?

There are 6 auric issues that are common consequences of Karmic complexes, including:


thought forms
present life
soul loss/


As a side effect of your karmic complex, you could have an ancestral influence speaking to you through epigenetics.

In the example of my client mentioned above who was a wealthy farmer in her past life, she also had a once wealthy ancestor who went bankrupt and lost everything. His story paralleled her own karmic complex and reinforced it further.

Ancestral fears speak to us through the biological processes that go on in our bodies. And such ancestral influences need to be cleared separately from the complex. This is because they don’t necessarily resolve, even when a person does the work of neutralising their karmic complex.

In this course, you will learn how to identify these 6 downstream auric issues of past life karmic complexes.

You’ll learn

  • HOW TO CLEAR THEM and, most crucially,

One of the sad things I often see is that people will sometimes clear certain auric issues before they even know what their karmic complex is. This does not work or get to the root of why they aren’t manifesting the life they want.

People can spend weeks or even months healing downstream auric issues and they may never get to the root issue, which is the karmic complex. None of this is going to change what you are manifesting in this lifetime.

Knowing the correct order to heal things in, is important.

Auric Issues. Our Karmic Complexes.


Your energy field is too Small

The final pitfall for conscious creators is that even if you identify and clear your karmic complex and address any downstream issues, doing so in the right order doesn’t necessarily guarantee success with manifesting your desired outcome.

There’s one more final potential hurdle that many conscious creators don’t manage to clear and that is many people these days don’t have enough energy running through their energy body to manifest their desired outcome, even after they have removed all of these blocks.

To manifest your desires (or to have enough energy to clear a karmic complex), you need an energy field that is large, healthy and replete with energy that is flowing well. 

Energy is the required ‘currency’ for manifesting a desired outcome.

You use the energy in your field to consciously create. (We all receive the same amount of energy for conscious creation each day from Source, but some of us are squandering it in various unconscious ways).

I have a scale that I use to measure the energy field and Spirit tells me that there is a certain place on that scale that you need to be at, at a minimum to manifest your desire or have the energy to neutralise a karmic complex (which is energetically ‘costly’ to do).

This puts some people in a catch-22 scenario because they don’t have enough energy to neutralise their karmic complex, but if they don’t neutralise the complex, they may not be able to their desire (and they certainly won’t be able to keep their desired outcome if they do manage to manifest it).

When a person’s energy field is too small, all they will have the energy for is manifesting more of the same, aka the perpetuation of the status quo.

How do you increase the size of your energy field?

Through conscious creation techniques and other certain healthy living practices.

But if you’re very depleted in your energy field and don’t have enough energy to manifest your desire, in order to build your energy field, you also need different techniques from those that many LOA teachers recommend.

For example, I don’t recommend visualisation techniques that focus on a desired outcome for someone who is very depleted (it tends to create attachment when people are doing it from a place of depletion).

In this course, you will learn:

To measure your or your client’s energy field

To find out how much energy is available for conscious creation

If energy is too low, to identify the reasons

How to increase your energy and get a timeline of how long it will take

The techniques that work best for people who are very depleted

You know the Law of Attraction/Assumption is real and have watched other people use it with success (and maybe manifested a few smaller things yourself), but you struggle to apply it to your own life. You sense something is blocking you.

You keep manifesting the same unwanted situation over and over again. For example, you’re manifesting a life partner and the same person shows up in different guises, such as someone who is dishonest or someone who doesn’t want to commit.

You feel sabotaged or thwarted by life or invisible forces that seem to bring unwanted circumstances to your door, and you can’t work out why this is happening.

You have managed to manifest your desired outcome but can’t sustain it or keep it in your life. For example: maybe you have manifested amazing jobs in your life but you’ve always been laid off within a year of taking the new job.

You had a difficult childhood that impacted you negatively and you feel you are still manifesting according to this. Despite working on yourself or being in therapy (and trying all the healing modalities), you still have negative beliefs from childhood, along with negative thoughts and feelings. And you haven’t been able to manifest your desires in life as of yet.

You are an intuitive, life coach or healer who has tried teaching the LOA to your clients or students, but you have noticed it doesn’t work well for a certain subset of people. You want to know why that is, and how to solve this.

You want to be able to provide a really amazing, practical, comprehensive and holistic roadmap to your clients to help them to manifest their desires, and pinpoint (and guide them to clear) any issues which are holding them back.

At heart, you’re a fixer and a problem-solver. You have a strong desire in this life to help people get to their core issues and resolve them. You want to help people on the deepest level possible, and you want them to finally get the results they’re looking for, with no more detours or ‘going all around the houses’.

Ready to get started?

Independent Learner:

$210 off until 8pm EST on 11th Feb

Pay in Full:

$1560 US $1350

3 monthly payments of:

$540 US $470


$210 off until 8pm EST on 11th Feb

Pay in Full:

$2820 US $2610

3 monthly payments of:

$965 US $895

*NOT ALL OF THIS COURSE IS DELIVERED AUTOMATICALLY UPON PURCHASE. Although modules 1-5 are delivered automatically upon purchase, the rest of the content is delivered personally by me – by email – once you’ve sent in the required documents (see the FAQ section for more on that), done the homework exercises and completed the workbook. Some students take several weeks to get to this point, although it can be quicker depending on your progress.*

If you pay in installments, you won’t receive the whole course upfront, but in 3 segments as you make the monthly payments (1 segment per month). If you want to access most of the course straightaway, please pay in one go instead.

What you get:

Independent Learner

  • A course manual of just over 115,000 words, encompassing 6 modules and several addendums/FAQ sections
  • 16.5 hours of audio lectures
  • 2 reading cheat sheets with full reading instructions (one for people who have ‘karma clean-up’ work to do, and one for people in a ‘holiday lifetime’)
  • 2 examples of actual Evolutionary Manifesting readings
  • Detailed examples of karmic complexes (11 in total) from real clients who have allowed me to use their past life stories for you to learn from
  • A 24-page charts book
  • 6 worksheets and worksheet answers (one for each module)
  • 98 FAQs answered
  • 15 ‘done for you’ exercises that you can send off to a client, depending on what comes up in their reading and what Spirit advises them to do in terms of techniques. Included among these are 3 DIY processes for clearing downstream auric issues (namely, unwanted influencing energy, negative thought forms and ordinary earthbound spirits) which often arise from karmic complexes
  • 3 revision cheat sheets (one for clearing your own karmic complex and two for working with clients to guide them through the karmic clearing process)
  • A bonus: 6 DIY processes for clearing auric issues that don’t tend to interfere with conscious creation as much as the ‘6 downstream auric issues’ but which could be beneficial to clear nonetheless, along with a cheat sheet for researching/checking for them
  • A Preliminary Course which teaches you how to read the Akashic Records, totalling 33,000 words.

The written materials altogether total 185,000+ words.

What you get:


Everything that’s in the ‘Independent Learner’ version above, plus:

  • 9 months of forum/email support from Anna for any questions that come up as you apply the material to your own situation, or your clients
  • Ability to purchase the annual licence to use Anna’s templates for email readings
  • Certification, including the opportunity to be added to the practitioner directory
  • An hour long session at the end of the course when you’re ready to graduate from it
  • The chance to be personally mentored by Anna in this apprentice style version of the program, for any questions, issues or sticking points that come up

At this point you may be thinking:

What if I’m not intuitive enough to read for others (or myself) in this way?

You don’t have to be!

I teach my students to read for others using pendulum dowsing and charts – even a beginner with no channelling abilities can do an Evolutionary Manifesting reading.

In this program, I give students 24 pages of charts and explain the options on them, so that they can quickly and easily find which ones apply to them or a client using pendulum dowsing.

(I spent 17 years on and off compiling lists of the types of negative past life experiences my clients had had – over thousands of readings – and made charts for them. There are 550+ negative experiences mentioned in those charts, so the chances are good that your – or a client’s – past life wound is included!) 

This way of reading for people is simple and replicable – and anyone can do it. If you are a channeller or experienced intuitive, you can use your channelling abilities in addition (or instead).

There is one question in an Evolutionary Manifesting reading where it can be helpful to be able to channel – I provide channelling instructions, some psychic development resources and a chart for this question, but some extra instruction in this area could help, too.

(I have another course which teaches channelling and I offer 55% off that for Evolutionary Manifesting students who would like to expand their channelling abilities further – that’s a saving of $275.)

Benefits of this course

  • This course will enable you to find absolute clarity about why people do not manifest their desires, change or heal, and how they can – along with a practical roadmap telling them what they need to do, and in what order! Priceless.
  • It also gives you a lot of high-level spiritual information that is presented in a very digestible way. I’ve been teaching for 15 years (and was a teacher professionally before I was an intuitive) so I know how to explain information in a down-to-earth way that makes sense.
  • You’ll get all of my discoveries about how to create long-lasting change plus practical instructions on how to put it into practice. I hold nothing back and this course has everything you need.
  • Tons of FAQs and examples on how all of this might apply to the client in front of you (or to yourself!)
  • Replicable reading techniques that anyone can use, no matter their level of intuitive development.
  • A blend of ancient wisdom from spiritual traditions and New Thought teachings.
This is the most in demand service I’ve offered in the last 17 years.

These readings get booked up incredibly quickly when I offer them and I often get messages from potential clients clamouring to have an Evolutionary Manifesting reading (when I’m offering them) or find out where they can get one (when I’m not offering them).

I believe this reading is in demand because it meets a genuine need.

Many spiritual people know the basics of manifestation. They know how to use techniques and that they should persist with them. But there are many people out there who are frustrated because they’ve done their best with conscious creation and don’t have much to show for it.

They also believe in it (and know it works) because they see other people successfully using this Law or they themselves have been able to manifest smaller intentions with it. They just need to work out why it isn’t working for them for their particular desired outcome!

This modality pinpoints that for them with a great deal of specificity, and presents the solution.

Are you ready to access one of the most  sophisticated  spiritual  tools  available on the planet today

to show you or your clients what to do next in order to manifest a desired intention, and how to actually do it (and on what timeline!)?

“Thank-you Anna for being a leading voice on the internet for what’s possible in people’s spiritual lives.

You’ve opened up so many doors for me on my own spiritual journey.  The tools I learned there helped me expand into the spiritual life and career I have today.”

— Andrea De Lorenzi

“Anna is a born teacher and you cannot fail to gain a wonderful insight from her.

Her work has been created with a wonderful attention to detail for people at all levels. It’s clear she’s a very good teacher.

— Douglas

what is included in this course:

The Evolutionary Manifesting Preliminary Course

The Evolutionary Manifesting Course was originally designed for people who have already taken my Akashic Record Reading Program. 

You can’t do an Evolutionary Manifesting reading without knowing how to read the Akashic Records, since this is where we can find information about peoples’ karmic complexes. In fact, all information included in the Evolutionary Manifesting reading comes from the Akashic Records. 

I wanted to make available a version of Evolutionary Manifesting for people who don’t know how to read the Akashic Records or who haven’t studied with me in the past, and so I created this Preliminary Course.

It contains everything you need to proceed successfully with Evolutionary Manifesting, despite not having done my Akashic Records training. 

It contains about 20% of the material from my Akashic Record Reading Program – but only the parts you need, and nothing more.

Here’s what’s included in this Preliminary Course:

  • Spiritual protection techniques you can use when doing readings for clients (or yourself) 
  • An Akashic Records attunement so that you can access the records
  • Guidance on how to program a pendulum for doing research in the Akashic Records
  • How to discover a client’s life lessons (or your own) for this lifetime, and find out where a soul is in its karmic cycle
  • How to find out if a client (or you) is in a holiday lifetime or not
  • How to discover a client’s life focus (basic information about whether or not a soul is primarily here on Earth to learn, to have a ‘holiday’ lifetime, to contribute something to society, or to work in a team and be in relationship.) Each soul has one primary life focus and a secondary one.

This Preliminary Course is around 33,000 words (the size of a small book!) and includes a 26 min guided meditation for accessing the Akashic Records for the first time, along with an example Life Lessons & Life Focus reading, in the form of an mp3.

Once you’ve completed it, you will have put in place the required groundwork and will be able to proceed on to the Evolutionary Manifesting Course.

See below for details on what is included in the Evolutionary Manifesting Course itself:

Module 1
  • An introduction to how karma works along with several example readings to see this in action 
  • The spiritual principles behind successful conscious creation
  • The 3 modes of conscious creation
  • How to work out where a soul is in their karmic cycle and the impact this has on successful conscious creation
  • The impact the soul’s life focus has on conscious creation and how to apply this to your client
  • How to calculate the amount of negative unjustified karma (otherwise known as number of karmic complexes) brought through at birth that are hindering the client in manifesting their desired outcome
  • How to calculate how much the client has already neutralised in terms of negative unjustified karma in this lifetime (if applicable)

Module 2

  • This module is about karmic complexes – what they are and how they manifest
  • 11 real and detailed examples of karmic complexes from my client work
  • How to measure the severity of a karmic complex and find out if it is a major or minor complex
  • How to identify the features of your client’s karmic complex, including soul loss, earthbound spirits, loss of integrity in the energy body, and what past life selves have to say about their traumas that caused the complex
  • How to know what the solution is for the karmic complex
  • My karma story – how I became ill a few years ago and the past life situation behind it. More details than I have shared elsewhere so that you can get a full sense of how karmic complexes can manifest in people’s lives

Module 3

  • How to know which modalities/resources to choose or guide clients toward for clearing karmic complexes
  • Learn about one way to clear a karmic complex, with instructions and tips for using this
  • A list of modalities that give insight into karmic complexes but which do not clear them
  • A list of modalities that are helpful for alleviation or partial clearing, but which do not fully resolve complexes
  • Info on the 6 downstream auric issues people often present with, on top of their karmic complex. How to know if they are occurring, and which ones a client needs to address in order to manifest their outcome – and most crucially, WHEN to do this
  • Some of these auric issues clients can clear themselves (when they come up in a reading) and I provide processes for doing this
  • Where the client cannot clear these themselves, I provide guidance on how this can be done


Module 4

  • How to measure vital life force for conscious creation (not enough energy in the energy field = not enough energy to consciously create a desired outcome)
  • If it’s low, how to find out why
  • How to advise client on increasing vital life force, it if it is low
  • A protocol for doing a comprehensive assessment of your own energy field to get a plan to increase your vital life force and manifesting power – you can do this as a reading for yourself or a client, on top of the Evolutionary Manifesting reading
  • How to find out what your client’s next steps for conscious creation are – is it clearing a karmic complex? Or maybe it’s LOA techniques. Get a clear plan on where they’ll be going with that. This part of the reading gives the client a manifesting roadmap for the months to come (usually 3-24 months out)
  • Why LOA techniques often do not work for people with depleted energy fields/low vital life force, and what to use instead to build energy and get on the road to manifesting a desired outcome
  • The top 19 causes of energy deficits in the human energy field – how to find out which ones apply to you or a client, and how to fix it
  • 23 ways to build the energy field to increase manifesting power
  • The 7 rules of ‘energy economics’ – break these rules consistently and you’ll have less power and energy for manifesting your desires
  • Also find out the connection between these 7 rules and health (this module is great for anyone who wants to manifest better health)

Module 5

  • Learn to measure (in a %) how energetically aligned a client currently is with a desired outcome that they are manifesting
  • The formula for manifesting a desired outcome
  • How to find out your client’s manifesting ‘weakest link’ with this formula (if there is an aspect of the formula they aren’t addressing)
  • How to know which LOA techniques will be most suitable for manifesting the client’s desired outcome and if Spirit has recommendations for how long/how often
  • How to identify the desired energy/energies behind the client’s intention & why this matters
  • How the client can bring these energies into their life (and inner world) further, which can turbocharge the manifestation of their intention
  • More info on past life complexes, including how to identify the exact nature of your client’s (or your own) karmic complex, and describe how it is showing up in their life and affecting them (you will read the chakra system using pendulum dowsing and a set of charts, to ascertain this)
  • An introduction to the chakra system
  • An addendum describing all of the 173 chakra databanks that exist (so that you can further pinpoint for the client exactly how the karmic complex is affecting them on the level of the chakra system, with great precision!)
  • How to read not only for people in a ‘karma clean-up’ lifetime but also for people in a holiday lifetime, including how to find out what the purpose of a holiday lifetime is (out of 79 possibilities that I know of) and why the soul is choosing to resource itself in a particular way at this time
  • Very detailed info on how to decode the past life story and understand how it is manifesting in your/the client’s life, with examples.

Module 6

  • How to talk to clients about their past life complex and deliver your findings. I walk you through all of it, including even how to explain and word both the general concepts and your findings, in an Evolutionary Manifesting reading
  • Examples of real client readings – one is an audio recording and the other is an email reading. (These 2 clients generously allowed me to use their readings as examples for students to learn from.)
  • A comprehensive FAQ section on this modality with 93+ answered questions, including information on outdated soul contracts, how to do further coaching sessions based on the findings of your reading, how to deliver difficult past life info sensitively, embedded soul fragments, working with SP manifesters and lots more!
  • Comprehensive and detailed info on how to use revision to clear karmic complexes and how to help clients to achieve this 
  • Extensive instructions for manifesting better health that have not been shared elsewhere

Click here to see the reading you will learn to do for people (or yourself).

The facets of an Evolutionary Manifesting reading you’ll be able to do for clients (or for yourself):

  • Look at where your client is at in their karmic cycle. A karmic cycle usually lasts between 5 and 15 lifetimes (people often need different conscious creation practices depending on where they are in that cycle)
  • Look up your client’s life lessons for this lifetime
  • Find out what your client’s soul’s primary focus is for this lifetime
  • Find out how energetically aligned your client is at this time with their desired intention
  • Find out how much negative karma they came into this life with and how much they’ve already neutralised (negative karma usually manifests as one or more past life complexes)
  • Ask if there is a past life complex that they are manifesting according to (past life complexes are past life traumas that sit in the energy field, with negative feelings, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs attached to them). For this question, you’ll be focused on finding the past life complex that is interfering with the manifestation of their desired intention
  • Find out how this complex is affecting your client in your life
  • If you find a past life karmic complex, you will ask if there is a healing modality that will help them (out of all of the modalities you know of)
  • If you get info about a past life or multiple past lives, you will pass that on
  • Scan their auric field for other issues that are downstream from the karmic complex that you can also address at the same time (such as soul loss caused by present life trauma, earthbound spirits – especially ancestral ones, negative thought forms and unwanted influencing energy)
  • Check if they have a “weakest link” when it comes to conscious manifesting – something they are neglecting or not focusing on, that they could benefit from addressing when it comes to conscious creation. You will go over each point in the manifesting process to see if there is anything (or maybe 2 things) they’re missing
  • Ask how much vital life force energy they have available to manifest their intention, and if it’s low, you will find out why and ask for insight on how they can address this
  • Ask what is the main energetic quality/qualities they need to focus on and anchor into their inner world and environment, to help them to manifest their intention
  • Ask which LOA techniques are the best ones for them to use to manifest this intention
  • Ask how long Spirit suggests they spend on these techniques
  • Channel a timeline for them in terms of the modes of conscious creation – do they need to focus on mode #1 (using LOA techniques) or mode #2 (doing deep inner work/healing)? You will receive a timeline, in terms of focus on X for __ amount of time, then switch to Y for __ amount of time.
At this point, you may be wondering:
“I’m not sure if my desires are ‘meant to be’. Maybe I’m just not meant to manifest them in this lifetime!”

(or you may be wondering if this applies to your clients). If this has been on your mind, know that our desires are given to us by our souls as motivation to evolve and overcome any karmic complexes. This is by design. We are here to evolve and part of this is overcoming whatever may be holding us back.

When we do this, we not only change the quality of what shows up in this life, but also the content and quality of our future lifetimes. (And I also believe this work raises the vibration of this entire planet!)

Who this course isn’t for
I believe that Evolutionary Manifesting is one of the best ways to manifest a desired outcome and create lasting change, but it’s not a quick fix.

The roadmap that you come up with (for either yourself or a client, to manifest a desired outcome) will take time to put into action. It can also involve a fair amount of homework.

This course also isn’t right for people who have PTSD or who are in a vulnerable place as a result of past traumatic experiences.

Clients in past lives have often died in unpleasant ways or underwent traumas. To be able to complete an Evolutionary Manifesting reading for others (or yourself), you must have the nervous system capacity to channel on peoples’ past life traumas. Consider this a trigger warning. The examples of karmic complexes included in the course involve murder, rape, abuse and more.

If you’re doing a program of brain retraining (like DNRS), this course isn’t compatible with that. But if this work calls to you, I recommend coming back to it when you’re ‘rewired’. Many people who do brain retraining also have karmic complexes which can pop up again when the retraining practices are discontinued.

This course probably isn’t right for people who believe health cannot be manifested without conventional medicine and pharmaceuticals.

This course was partly inspired by my journey getting well. Getting well did not happen through conventional medicine.

If you don’t believe that recovering from chronic illness is possible and that the best we can hope for most chronic illnesses is symptom management through pharmaceutical interventions, this course might not be right for you.

If you don’t believe that health conditions can have their roots in non-physical, energetic causes (such as trauma or a karmic complex) this course may not be right for you.

If you aren’t open to natural medicine and a healthy lifestyle, you’ll probably find a particular section of this course off-putting.


This course may not be right for you if you are a healer who is very attached to one particular healing modality and you consider it the only way to help people, in all situations.

In this program, I teach students about the seven categories of healing modalities, which modalities fall into which categories, and how to know which one your client needs now.

In Evolutionary Manifesting, I also teach that all healing modalities have value for different stages of the karmic cycle, but that when a client is ready to fully neutralise a karmic complex, it’s best to be strategic and choose the methods that are known to be effective for doing this.

Some types of past life regression and revision – or any modality that has an element of rescripting the past to it – are the most effective ways I’ve come across to clear a complex.

What I teach about the healing modalities is not a theory or a belief. It’s empirically based. I have observed what has: (1) cleared complexes for my clients, (2) what has cleared them partially, and (3) what hasn’t cleared them at all.

I welcome students with differing beliefs into this program and you are free to take what you like from it and leave the rest. But if hearing someone else’s different opinions on this topic will create resistance for you, or you feel it will challenge or threaten your way of doing things, this course may not be suitable for you.

I am also open to learning more from my students and I may add other modalities to my list later as I make new discoveries. But for now, this is what I teach.

Frequently Asked Questions

***Please read all of the FAQs below carefully before signing up.***

Are there any requirements for success in this course?

1. As part of this course, you will be receiving an attunement to access the Akashic Records, which is a ceremony I will do for you in your Akashic soul record to ask that you be assigned an Akashic Record Spirit Guides so that you can read for others.

In order to enter your soul record, I will need your date of birth, place of birth, and name. This information is like a ‘passcode’ of sorts to make sure I’m in the right soul record when I do the ceremony. Your personal information is always kept safe and treated as the confidential information that it is.

(If you are already an Akashic Record reader and you already have a relationship with an Akashic Record Spirit Guide who provides you with information on behalf of clients, I can probably skip this ceremony and in that scenario you wouldn’t need to send in your personal info.)

2. You will be required to print off, read, sign and return the Evolutionary Manifesting student agreement before the full materials are released to you (agreements can be read here: Independent Learner student agreement & Professional student agreement).

3. This course is designed to be accessed using a desktop or laptop computer. Downloading the course files is simple and easy when using a computer but much more challenging from a phone or tablet. If you choose to download the course materials to your tablet or phone instead, this could work out OK (especially if you’re very tech savvy) but sometimes people who aren’t tech savvy run into issues with it and ask me to offer tech support or send the course materials by email as they can’t access them otherwise.

I know my way around my own website systems and can support students who run into issues with downloading to computers, but I know nothing about downloading to mobile devices so I can’t help with that. The course files are also too big to send by email, so they must be downloaded from the membership area.

In short, I don’t recommend purchasing this course unless you have access to a computer, and I don’t offer a refund if you fail to download the course files to your tablet/phone.

4. You need to be intelligent, curious and have a good sense of initiative in order to research peoples’ karmic complexes.

5. If you are taking this course primarily to read for yourself, you will need to be patient. This is a long course and you won’t be reading for yourself straight away. In addition, sometimes our karmic complexes are revealed to us in stages. The process of gaining insight can be like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Reading for yourself will put most (or sometimes all) of the puzzle pieces in place but in some cases, there is additional insight to be gained later and this can be an organic process that is on its own timeline.

Therefore, students who have a very impatient or rigid approach, and who want the insight to occur immediately are not suited to this course. You must be willing to work with Divine timing and be open to what shows up in your life, night time dreams or meditations that might give additional insight and allow the ‘penny to drop’!


Can I take the ‘Independent Learner’ version and use it to practise professionally?

Yes, you can. Just be aware that the ‘Independent Learner’ version doesn’t include certification. But it does have everything else that you need to practise this modality successfully.

What does certification involve?

You will have access to 9 months of forum support from me for any questions or issues that may come up as you learn this material and use it with your practice clients or once you start practising. (If there’s something more private you don’t wish to post publicly in the forum, you can also email me.)

You will send in 10 case studies to me with details of your practice readings. We will arrange an hour-long session to discuss these. I address any remaining questions or concerns during that session.

You will be eligible for inclusion in my practitioner directory.

Please note, certification and the final mentoring session must take place within 12 months of signing up for this course.

Can I sign up to the ‘Independent Learner’ version now and upgrade to the professional level later on if I wish?

Yes, but the upgrade must be made within 4 months of signing up for the Independent Learner version.

Please contact us if you wish to upgrade. You will be sent an invoice for the balance of the course fee. There is also an admin fee ($10) associated with this to move you over to the other version.

Are there email templates available for this course, like with your Akashic Records course?

Yes, there are. They will be available some time in 2025.

Please note that they are only available for the following groups:

  1. People who have signed up for the ‘Professional’ version of Evolutionary Manifesting
  2. People who have completed my Akashic Record Reading Program
Can I buy the email templates if I do the ‘Independent Learner’ version, or without doing the Evolutionary Manifesting course?

The templates are currently only available for those who complete the ‘Professional’ version of Evolutionary Manifesting or for people who have taken my Akashic Record Reading Program.

What support and mentoring comes with the ‘Independent Learner’ version?

Only tech support from my assistant if you have any issues logging into the members area – there is no support for mentoring, or questions answered otherwise.

But bear in mind that the course materials are extremely comprehensive and the course manual is huge. (The written materials altogether total 185,000+ words.)

A small group of students are going through the course materials and I have already compiled FAQs based on their questions. There are 98 frequently asked questions answered in the course and I do not believe there are any gaps in the materials.

You also get lifetime updates to the course materials and there may be additional FAQs added later on.

How long do I have to complete the course?

All students have lifetime access to the materials.

Professional level students need to complete their certification within 12 months of signing up.

How much time will this course take?

If you complete the recommended 10 practice readings (which is the recommended minimum number if you plan to practise this modality professionally), I estimate about a minimum of 90-95 hours to complete the course from start to finish. This would take:

  • 1.75 hours per week over a period of 12 months
  • 2.5 hours per week over a period of 9 months
  • 3.75 hours per week over 6 months
  • 7.5 hours per week over 3 months
  • 22.5 hours per week over a period of 4 weeks (but I think that would be too quick).

If you do 3 practice readings (which is the recommended number if you only plan to use this course to read for yourself), it would take you around half the amount of time.

I’m a new intuitive or a complete beginner. Will this be too advanced for me?

This work is suitable, no matter your level. I provide plenty of resources that even total beginners can use, and I believe that going through this process will also awaken your inherent intuitive abilities. 

Having said that, if you’re a complete beginner to the intuitive arts you might also benefit from studying channelling/psychic development as you progress as a reader.

What if I try it out and it’s not for me. Can I get a refund?

There are no refunds on my online courses – it’s not as if you can send it back in the mail if you change your mind. Please read this page carefully before signing up.

Can people do this course to read for themselves?

Yes, but if you are new to intuitive work, I recommend you read for at least 3 other people before you read for yourself.

If you’re already an experienced intuitive or Akashic Record reader, I recommend working with a minimum of one practice client before reading for yourself.

Also bear in mind that it’s going to take 40-50 hours of work to master this modality to a basic level, so you won’t be reading for yourself immediately.

I can't afford this course - can I please have a discount?

Every year in July I offer 4 scholarships for this course. To hear about it when those scholarships are available and to get a chance to apply for a free place on the course, you will want to be subscribed to my newsletter (as I will announce when those are available by newsletter).

There are criteria that you must meet in order to be able to apply.

Here are the scenarios where a scholarship can be applied for:

1. You are on disability/sickness benefit

2. You are not on disability but unable to earn an income due to illness or vaccine injury

3. You earn your income in a low-income country (relative to the USA) and the price of the course is out of your reach financially

4. You work and earn an income in a so-called wealthy country (e.g. the US, the UK) but you are living below the poverty line (60% or less of your country’s median income)

5. If you meet one of the above criteria, you must also be someone who doesn’t own a home and who does not have much in the way of savings.

Do I have to use pendulum dowsing to do an Evolutionary Manifesting reading?

Yes. If pendulum dowsing isn’t a method you want to use, I don’t recommend signing up.

It may also be possible to use muscle testing instead of dowsing, but since that isn’t something I use myself, I can’t teach it to you or offer support if you have any issues using it. You’d need to be an independent sort of person to work that out on your own.

Do I have to practise this modality with clients in person?

No — it’s a reading that can be done at a distance by accessing someone’s Akashic soul record. You can deliver your reading in person, over the phone or by email (if you also sign up for my email templates.)

I have aphantasia, would this course be suitable for me for clearing my own karmic complex?

The methods for clearing karmic complexes usually involve some element of visualisation. You could take this course to gain insight on your complexes but I’m not sure how you would resolve them without being able to visualise to some degree. There are probably ways to do it but I’m not completely sure on what they are at this point. If you have further questions about that before signing up, please contact me.

Can I speak to you before committing to this program?
I understand this course is a significant investment. I’ve tried to make this course sign up page as detailed as possible. If you have any questions about the program that aren’t answered here, please email me at anna [at] annasayce.com.

I don’t offer any calls so you can get to know me first but please check out my YouTube videos and perhaps my other shorter courses or books, which will hopefully give you a good idea of whether you like my approach and if doing this program might be a good fit.

You may also find it helpful to read my Evolutionary Manifesting articles, which give more background info on this modality:

Can I pay for the course in instalments?

Yes, I offer 3 monthly payment options. Be aware that if you sign up for that option, you only get access to one third of the course per payment, so it will take you 3 months to access the balance of the material.

If you want access to most of the course at once, please sign up for the ‘pay in one go’ option instead.

How will I access the course?

Upon purchase, you’ll be sent automatic login details to access the course materials. Some of the materials are also sent to you by email later on, once you have completed certain segments of the course.

How soon can I start the course?

Straight away.

If you choose to pay in one go, you get access to the first five modules automatically upon payment.

If you pay in instalments, you will receive 2 modules each month as you make the payments. 

Does this modality work for everyone?

This modality takes into account the soul’s evolutionary journey, where New Thought teachings do not. Using Evolutionary Manifesting you can find out what kind of lifetime someone is in and then create a customised plan for them based on that. It is not ‘one size fits all’.

Can I learn this modality somewhere else?

This modality is totally unique — no-one else is offering it, and it took me 18 years to be able to create and understand it.

What have you manifested using these teachings?

Healthier relationships. My life is filled with decent, kind people, and I also attract the most awesome clients and students into my business.

More inspiration and passion for my work, plus this amazing modality that Spirit gifted to me.

I had a successful business for many years but I couldn’t work in it much because I was being hindered by poor health.

Here is a list of my health manifestations:

  • Going from being a ‘low energy’ person for around 12-15 years (only being able to work a couple of hours per day) to being able to work 30 hour weeks again
  • An end to lifelong complex PTSD following a difficult upbringing (I had an ACE score of 8). I put the past to bed.
  • Reversal of a multi-symptom serious, chronic autoimmune disease
  • An end to 24 years of seasonal affective disorder (winter depression)
  • No more severe post-viral asthma that frequently used to land me in the ER even after a minor virus (I haven’t used an inhaler in 2 years.)
  • No more eczema
  • No more PMS or awful periods (I used to feel ill for several days per month)
  • An end to chronic silent reflux and chronic digestive issues which left me unable to eat certain foods (dairy, gluten, fruit) for 14 years – I can now eat a greater variety of foods
  • No more medications
Does this course teach me to clear all 6 downstream auric issues?

This course provides simple and quick processes for clearing:

  • Unwanted influencing energy
  • Ordinary earthbound spirits
  • Negative thought forms

The revision process taught can also help with present life trauma if you choose to use it.

So, on top of learning to clear karmic complexes, you can learn how to clear 4 out of 6 of the downstream auric issues, too.

But for clearing both enmeshed spirits and ancestral influences, if they come up for a client or yourself, external help (such as a session with a shaman) may be necessary. And in the course I provide guidance on how you can get that kind of session done wherever needed.

The reason I don’t teach those two clearing/healing techniques in this course is because they are both very advanced clearing techniques that require certain groundwork to be in place before they can even be taught, and for this reason they are beyond the scope of this course.

(I teach a process for clearing enmeshed spirits in my Intuitive Healing Program and in 2025 I will also be adding an ancestral healing process to that program.)

Is an Evolutionary Manifesting reading with Anna included in this course?

No, this course teaches you how to do a reading for yourself or someone else.

The description of the reading given above is provided to show you what an Evolutionary Manifesting reading includes.

If you’d rather have a reading with someone else instead of learn the modality, I recommend waiting until I offer them to the general public or until Evolutionary Manifesting students begin graduating from the program and start offering readings to clients, although it may take up up to 9 months before that happens.

Ready to get started?

Independent Learner:

$210 off until 8pm EST on 11th Feb

Pay in Full:

$1560 US $1350

3 monthly payments of:

$540 US $470


$210 off until 8pm EST on 11th Feb

Pay in Full:

$2820 US $2610

3 monthly payments of:

$965 US $895

*NOT ALL OF THIS COURSE IS DELIVERED AUTOMATICALLY UPON PURCHASE. Although modules 1-5 are delivered automatically upon purchase, the rest of the content is delivered personally by me – by email – once you’ve sent in the required documents (see the FAQ section for more on that), done the homework exercises and completed the workbook. Some students take several weeks to get to this point, although it can be quicker depending on your progress.*

If you pay in installments, you won’t receive the whole course upfront, but in segments as you make the monthly payments. If you want to access most of the course straightaway, please pay in one go instead.

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