This is an announcement that I now have a Professional Space Clearing online course available. (This course is open for enrollment for the next 10 days.)
For the last several years, I’ve offered a property/space clearing course for personal use, priced at $59 US.
In recent years, I’ve often been asked if people can use this $59 course to clear properties professionally.
The answer to that is no.
This version of the course for personal use doesn’t lend itself well to that for a variety of reasons, one of which being that you’d need to send some of my online course to your client (namely, the protective blessing) when you clear their property, which is not allowed due to copyright restrictions.
Another problem is that you can clear your own property without going into the Akashic Records, but if you’re clearing someone else’s for them at a distance, it’s better to go into the Akashic Records to do it. The $59 ‘for personal use’ version of Energy Clearing for Spaces does not teach you how to do this.
In order to do this professional version, you must either have completed my Akashic Record Reading Program, or another program for reading the Akashic Records that involves pendulum dowsing (if you have any doubts about whether your prior training will be suitable, please contact me.)
If you don’t know how to read the records, you won’t be able to complete the professional property clearing course.
Here are all the details about it.
The course costs $399 (US).
What this course contains that the course for personal use (the $59 version) doesn’t:
- A cheat sheet (a ‘done for you’ research & clearing process) that is especially for doing professional readings – it has a few significant differences from the version for personal use
- The ability to send a ‘Protective Blessing’ document to your clients (this is a copyrighted document) to use after their clearing
- 4 real property clearing email readings/clearings, for you to look at, as examples — these average 16 pages long (each)
- A ‘residual hauntings’ chart (not included in the personal version of the course) so that you can do a more detailed reading on this aspect of the property clearing
- Information on what you need from a client before you do their reading and a document you can send them asking for this info (to save you time)
- Extra FAQ’s adapted for professional work on any questions that may come up
- Extra info on poltergeists that isn’t in the ‘for personal use’ version
- If you want to do email readings, an email template that you can use with descriptions of the various energetic contaminants you might find in a clearing.
These templates are much shorter than the Akashic Records email templates so they do not have a yearly subscription to sign up for and they can be used indefinitely at no extra cost. The templates can save you so much time and will allow you share in writing with your client all the definitions of the energetic contaminants that you might find in their clearing (there are 10 of them in total) without copying and pasting from the course materials (which is a violation of copyright).
Here is an example of the kind of reading & clearing this course teaches you to do when you use the email templates (this is just to give you an idea of what is included.)
This course does not come with certification or any support sessions BUT there is a special offer for the next 10 days:
Because this is the first time I have ever offered this course to professional intuitives, I am on this occasion also including 2 months of email support for any questions or issues that come up as you work through the materials and do your 5 practice readings. (This is offered 2 months from the date of purchase.)
I am offering this as a one-off because it will help me to improve the materials long term and add any extra FAQ’s that may arise.
This opportunity will never be offered again at such a low price.
Please note: Unlike my other online courses, this course does not contain any audio lectures — it is all written material.
Prerequisites for this course:
- You must either have completed my Akashic Record Reading Program, or another program for reading the Akashic Records that involves pendulum dowsing (a special offer on that can be found below)
- You also need to sign up for the Energy Clearing for Spaces (version for personal use). This costs $59 and is NOT included in the price of the professional version. You need to complete that short course and clear your own property before you begin the professional version (although you can purchase this professional course even if you haven’t finished the $59 version.)
If you have already purchased and completed Energy Clearing for Spaces for personal use, you don’t need to do it again, although you might want to go over the materials once more as a refresh.
Once you have signed up, we will send you the materials by email. All of this is done manually (no automatic access) so after you have made payment, you may need to wait up to 24 hours for your course materials during the week or up to 48 hours on the weekend.
You can sign up here. [This offer has now expired.]
This course is available until October 31st 2024. It will be offered again in April 2025 but the cost will be $699 (US) for this version that comes with 2 months of email support. So, you can save 57% by signing up this month.
“I am keen to take this course but haven’t taken your Akashic Records Program!”
I’ve had some enquiries from students who are very motivated to take the professional property clearing course but the prerequisite Akashic Record Reading Program is not within their budget.
Once a year around June, I offer a “no mentoring” version of my Akashic Records Program. This costs $599 (it is $500 cheaper than the full program I linked to above) and the reason it is a lot cheaper is because it does not come with any mentoring or certification. I last offered it in June 2024 and wasn’t going to make it available again until June 2025.
As a one-off, until 31st October I am bringing back this less expensive “no mentoring version” to give students who haven’t taken the Akashic Records course an opportunity to also take the professional property clearing course.
You can sign up for both courses at the same time here. [This offer has now expired.]
The property clearing course = $399 US and the Akashic Records course “no mentoring” version = $599, for a total of $998.
You can read about the no-mentoring version of the Akashic Records course here, and there are some extra FAQs about it here.
Please do ensure you read the FAQ’s on the “no mentoring” Akashic Records course before you sign up (it does have some significant differences from the full program.)
Just to clarify: the property clearing course DOES come with mentoring (2 months of it) but the Akashic Records course does not.
And you can sign up for the professional property clearing course on its own here. [This offer has now expired.]
Thank you so much anna for bringing this to my attention ???? I never knew something like this is still available,
Please I want more of this knowledge so I can help others whom are lost to discover the true purpose of life.
I am closer to my long asked questions ” what is the purpose of life?”