Below you will find a list of my favourite affirmations for improving self concept.
I’m an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by Divine right (this is a Florence Scovel Shinn affirmation)
I am worthy
I am good enough to have exactly what I want
I am loveable
I am enough
I am in control of everything in my world, through what I focus on
All of this is my creation, and that gives me tremendous freedom to create whatever I like
I deserve to thrive
I am strong and capable
I am lucky
I am powerful
I have the power to create the life I desire
I believe in myself
I deserve to receive so much from this life
I am one of a kind
I am worthy of the best
I can have it all
I put myself first
I love and accept myself as I am
I am a powerful creator
Imagination is the only reality
My manifestations are promised to me
It’s all coming from me
There is no-one to change but self
I am worthy of wonderful things in life
I deserve the absolute best life has to offer
The world is responding to me
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s everything right with me
I have such a beautiful heart
I am so full of goodness and love
I feel relaxed and secure in my life
I create everything that appears in my world, through what I focus on, affirm and think about
As God, I shift realities easily and effortlessly
My whole world is a projection of my consciousness
I am a very special person
Everything is always working out for me
My world always takes such wonderful care of me
I love and accept myself
I am totally unique — there is no-one quite like me
I can create anything I put my mind to
Everything is always working out in my favour
I love and approve of myself
I am beautiful, inside and out
I am perfect, just as I am
I always get what I want