How to Expand Your Business & Serve More Clients As a Professional Intuitive

How to Expand Your Business & Serve More Clients As a Professional Intuitive

When I first trained as a professional intuitive, I decided fairly quickly that it was something I wanted to work at full time. And so I sought out several business mentors so that I could take my business from something that made a bit of money, to something that brought in a full time salary.

One of the pieces of advice that I was given repeatedly around this time was this: it’s best to find a small niche in the spiritual field (preferably one that is underserved), and specialise in that.

14 years later, I can say from experience (and from talking to many other spiritual workers) that this is bad advice for anyone who works in the spiritual industry. It may be good advice for other industries, but not for the spiritual one.

The fact is, that if you’re offering spiritual services and you already have some clients, your clients are choosing to work with you because they like and trust you. They think you’re accurate or helpful, or whatever it is that they get from working with you.

And so, the easiest way that you can expand your business in the spiritual field, and maybe even go full time (if you’re currently only working in your business part time or as a side hustle) is to diversify your income sources. That means, don’t offer one type of service — offer several.

It’s much easier to serve existing clients than it is to find new clients to work with.

This is why on my website, we (i.e. Shelly and I) offer: Akashic Record readings, mini Akashic readings, cord cuttings and property clearings. This is also why I offer 6 types of courses and 2 books. If I decided to specialise only in one small niche area, such as property clearing, my business wouldn’t be as viable. The more services and products I add to my business, the more people I can serve, the more value I can provide and the more money I have leftover at the end of the month. Many people who purchase something from my website, purchase several different services/courses. And a subset of my customers purchase everything I create & offer.

So if you’re an intuitive who wants to work with more clients and serve more people, don’t narrow your focus, instead diversify! Offer more services to your existing clients. 

In this article, I am going to talk about a new type of helpful service you can offer to your clients, that I am soon going to be training people in — Intuitive Healing.

In February, I will be teaching a group of psychics and healers how to do 4 types of healing session. One is the cord cutting session — a type of session that many people think they know how to do (e.g. asking Archangel Michael to cut a cord in a 2 minute process) but which actually, when done properly is much more involved and effective than that. The other sessions I am teaching for this program are the earthbound spirit release session, the enmeshed earthbound spirit release (which is a different type of spirit release), and the aura cleanse session.

This program is priced at $700 until 15th Feb, and then the price goes up to $1200. That is $700 to learn a whole new modality and 4 more types of service that you can offer to your clients — not bad!

You can find out more about this new program here.

Here are 5 reasons intuitive healing is a service that is worth adding to your psychic business:

1. Help the psychic junkies

Have you ever read for someone who orders multiple readings about the same love interest, or a client who has a romantic obsession with someone?

This is very common.

Such clients tend to ask questions that probe into the person’s life, like: “what does so-and-so think of me?” or “are they seeing anyone else?” and repeated future questions like: “will I marry/end up with this person?”

And so when you read for such a person, you can actually be fuelling their obsession.

What I prefer to do for such clients is offer them a cord cutting session instead. This could be a cord cutting between your client and the person they’re obsessed with. Or when you ask Spirit which cord to cut for such a client (because we always get guidance on which cords to cut first), it may be recommended that you cut a different cord because the roots of the client’s obsession with a particular person could lie elsewhere, perhaps in another past relationship or even in their relationship with an early childhood caregiver.

People who have an unrequited love for someone make really good candidates for a cord cutting, and this type of session can often help them. As part of a cord cutting, we don’t just ask Archangel Michael to cut the cord, we also do some research into how the cord is affecting the client on the level of their energy body.

Plus we do some research into the relationship dynamics that are encoded in the cord, to validate the client’s experience. Then we get the client talking about how they have been affected by these dynamics. Unless we do thorough research into the dynamics and extract the lessons from the cord, it cannot be cut. That is why asking Archangel Michael to cut all our cords in one fell swoop, does not work. We need to cut them one by one, in a process that usually takes 45-60 minutes for each cord. I can teach you to do this for yourself, or for your clients, in my Intuitive Healing Program.

2. Help clients with various relationship problems & issues

It’s common for people to book a reading when they are having an issue in a relationship — whether that’s a romantic relationship, a work relationship or a family relationship. Readings can give insight into relationship problems, but sometimes having the insight doesn’t help in practice.

Cord cutting, on the other hand, can often create shifts in all types of relationship. That is because a cord of attachment (that we work on cutting in this type of session) is an energetic structure that exists between two people, and it contains all the negative energies of the relationship. When it gets cut on the client’s end, he or she is no longer subconsciously affected by those negative dynamics, and a new dynamic can emerge — one that is easier and lighter than the shadow dynamics that were present before.

So many of my clients are learning their life lessons in the area of their relationships. Cord cutting can help people to evolve in this area, by allowing them to move past outdated ways of behaving and responding, and finding a new dynamic.

So that is one more big way in which we can serve our clients with the modality of intuitive healing.

3. Clear earthbound spirits and other types of astral debris for your empath clients

Many of the clients that psychics and spiritual workers attract are highly sensitive, empathic people. These people are drawn to us, because they are attuned to the realm of energy. They don’t need any convincing that this stuff is real. They live it.

However, being an empath is a double-edged sword. Empaths have the ability to put themselves into another person’s experience, and gain insights about what it is like to be someone else. But when they are out exploring other peoples’ energy, they can also pick up several types of negative ‘astral debris’ in the process. Astral debris means psychic clutter that empaths tend to store on the level of their energy body, like earthbound spirits, psychic ties, unwanted influencing energy, negative thought forms, and more.

Empaths are more likely to pick up this type of astral debris than non-empath clients, and that is because their energy field is so open and porous, and they ‘go exploring’ in other peoples’ energy when they are around others, and effectively feeling what it is to be someone else.

It is a bit like walking around a room and everyone you talk to gives you a piece of rubbish. You are collecting so much rubbish that you put it in your bag, and over time that bag gets bigger and you get tired of having to carry this bag of rubbish everywhere.

There are ways to help empath clients dump all that garbage.

We can help empath clients by doing an aura cleanse on their behalf, and also clearing earthbound spirits from their auric fields. We can even show empaths how to stop collecting this ‘astral debris’ in their energy fields. Lots of empaths need this, and I will be teaching healers how to do both types of session in my Intuitive Healing Program.

Another type of client who attracts a lot of earthbound spirits is the client who uses cannabis. As intuitive healers, we can help those people, too.

4. Help your clients with any intention or goal they may be currently working on

One of the cool ways in which we can use cord cutting, is by bringing an intention into a session, such as “I’d like to become more self-confident” or “I’d like to be calmer” or “I’d like to make more money” and then ask Spirit, which cord of attachment should we cut, to help the client bring about this intention?

The results of this question can be surprising. I usually ask clients to give me a list of possible cords they think they have with various people, and Spirit will tell me which cord(s) we should cut to bring about their intention.

To give an example, if your client wants to make more money, Spirit may suggest cutting a cord to a childhood teacher who bullied the client and told her she wouldn’t amount to much. So, we can match cords to intentions, and this can be quite effective in creating change and reaching our goals. I’ve been doing this for myself for years, having cut over 50 of my own cords.

5. Help people who are going through a break up or are grieving a relationship loss

Cord cutting is also a great modality for those clients who have just have been through a break up, or are in the process of breaking up with someone.

Cord cutting is perfect for moving on from relationships that didn’t work out. It doesn’t remove the pain that goes with a break up, but it can often take the edge off, provide some form of closure and allow the client to gain the lessons from the relationship. And so it is ideal for helping people to get a fresh start and move on.

So if you’re a professional psychic, that’s 5 ways in which you can add value, and grow your business. The fact is, if we want to grow in terms of business, we have to add more value for our existing clients, or we have to reach new clients. The former is much easier than the latter.

If you’d like to learn this way of working with people, check out the Intuitive Healing Program.

Further Reading:

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


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