A few years ago, on an afternoon in January, I had an amazing spiritual experience that I still think about on a regular basis.
That afternoon, I lay down on my bed for a nap with my cat. I went to sleep and had a dream or an ‘astral projection’ experience (I am not sure which.) I dreamt that I asked a higher being what it felt like to die, and I was granted permission to experience it.
Here was my experience:
First of all, my soul shot out of my body through my heart chakra and it felt amazing – I felt immense joy and bliss. It was as if my body was like a heavy, old coat that I had been wearing for a while and was quite happy to take off. I slipped out of it joyfully and left it discarded on the floor.
And there was an invisible trajectory above me in the sky – I couldn’t see it but I knew it was there. I was flying. I was above my house and I wanted to continue on because it felt so good. But I knew I shouldn’t. I saw my cat sleeping on the bed and thought about what I wanted to achieve in this lifetime and I knew I had to stop. And straight away I was back in my body and I woke up. It was exhilarating, but scary too – it felt like flying too close to the wind.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but this experience was a very significant one for me, which would anchor me more deeply into the following beliefs:
- Death is not something to be feared
- We came from Spirit, many of us having many incarnations before this one – this lifetime is just one step on the journey
- And we will go back to Spirit when we die
Whenever I feel bogged down by the details of everyday life and this wider perspective fades from my awareness, the memory of that experience brings me back to it in a heartbeat. And I need to be reminded of that perspective sometimes.
Day to day life can leave us all feeling a bit bogged down at times. We can forget to see the bigger picture. We can get lost in a valley full of trees and all we see is tree trunks, where everything starts to look the same. We need to rise up to the mountains and get a bird eye’s view of the forest.
Cultivating a spiritual connection is essentially about tapping back in to that perspective. It is about reminding ourselves of who we are, where we came from and where we will go at the end of this life. It is a true north that helps us to understand ourselves, our path and our life better.
Are you feeling a lack of spiritual connection in your life? Or do you want to develop yours further?
Here are some of my ideas to cultivate that spiritual connection and perspective…
Read About Other Peoples’ Spiritual Experiences
(Especially in the areas of past lives or near death experiences.)
An excellent book in this category is Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander. Alexander is a previously sceptical neurosurgeon who became very ill with meningitis and went into a coma. Whilst in the coma, he had the most amazing spiritual experiences that caused him to believe in the afterlife – experiences he felt constituted ‘proof of heaven’. I won’t give away too much of what happens in the book (for those who haven’t read it) but suffice to say it is a riveting read.
Another very interesting book which relates the author’s experience of an NDE is Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani.
Let’s look at some other ways to deepen a spiritual connection and perspective:
Talk to Your Guides
Even if you’re intuitive and can channel you’ll go through phases with your guides, where you feel inspired and you get lots of input from them, and then other times when you are the one who has to start the dialogue and do more of the talking.
If you can’t channel your guides/angels/Higher self, start the dialogue anyway. One day you may find they talk back.
You can also take an intuitive development course to learn how to do this, such as my Intuitive Awakening Course.
Spend Time in Nature
I feel it is often easier to feel and hear from Spirit when I’m in a secluded, natural setting and I know I am not the only one. There is less ‘energetic noise’ than in a city. When I go into a forest or visit a beach, I feel like the beautiful, natural environment puts its arms around me, cleanses my auric field, and takes away any stress. I feel at one with Spirit and the earth.
Touch trees or get your bare feet on the ground where possible, to get the most benefit.
Serve Others in a Spiritual Capacity
Give healing sessions or learn to give readings to get a boost of spiritual energy in your life.
One of the things I love about doing sessions is hanging out in that spiritual space. Going into the Akashic Records, or calling on an Archangel or an Ascended Master for a healing session, and bathing in those lovely, high vibrational energies for a while.
And when you do it often enough, those lovely, high vibrations become one of the energies that form the backdrop of your life.
Working with others in a spiritual capacity can connect you to Spirit and raise your vibration.
If you are interested in working with others in a spiritual capacity, check out my professional-level courses which teach you how to do readings.
Do a Life Between Lives Regression
A life between lives regression involves being regressed via hypnotherapy to the afterlife and getting insights about your life lessons and soul’s plans for incarnating into this life.
A few years ago, I had a life between lives regression and it really echoed the dream I had about dying – I felt a sense of bliss in the afterlife and I wanted to stay in that space for as long as I could.
You can read more about my life between lives session here.
Get an Akashic Record Reading
For those who have not heard of the Akashic Records, they are an energetic ‘place’ that exists in the ether; a place that holds the history of every soul in existence.
By having your Akashic Record read, you can find out about your past lives, your soul gifts, where your soul was birthed and spent its formative incarnations, and what you have been doing between lifetimes.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. Now I want to hear from you:
How do you connect to Spirit when you feel bogged down with daily life?
I am wondering how much you charge for an Akashic Reading and can you do that long distance?
Hi Anna!
I talk to my guardian angels nearly daily. I have found that it gives me a sense of peace and they respond to me by giving me little signs they are around such as seeing repeated numbers over and over. I would like to thank you for sparking my interest again in spirit and true purpose, something I seemed to have lost along the way. Now on my right path I have a long way to go, but I know my angels are with me and the sense of love I feel for them without having formally met you could say is very strong. My heart feels with joy when I am communicating with them and I am sure it is my angels giving me that joy! Thanks for listening, peace, Kate
Sounds like you had an Out-of-Body experience when you experienced what death is like. Was this a one-time thing or is it something you can initiate at will?
This was fascinating. I have recently had my attunement to Reiki second degree, and will be giving short treatments to people once I’ve sorted out my insurance. I was going to a psychic circle but haven’t been for a few months. I also plan to get the intuitive awakening course as soon as it’s viable for me.
Hi Frannie, I’m one of Anna’s assistants.
An Akashic Record Reading with our resident Akashic Record Reader, Shelly Holbrook-Ebeling, is $225 (for 45-60 minutes) and can be done from anywhere. You can find out more about it here: https://annasayce.com/akashicrecordreading/
Hope this helps!
That sounds fascinating having an out of body experience. I’ve read a bit about it before but I think it’s something worth pursuing within the spiritual development practice.
Hi Kate – that is great! Thanks for commenting.
David – It was possibly an astral projection experience. I haven’t had one since, as far as I’m aware, but you can definitely learn to initiate it at will. I have some resources to recommend if you’re interested…
Hi Anna – would love to have you join me at some point for Intuitive Awakening. Reiki is another lovely way to feel more in connection with spiritual energy!
Thanks to all for your comments!
Yes. I agree with Jason. OOBE is a fascinating prospect, and from what I’ve read, it appears to offer unlimited potential for exploration and development. I have read the works of Robert Monroe and William Buhlman and if you have others I would be interested. How about yourself? Would you be interested in pursuing it further? Perhaps you could add it to your course. And is this something you could refer to your higher self to find if it is 100% in alignment? If so, and you decide to do it, I would be interested in hearing the answer. I envy you being in New Zealand. Perhaps I’ll visit. You won’t see me, of course. I’ll be out-of-body.
Hi Anna, I used to have OOBE often as a teenager. I didn’t obviously recognise them as such at the time. I never went very far, just a few feet above my body. Not understanding, it wasn’t frightening and I never initiated it. The last one I had was a bit different about 10 years ago lying in my bed. Like you I felt myself getting further away from my body and I took fright that I wouldn’t get back. I felt myself physically dropping with a jolt. Perhaps I do need to work with someone who can guide me. I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist so am quite adept at self hypnosis but OOBE is very different. Thanks for sharing, Ann