When It Hurts To Read The News

Some of the clients I was meant to read for this week don’t read the news, so were surprised and shocked when I told them about the earthquake that happened in my home city of Christchurch, New Zealand.

The earthquake (7.1 on the Richter scale) has been all over the national news channels and websites for the last few days. It’s also been in the international news. It gave me the opportunity to think about the media and TV news and how draining I find them. I wanted to write this post to share my thoughts with those who (like me) have a difficult relationship with news sites, newspapers and TV news.

What About You?

Empaths – do you bother with the news?

Following the news can be difficult if you are an empath and you also feel like you need to stay informed. Do you learn to switch off your sensitivity and toughen up while reading about the news? Do you avoid it altogether and end up feeling uninformed and disconnected from current affairs?

Ever since I was little I can shed tears for people on the television and feel huge pain that is not mine. The rest of my family do not experience this in the same way. It’s been called neurotic, too emotional or overly-sensitive. It’s actually the intuitive gift of empathy, expressed in a particularly unhelpful way.

The Purpose of Empathy

I believe that being plugged into others emotionally on a global scale is useless, unless you plan to do something practical about it.

On the other hand, in a tribal context, emotional empathy and sensitivity were actually wonderful mechanisms that have helped humans. Maybe you could call them evolutionary mechanisms.

We all need empaths within a community. They are able to anticipate needs and feelings and help keep the peace.  They are (and have been) the mediators who can see and feel both sides of a story.  They are often the ones that lend an ear and a shoulder to others in times of disappointment and grief.  They are able to validate the emotional and spiritual experiences of others.

So, in a tribal or community context, empathy makes sense because it can be followed through with action.

Plugged into the Whole World?

Now this evolutionary advantage of sensitivity and empathy has the potential to weaken us – emotionally and mentally – in this era of information. I say that because these days, we’re not just plugged into our children, our extended families and our communities. We’re also able to be plugged into the citizens of countries we’ve never been to and know little about.  We see their pain on our television screens.  We read about atrocities that have happened there.

In no period of history have we ever been so exposed to the pain and problems of so many people.

But for what?

Unless you plan to help poverty-stricken or suffering people in practical ways, what is the point of reading and watching such news?

No one (and that includes empaths) can help the whole world, unless they decide to have a career on the international stage. I believe that empathy works well in a one-to-one context and as such, empaths are usually here to bring their gifts to those closest to them – their tribe, community, as they need to.

There are 7.6 billion people in the world (as of 2018). A lot of things happen to those people in any given day.  Some good, some bad. Yet most international news sites seem to be a run-down of the most atrocious, tragic, gory, unjust and awful things to happen to the most unfortunate on our planet.

If you feel what others feel easily, it’s madness to be plugged into it every day. Being exposed to such a horrid and tragic selection of what goes on in the world on a daily basis is downright toxic for the mind and heart.

I am writing this for myself as much as anyone else.

I personally have an off-on relationship with the Guardian, a British newspaper.  I don’t know why I read it.  Some mornings I will include it in my first-thing internet visits (along with my email, Facebook and Twitter) before I even make myself a drink or have breakfast.  Sometimes I read it out of boredom.

Half of the time I regret it.  Throughout the day I have news of human rights abuses in the Middle East floating around in my brain.  Animal cruelty is another one that hurts.  Sometimes it’s mixed in with something funny, or occasionally something wonderful, but rarely.

It’s my daily dose of human despair, that more often than not, does not have much to do with me.

When is International News a Good Thing?

International and national news can be a limited blessing if the news actually concerns you.  I found this out three days ago, when the earthquake happened. The night before I had driven 200 miles North to where my mother lives (Blenheim) so I was out of town when it happened. I needed to know some things that I thought the news could answer.  Was the language school where I was working still standing?  Was my apartment block likely to be damaged?  When could I go back?

But again, the information was only useful to the extent that it could actually answer MY questions.  I only needed a small dose to know what was going on, and in the end I got my most useful information from friends, family and co-workers.  I didn’t need half-hourly updates on people losing their homes and their livelihoods.

Beyond that, all I had to give was my tears, which helps no-one, and especially not me.

What Can You Do?

If I’m going to plug into international misfortunes and injustice, then the obvious outcome of this is activism or offering support.  I won’t give in to voyeurism.  If I insist upon reading about human rights abuses on a regular basis, then I will do something for Amnesty International.  If I must read about animal rights abuses, then I will support an animal charity or help at an animal shelter.  Otherwise, I won’t read about things that have nothing to do with me – that can lead to information overload and helplessness. I am motivated enough to help. The question is not if, but how.

I know I probably won’t “toughen up” or become less ‘neurotic’ or sensitive in this area. Despite overcoming overactive empathy in interactions with individuals, it still creeps up on me when I’m reading the news, especially when there is death or great suffering involved. I haven’t managed to get rid of the sensitivity.

Do I want to? After all, my sensitivity helps me to navigate relationships, read for people, anticipate what my language students are struggling with and want to explore.

Without it, I wouldn’t be me.

My Answer? – Being in Touch with Reality Without Hurting Myself

There is a middle path.

New-age people are often accused of being unplugged from reality and making out that everything is all sweetness & light and hearts & flowers. Maybe spiritual and sensitive people do avoid negativity and even bury their heads in the sand when it comes to what goes on in the world. I know I have done that at times.

But I don’t think it is necessary to disconnect from all the pain in the world and pretend that it doesn’t exist; that we’ve transcended it or are OK with it.  And it is not necessary to let the spirit of activism die.

My mantra is: I will plug in if I am in a position to help.

If I can’t help you or offer support in some way that honours both me and you, I won’t plug in to you and feel what you’re dealing with.

Otherwise I’m wasting my time and my energy.

I know that sounds harsh. It doesn’t mean I lose compassion for those people. It’s just that I don’t lose my emotional energy over it. After all, being human means you don’t always have masses of emotional energy to be putting out there, for naught.

Empathy and sensitivity are gifts to be honoured and protected.  They make you function differently from some people.  But that doesn’t mean you need to do as most people do. Most people don’t have the same level of sensitivity as you (if you’re reading this.) So don’t allow modern media and the information connection with the entire world to swallow up your emotional energy and leave you exhuasted.

Empaths, intuitives and sensitives have always been, and continue to be, most useful in their own backyard.

Sensitive, empathic and intuitive readers…do you read/watch the news?

Do you agree with my approach or do you have one that is more effective for you? Please leave a comment and let me know.

Are you an empath who feels like your empathy gift is more of a curse than a blessing? If so, I invite you to download the free preview of my book The Empath’s Toolkit: A Guide to Recovery for the Overwhelmed Empath below!

Intuitive Experiment Worksheet

Download the Free Preview
of Anna’s Book The Empath’s Toolkit…

…Packed with Instructions and Tips on How to Come Back
Into Balance with Your Amazing Empath Gifts.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Kate

    As Ive got older I dont watch the news anymore. I used to think I wasnt keeping abreast of the world situation but it really didnt matter that I didn’t. Ive been watching about the earthquakes but only stand about 10 minutes until its too much. This one is too close to home and I need to start seeing the good stories too to balance it out.

  2. Andrea

    I’m much the same as Kate… I just can’t watch much of the news anymore, because now that I’m a cognizant empath, to take on all that energy and feel angry/hurt/upset/useless feels like an irresponsible choice. When I didn’t know what was happening to me, I didn’t know enough to change the channel or turn the TV off altogether. Now I do, and I very much support your point of view: if I can’t help, if there is nothing I can do that serves me and the situation, then I just have to keep myself distant from it, so that I have enough energy to deal with things that ARE in my purview.

    It’s self-preservation, really.

  3. Diana

    I was once told that there are no good news on the news.. and I totally agree, and have not been in touch with it.. my husband feeds me on what’s happening most of the time, that is how I find out about things, and that is how I detach myself from feeling too much.

    I scann though the headlines of the newpapers and only reads the positive stuff, which normally only takes 5 mins. lol

  4. Peter

    I must admit that I once was a news junkie. But it was probably the worst thing I could do, being an empath.

    Now I try to only rarely read the news. I always ask myself if this information is relevant for me and/or can I do something about it? And even if I could do something about it, would it be a good use of my time and energy?

    Just yesterday I was reading the biggest German online news portal and looked for some good news – there was not a lot of it. Maybe some science stories, but that was it.

    Sometimes it’s really nice not to know too much. And I think if the world is going to end, then my neighbours would tell me. 🙂

    Anna, you can be really fond about the British press, lots of nice tabloids there lol 😀

  5. Fellforit

    I am the same, Anna, and was thinking the exact same thing recently. I don’t now if I’m an actual empath (I suspect I am) or just a highly sensitive person (or HSP, as coined by Elaine Aron), but I can’t deal with a constant barrage of negativity and stress. I get enough of that from work and community! I tend now to avoid even reading articles or change the channel when an item is presented that I know will get to me emotionally. The news is so sensationalistic these days that only really the bad news gets presented and it can be very draining to take in on a regular basis.

    I like your view to only concern yourself with it if you can help on a personal level. I always feel I should be doing more to “help the world” but feel much more able (and comfortable) to help on an individual scale rather than a world-wide scale.

    When I heard about the earthquake I immediately thought of you since I had read one of your articles where you mentioned living in Christchurch, and was glad to hear you’re okay. I hope your family, friends and community are also okay!

  6. Aida

    Hi Anna,

    This is a great post! Learning to plug in the right way is crucial. I’ve lived through a war as a child, and if it wasn’t for people who knew when and how to plug in and help, I would not have survived it. (Example – there was no food in the city except for humanitarian aid that came in. Some of it came from organizations such as Red Cross, but most came from relatives, friends, and even strangers from around the world who put whatever perishables they could afford to give away, and they sent them to us. This, at that moment in life, was the difference between living and dying.)

    So speaking for the people on the receiving end – no amount of feeling sad, and feeling bad for people can help them overcome a bad situation. Only action can. While it’s nice to know that there is someone out there who feels for you, during the time of crises what’s important is to receive resources to be able to survive.

    Today, years after the war I help people in difficult situations whenever I can, but I don’t try to get emotionally involved in people’s pain. It isn’t constructive. What’s constructive is helping when you can, and how you can, and letting go of the rest. You can’t solve everyone’s problem, nor should you try, especially if you’re an empath. But if there is a way you can aid someone’s life just a little bit, and you are willing to do it, it goes a long, long way!

  7. Janina

    I alternate reading the news for a few days, then fasting for a few days. I prefer scientific papers, political analysis, and periodicals like Harper’s that more often write with an in-depth longer range perspective. Stuff that doesn’t go for just sensationalism. Scare-tactic “journalism” just makes me feel queasy and anxious. Too much news makes my very survival feel threatened. I wonder if most major U.S. news outlets have “make-people-feel-threatened” as part of their (un)conscious agenda.

    The proper dose of the news stimulates me to take action. It compels me write letters to my governments, and donate to human rights/personal freedom groups like EFF.org and globalhealthfreedom.org. It compels me to take community action like distributing free plants and food. I compels me to stay grounded, talk with Spirit, and do more ceremony.

  8. Theresa

    95% I dont watch the news or read a newspaper. Mainly because I know from a friends first hand experience that what is reported if often ‘changed’. Also because I find it negative. Over the last two days I have read Celia Lashlie’s book The Power of Mothers, in it she gives a great example of how the Media mislead us and empasise unture facts to make a story more sensational.

  9. maureen

    So glad I’m not alone! I made the decision to opt out of reading the daily paper several years ago, after realizing it chronicled stories of the worst of humanity that left me feeling horrible, decided I didn’t want to fill my precious mind with that anymore. I hear any major news events on national radio daily, that’s enough! Then I made the radical decision to eliminate television with its mostly [western] garbage content… and guess what, it’s been great, now I’m living my life…

  10. JenMahrie

    It’s nice reading your articles again!
    I rarely tune-in to the news anyore, and when I do it’s at the point where most people have gotten over their “shock” of it and are finding solutions. I was told long ago in my healing studies that we are what we take in. “

  11. JenMahrie

    … Oops, I got cut off. Lol. In the past 9-10 months I’ve been using EFT tapping to instantly release and transform the ramblings of information batting around in my daily mind, and the way these thoughts make me feel. “Thoughts are things.” Thanks for bringing this up 🙂
    Smiles, Jen

  12. Lemelia

    I gave up watching TV news about a year ago. I think the last thing I followed was “balloon boy” and his nutty parents. But there was still the Internet, with news popping up at me first things in the morning, or whenever. I had to stop taking the bait on those headlines, as well. I’d get pulled into them, and often times feel compelled to write a post in response. Always a bad idea for me to read what other people are saying, as most of them seem to be sociopaths. The meanness troubles my spirit SO much.

    More recently, though, my addiction to Facebook’s become problematic. I have a lot of very well informed and witty friends from my prep school days on there, and they tend to post things that are either hilarious or inflammatory. If not for the hilarity, I’d close my account, but my friends also like to debate politics and the human condition. They can go at one another and still be jolly good friends at the end of every heated thread, but not me. I can’t take them sniping at one another, nor taking pot shots at anyone else.

  13. Dustin Rasener

    Yes! I have been much happier since tuning out the news. I encourage others to do so as well. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that you, “won’t give in to voyeurism.”

  14. Catriona

    Yup. I don’t watch or listen to the news either. For a while I felt embarrassed about being ill-informed, but now I just think I keep my mental space and energy for other things! I subscribe to the Economist, which gives quite a lot of analysis, with less focus on nastiness. I regret not being more informed about local news though, so try to scan the local news headlines in a cafe near me, or on the internet every now and then. One thing that really gets me about the main news and newspapers is the never-ending repetition of the same tales of misery – why why why?!

  15. Anna

    Hi Catriona!

    It seems the Economist is quite a popular choice for those who don’t want the sensationalist stuff but still want to know what is going on. I will have to check it out.

  16. Anna

    Hi JenMahrie,

    That is an insightful comment. You are right, we are what we take in, not just with food and physical things, but also with thoughts and the things we listen to and watch on television.

  17. Anna

    Hi Lemelia,

    Yes I also remember that piece of news about the hot air balloon and the little boy. That one in particular reiterated for me that the news really was a waste of time, when it turned out to be a hoax.

  18. Joseph

    I used to by the whole idea of news being negative and didn’t follow them for years, then I went to university and to build a creer and be a functional leader the news is a must. The way I deal with it is focus and prioritization. Let me share what I mean by that. When I’m on my way to school I grab a few local papers (I like 24hrs, metro and my local sun) and scan through them. I’m talking close to 200 pages of newsprint including adds in 30 or so minutes. I simply skip over the garbage and read the positives, mental stimulators and stories that apply to me personally. Easy as that 🙂 & don’t forget to pick a few non negative cartoon for a sweet finish 😉

  19. sheryl

    I don’t listen to the news or read newspapers. It’s usually not the news itself that bothers me, but the sensational spin that reporters put on the story. There’s a tendency to focus on the awful parts, but ignore the positive aspects of what has happened.

    I know that if there is something in the news that I need to know about, I always end up hearing just what I need to hear.

  20. Shell

    I do my best to get my news in the daytime hours. It’s easier to deal with and doesn’t leave me upset or drained to linger into my evening hours.

  21. Stephanie

    Hi Anna…I am new to your website as of today but have been following your FB for a few months now. How did I miss that you are based in ChCh until now???
    Last summer I travelled around NZ and fell madly in love with it. I am from Bermuda so it was quite a trek but I have so many friends there and have always wanted to see it so it was WELL worth it. Christchurch is a beautiful city and I was as saddened by the news of the destruction as I was worried about my dear friends. One of them, a Classic All Black (so not the wimpy sort!), wrote to say it was so scary could I please send a care package of clean undies….good to see that wonderful Kiwi humour still firmly in place!
    One of my FB friends had a status this morning saying, “If you could do absolutely anything you wanted to do this weekend, no matter how impossible or bizarre, what would it be?” My answer was to be able to come down there so I could hug all my friends and help clean it all up!!
    I hope things get back to normal for you all soon and am sending as much healing vibes and love to the area as I can!
    Blessings to you!
    PS…I love your site here and can’t wait to explore more!!

  22. Sue Krebs

    Hi Anna,

    Thanks for spelling this out so clearly! It’s wonderful that I read this post today as just this morning I was “assaulted” by the morning news. My sensitivity is ramping up, by my request, but I hadn’t thought about feeling the “negative” stuff stronger too. When my husband turned on the TV this morning, I just felt bombarded by FEAR. It was VERY disconcerting.

    I appreciate the suggestions on managing this sensitivity. I too typically avoid news shows/papers, etc., but it was the ambient noise in the room and unavoidable. I will work harder to shield myself from such unwanted barrages.

    Thanks for sharing your perspective!

  23. Sonya Bruyette

    Hi Anna. I really enjoyed the unique ideas in your article –thank you for sharing them. You are a gifted writer.

    Besides the usual empathic dealings such as learning to remain clear and protected when interacting with others, I struggle with this issue of taking on the pains of the world on a very regular basis. I don’t watch the news, read the newspaper, or watch mainstream television due to the high level of negativity pulsing through them. Back in December 2009, I decided to just get rid of my television all together. This has helped me tremendously. Now, if I want to watch a movie, I am very selective and use Netflix to choose a movie, and watch it via my laptop computer. Saves money too: $10 vs. $40 per month (Netflix vs. Cable TV).
    My area of global sensitivity is mostly regarding animals and any issue which impacts Mother Nature/Mother Earth –these are the news stories which hurt me the most. In other words, I haven’t yet found my place of detachment regarding animal testing, factory farms, animal cruelty in general, pesticides, foods grown with slaughter house fertilizers, pollution such as the Gulf of Mexico Oil spill, etc.
    Although a clever, common sense idea, I find that I can’t unplug from the global animal/Earth issues at this time even if I wanted to. Again, eliminating television and the newspapers has helped ease the pain a great deal, but the issues are always on my mind. However, I have come to the understanding that when dealing with these horrific issues, I know it is ALWAYS necessary for me to try and keep a balanced perspective so that I can be a strong and sensible role-model for others to best learn by. The issues are not going to disappear by me trying to ignore them, so I need to at least strive for this. A balanced, empathic perspective to me means I need to have a healthy level of detachment, married with a healthy level of compassion = detached love and detached compassion. Combining this perspective with integrity, humility and a passion to empower others toward balanced and Light-filled living regarding animal/Earth global issues is a goal that I have not yet reached, but one which I consistently work toward fulfilling. Ways in which I try to fulfill this goal include meditation and constant work toward healing my inner/outer self to become as clear and Light-filled as possible. The more Light I hold the stronger I become at neutralizing/transmuting the darkness and negativity, which in turn allows me to be a more powerful Lightworker to address animal/Earth global issues.

  24. Tabby

    I’ve never liked the news. My husband sensors mine also. Your article amazed me. I didn’t know this effected other people too. I have never been interested in the news because of the toll it takes on my body and mind. I’m often time accused of sugar coating everything and having my head in the clouds. I have found though the less I have to deal with it, the better I feel. You verbalized it so well. Thank you for your articles, I find them very interesting.

  25. dawn

    anna< oh my gosh this is so meee and i never understood this about me and why i get so emotional and upset over things in the news. i always knew i was differant and didnt understand until i read this, thank u anna now i can work on this issue in my life because you exspained it to me, thank you thank you!!!!

  26. Mia

    I’m so glad there’s a new entry here to focus my attention on this evening, as I was feeling quite annoyed by someone from my past who reacted to my life update as if I was either exaggerating, delusional, or lying. She’s a former therapist, scientific type, not given to believe much of anything in the paranatural realm, and who knew me to be much less productive and much more depressed five years ago. In trying to let her know how well my kids and I are doing, I think I managed to give the opposite impression, and it really bugs me to know she’s thinking something she’s not saying. I never should have brough up my participation in studies at the Rhine Research Center here (paranormal studies), because of my SLIder tendencies. ARRRRGH!

    Back on topic now: I have a serious love-hate relationship with the news. I want to be well informed, but so much of what I see makes me upset both spiritually and physically. Just as much as the news itself, I’m bothered by the commentary of people who have to weigh in and give their opinions, which are often cruel, profane, and mocking. I don’t watch televised news at all, unless there’s been some major news event. I try to bypass online news, but am not always successful. I’m never glad that I’ve read the news. A lot of it I get on Facebook, because I have a lot of friends who are news hounds and post lots of political commentary. Some of it I feel compelled to respond to, which is only a positive move when my friends and I are all of the same opinion on the issue.

    Dissension in general makes me extremely uncomfortable, to the point of shutting down. I’m very bad about abruptly ending an online conversation by not reading a message at all if I think I’m not going to like something in it. I’m sure there are at least a dozen people who, over the years, think I’ve read something that I never did. Some of them could have contained kind words or apologies just as likely as something nasty, but I’d rather be ignorant of it than upset, if that makes any sense. I once had a good friend/cousin-in-law who would pre-read things for me, and tell me how bad it was, if she thought I could handle reading it. Sounds a bit silly. I do wish I wasn’t so sensitive. But if I was different, I wouldn’t be me.

  27. ella

    I am so glad I found this site, I actually came to read the other pages and found this page through accident. I’m so glad I did because it makes total sense to me. I always thought I was overly sensitive to everything and everyone, but it’s amazing there is a name for it and that alot of responses on here are the same. I can’t watch the news either. I’ve been told on many an occassion that I should stop being so sensitive and I ought to know what’s going on in the world, but I can’t. If the news channel is on, I go out the room, if there is a paper around, I don’t read it. If it comes on on the radio then I’m stuck and it’s terrible having all these negative thoughts left floating around in my mind

  28. andra

    I’ve stopped watching the news for over one year. In the past, I was keeping the TV turned on while working at my computer. Without being aware of this, the news were actually affecting me. I was always sad and depressed without knowing the reason. Since I’ve stopped doing this, I’m feeling much better.

  29. Lucia

    🙂 I used to sit in front of the TV in Finland watching BBC World bawling (because TV in Finland was so tedious, I always ended up watching BBC World). I remember the time there was a terrible hostage situation at a school in Russia somewhere of the former USSR. I watched it unfold and was crying the whole time. Then I remember in 2006, I think, watching Israel bombing Lebanon, among other things. Also crying.

    Thus, it was in 2006 when I sold my TV and I’ve never had another one. I still struggle with news I get on Twitter and Facebook, but I mostly only follow one and the same situation, and I deliberately stopped following it in recent months.

    I did try to get involved in activism about that situation, but learned rather quickly that you need to maintain an angry state perpetually, be outspoken and be the kind of high energy person who can shout and just express a lot of confrontational energy that I simply don’t have. If you are going to be confrontational, that means you have to have a lot of facts and information in your head and have a very intellectual way of being, and I don’t.

  30. Jessica

    When I was in kindergarten, I went to school with a little girl who didn’t speak English. She got made fun of a lot, and spent most of her time crying by the fence while the other kids played. Ias I watched this over a course of time, I would always feel her torment. So I befriended her. It’s funny, because I never really even remember us speaking different languages when we would play. One day my teacher toLd my mom that us being friends really opened her up to learning g English. The teacher said when she first came here, she wasn’t able to learn any English. As our friendship grew, so did her confidence. And eventually, I wasn’t her only friend. She became very well liked. Bit as I grew older, I noticed the colder people grew. They weren’t as understanding, and the older I became, the harder it was to find understanding people, or at least at the same level as I. Since I was litTle, I’ve been able to see things that most people didn’t, such as rainbow flickers in the air swirling and dancing, so e transparent strings, and even relatives that passed away. I always had “imaginaRy friends” growing up. I never had and lack of confidence untill bad things started happening. I was nearly 5 when it began. The things that happened are things I won’t go into detail about, but it lasted for years. It was me and my best friend to this day. I still believe I never said anything to anyone because I felt like I needed to protect her from the terrible things she had to live with. So when ever I could, I would make make myself the main target. After a couple of years, I began having experiences that felt like I was no longer apart of my body, and at times IT would feel as if I were watching the events from above. After a while, I began to act out, as any person would after that sort of trauma, and I had to be sent away. This is what made me think that the things I saw was just a result of insanity. When I was locked away, I would have dreams of the moon and a woman’s voice that would soothe me and reassure me. This is when I was guided to meditation. It helped me greatly. Eventually, I was take. Off of my medication that doctors claimed I needed for the rest of my life,

  31. Jen W

    I barely watch the news because it is full of negativity. I like my local paper because it is still an old fashioned hometown style and reports mostly on positive local stuff, some negative local stuff, and then there is a section with “world news” which is all the negative worldwide things.

    When 9/11 happened I sat in front of the TV and cried for hours trying to understand what had happened and what was happening, until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I live in MD so it was all around me physically so I really needed to know what was going on.

    It isn’t just the news that does it to me. I am surprised it wasn’t mentioned in this article, but maybe it is somewhere else on here and I just haven’t come across it yet. I bawl at movies, particularly ones that are fictionalized versions of real events. We watched Soul Surfer last night and I was crying like a baby during the part where she was bitten by the shark. It wasn’t over-sensationalized in the movie or anything, but it did me in. My daughters commented on me crying, but they are used to it. Titanic, 9/11 related, war related like Pearl Harbor, anything with human suffering and I am suffering as well.

    I didn’t realize until reading about it on this website there is a term for it. And I totally fit the description of an Empath. People have always talked to me and told me things they wouldn’t normally tell others. I always understand why the other person did the things they did to the person who is talking to me(able to see both sides of the story). Many times I am the peacemaker and the mediator.

    It has been interesting reading the articles on this website. I have also discovered that I am claircognizant. I always knew there was a mild psychic thing going on within me, but not a full-fledged psychic ability. I never knew how to describe it or that it had a name. Thank you for this website and all the useful information!

  32. bing

    It makes sense to me when you said Empaths have difficulties watching news. I don’t watch news since I was a kid, I don’t watch movies with sad endings, I cant mingle too much with people who loves drama. People who knew me laughed at me whenever I explained the reason behind all this, (that I’m too sensitive) because I’ve been very tough as a girl until I became a woman. The reason is I cant take the emotions I get from the scenes. Whenever I watch it, it gives me pain for a long time like 1-2 weeks or more and worst I cried over it! I hate it! Sometimes I have a bad feeling, a burden and pain in my heart or sometimes I feel in love or joy and excited that I cant understand the cause. The good thing is I can handle it. I can still feel my own emotion such as when I’m happy I can still feel happy even part of my heart is in pain.

    From the deepest of my heart I’m really grateful for this website. This helps me understand who I’am. I guess one day I will be proud to let everyone know that I’m a psychic and I’m definitely sane. Thank you for the help.

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