Is Your Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance?

This is the third article in the series I’m writing on chakras. In this article, I’m going to talk about how you can tell if your solar plexus chakra is out of balance and I offer some resources, suggestions and lifestyle changes for fixing any imbalances.

First of All, What’s the Relevance of Chakras in our Daily Lives?

Is it just some high-level, esoteric concept that has no relevance to the wo/man on the street?

Actually, for those of us who seek to improve our lives and grow as people and as spiritual beings, it’s a very useful framework for bringing balance and tracking our spiritual evolution. By reading the chakras, we can gain more insight into our strengths and challenges in life, and seen through this spiritual framework, we can also take steps to remedy imbalances and become happier and healthier!

All About the Solar Plexus

The solar plexus chakra is located just above the belly button, and is associated with the colour yellow.

This chakra governs all aspects of personal power. Power encompasses many qualities, including strength, courage, fortitude, and the ability to achieve. Having a strong solar plexus chakra means you are able to get what you want in life:  to set goals and take action on them.

The energy of the solar plexus becomes very pronounced during the teenage years. We often associate this stage with conflicts between the teenager and her parents. This is because the solar plexus is becoming stronger at this time, and we begin to develop our own ‘inner adult’ – the part of us that can make choices and decisions independently of our parents. The burgeoning solar plexus energy also helps us to form an identity and sense of self that is separate from the family unit in which we have grown up.

The solar plexus chakra also governs the realm of taking responsibility for your life. The truth inherent in this chakra is that we alone are responsible for our own happiness and success; we have the power to direct the course of our lives through our actions, habits, and choices.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra Is in Balance…

A balanced solar plexus chakra allows you to be both assertive and respectful when dealing with other people.

It also means that you can set a goal, and then take actions that are aligned with that goal. When the solar plexus chakra is strong and in balance, you have the stamina and focus to ‘stay the course’ and see your plan through to the end.

Those who have a balanced solar plexus understand what is and what is not within their sphere of influence. Such a person does not try to change other people, or interfere in situations which are none of her business. She understands that others have free will too.

When the Solar Plexus is out of Balance…

When there is an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra, it can manifest as one or more of the following:

  • Fear – being controlled by your own or someone else’s fears about life
  • Aggressive behaviour, such as making personal attacks on people
  • Passive behaviour; not standing up for oneself; allowing others to intrude on one’s space
  • Feeling jealous in relationships
  • Engaging in power plays or manipulative behaviour in order to gain control over others
  • Feeling lethargic or unmotivated; having no direction in life
  • A tendency to blame others for one’s unhappiness; shying away from claiming complete ownership of one’s life
  • Angry explosions – when the solar plexus is imbalanced, a person may feel unable to assert their boundaries and such a person is likely to become excessively angry when the resentments pile up
  • Feeling as if you don’t have a choice in how other people treat you, or what kind of life you create for yourself

Reasons for Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances and Blockages

  • Growing up with an overbearing or controlling parent:

Being taught to mindlessly surrender to authority at all times as a child or adolescent can affect our sense of sovereignty and independence later on; causing a person to feel a need to run their decisions past someone else.

  • Having tendencies towards ‘people pleasing’
  • Having been in an abusive relationship:

Abusive relationships can wreak havoc on the solar plexus chakra because they set up patterns of behaviour and belief which drain your power. It can be very helpful to cut an energetic cord to an abusive partner. Cutting these cords can help to break the cycle of attracting abusive partners.

  • Having been part of an organization or group that seeks to curb your self-authority or independence of thought:

An example of an organization that seeks to do this is a religious cult. Any religious group that encourages you to abandon your inner authority and discernment is detrimental to the solar plexus chakra.

Below are some suggestions to bolster the solar plexus chakra:

  • Work on assertiveness. If you have a history of being a people pleaser, start sleeping on requests before you agree to them. Practise saying no when you don’t want to do something.
  • When going into a difficult situation/conversation, imagine your solar plexus chakra expanding and growing in size until it is a few metres outside of your body.
  • Take a self-defense/martial arts class
  • Take heed of the message within your anger. Anger shows that a boundary has been violated and action is usually needed as a result. Anger is the solar plexus talking to you about what is acceptable to you.
  • Honour the sovereignty of others – curb any desires to ‘rescue’ those around you. Grant others the space and responsibility to change their lives.
  • If someone is treating you badly, express your standards and consequences for such behaviour
  • Refuse to settle for something that isn’t exactly what you want – even if you feel like you’re rocking the boat
  • Cut the cord to overbearing or overprotective parents, abusers, and anyone controlling in your life

Resources for Solar Plexus Issues:

For those who are interested in bringing more balance to their energy system, I offer a Chakra Meditation Kit which teaches you to read, heal, open, clear out and rebalance your entire chakra system. It’s a do-it-yourself guide that includes an audio meditation, eBook and a discount to the Intuitive Awakening Course.

chakra meditation

Helpful Books

My Answer is No . . . If That’s Okay with You: How Women Can Say No with Confidence by Nanette Gartrell

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself by Melody Beattie

Is your solar plexus chakra in balance?

Related articles on other chakras:

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Kamy Dova

    I love the article, especially that part with the suggestions how to bolster the solar plexus chakra. Blessings Anna!

  2. Jane

    Thanks Anna for another interesting article that takes a bigger perspective, adding the possible causes and ways to strengthen the energy of the solar plexus. I liked the point about boundaries – and can testify that cord cutting is absolutely amazing for helping you to regain energy lost in pointless subconscious battles……I’ve been cutting my cords (around 10 now) and have cut a couple for others, and it is the most effective technique I have found in the last 10 years of learning different healing modalities. It is useful to have the background and skills of the other techniques, but cord cutting is like a gift from the etheric realm – giving us the chance of a new start. Thanks for making it better known x

  3. Elizabeth

    The Melody Beattie books worked wonders for me, and I’m so glad to see you mention about not rescuing others.

  4. Pat

    Thanks Anna for making this available. It is so helpful to have the bolster suggestions, having read many a site on chakras, the handy, practical tips such as these were often missing for me.
    Very grateful, thanks.

  5. Patrice

    This article really resonated with me. I read your article about the heart chakra being affected by an under active solar chakra. As I read your recommendations for improving your solar chakra, tears came to my eyes and my first thought was oh my god how could I ever do those things. That highlights to me that I have some serious work to do. Thank you.

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