Hi Anna,
When I meditate lately, I am seeing strange shapes and images in my mind’s eye that seem to make no sense. I have also been working on my intuitive development. Could it be I am awakening my third eye?
– Joan
Hi Joan,
It sounds like you started seeing these things around the time you worked on opening up your third eye, so in that case, I would take this as a sign that your third eye is awakening.
Sometimes when the third eye is in the process of opening up, it does throw out random images, especially if you’re in the beginner or lower-intermediate stages of intuitive development. My guess is that the majority of what you’re ‘seeing’ in your mind’s eye when you meditate may not be meaningful, but soon you could find that it becomes more meaningful as you develop your skills further.
How to tell if what you’re seeing has any meaning for you
You might be interested to have a read of this article, which details an exercise you can do to ascertain whether the images you are seeing may have meaning for you or not.
If the images do have meaning and need interpreting, be aware that the significance of symbols can vary hugely from one person to the next. This is because we all have our own inner ‘menu’ of feelings, visuals and past experiences that Spirit can use to guide us. A visual that means one thing to you may mean something completely different to another person.
For example, let’s say that both you and I see a crucifix and an apple in our mind’s eye, respectively.
Personally, I am not a fan of crucifixes or cross imagery. I find what they represent to be gory and disturbing, and I had some negative experiences when I was a Christian. I also don’t like apples, because they give me indigestion! I’d like to eat them but I can’t, so for me, apples are a symbol of something that other people can enjoy, but I must avoid.
But let’s say that you are a Christian, in which case you may experience the crucifix in a more positive sense. And perhaps you love fruit, so you have different associations with apples. Only you can interpret symbols according to what they might mean to you.
When deciding how to interpret random imagery, some students do like to do a search online for dream symbolism (as this is very similar to clairvoyant symbolism) but I’d take any meanings you find online with a grain of salt, and run them past your own feelings about what the symbol means. Such interpretations are often the result of someone else’s personal associations.
If you’re interested in opening up your clair senses (including your clairvoyance) further to help you in your life, you may be interested in my Intuitive Awakening Course.