What Your Spirit Guides Want You to Know

Note from Anna: this is a guest post from Debra Reeves. Debra is a psychic with over 20 years experience communicating directly with Spirit. She works as a professional intuitive, an Akashic Record reader and a Spirit Rescue Worker: assisting souls struggling to cross over to the other side.

Over to Debra…

She is my very best friend and so much more. She has always been right there for me, just beyond the veil. I know I can count on her. She has shown me time and again that I can trust her absolutely. She won’t let me down. I love her to bits!

No, I’m not talking about my best friend.

I’m talking about my Primary Spirit Guide.

My Primary Spirit Guide supports and motivates me. She encourages my altruism. She invokes feelings and responses, working through clairsentience with intuitive nudges and gut instinct – a sense of knowing rather than physical sensations. She keeps me on the path of goodness!

She’s one of many but she’s the one I communicate with most often. She’s honest, forthright and direct. We know each other well as we have had 15 incarnations together, although I am unsure whether these incarnations were on the earth plane. I have proven time and time again that I can trust her guidance. She has my best interests at heart.

I’m not special. I’m not describing a relationship and a deep bond only I have access to! We all have Spirit Guides. Each of us has our very own Spirit Guide team who love, guide and protect us.

Your Primary Spirit Guide is the spokesperson for your team. That’s who I tend to communicate through in intuitive readings.

No message is the same. Each is unique and lovingly delivered in a way to resonate deeply with each person. Your Primary Spirit Guide has an expanded vision of your life and can see what is manifesting in your life and why. Your Primary Spirit Guide offers deeply personal encouragement and advice that speaks to the heart of your situation.

Interspersed amongst the personal guidance, there are often universal messages that Spirit Guides convey over and over. These are the precious, profound wisdom we all need to know. The way these messages are expressed changes, but the underlying message is the same. These are the truths we all need tattooed on our hearts!

10 things your Spirit Guides need you to know:

1. Your Spirit Guides love you unconditionally.

I’m not talking the limited version of love we are used to on the earth plane. I’m talking an expansive love that is void of any judgment or criticism.

2. Your Spirit Guides genuinely care passionately for you.

It’s a fierce mama bear or a warrior type of unabridged love. It’s an active, palpable love. Wow!

3. Your Spirit Guides want only the best for you.

You have their unconditional support and will encourage you whatever you decide to do in life. They are your biggest, loudest cheer squad, hollering you on from the sidelines!

4. There are no wrong decisions in the eyes of Spirit.

Your Spirit Guides have no agenda, no vested interest. Sure, they see the road ahead so would like to direct you away from hardship and pain, but they will be by your side if you walk that path, loving you all the way.

5. Your Spirit Guides want you to choose!

Free will means it must always be your decision to act. They will be there to lovingly guide and assist you but you are free to choose.

6. Your Spirit Guides cannot help if you don’t know what you want.

If you are confused or uncertain you send out mixed messages to the Universe. Your Spirit Guides will wait patiently for you to make up your mind before doing everything in their power to create your chosen reality.

7. Your Spirit Guides want be in your life.

However, as part of free will, you need to invite them in. Course, they’d love to assist you in any way they can!

8. Your Spirit Guides will play to your strengths.

Whatever you are good at they will use that to connect or communicate with you. If you like bird watching look out for formations and synchronicities with birds. If you love dreaming look out for vivid, profound symbolism in your dreams.

9. Your Spirit Guides want you to lighten up!

We take life so seriously! We believe it’s a competition and get so engrossed in the stories of our lives. Instead, treat life as an adventure!

10. We forget who we truly are!

We are soul! We are energy! Our Spirit Guides need us to remember, to wake up and to light up! It’s only through a full embodiment of our soul that we can fully experience all that life has to offer!

Wow! You never feel alone after you’ve encountered and absorbed this level of unconditional love, guidance and protection into your being!

Everyone has this level of support on hand. We can all tap into this immense resource of love, guidance and protection. Everyone has a Spirit Guide team who wants nothing more than to lend their support and cheer us on. They love you unconditionally and often are passionately invested in you and your life. They are rooting for you!

So do you feel the presence of your Spirit Guides in your life? Do you receive guidance or messages? I’d love to hear your experiences!

Please share your messages in the comments so that we can all benefit 🙂

Debra Reeves is a Professional Intuitive with over 25 years’ experience communicating directly with Spirit. Debra is dedicated to assisting those who seek the deeper side of life and to come in direct contact with their own soul and the profound wisdom that is offered to us by Spirit.

Debra is able to access your soul’s information in the Akashic Records and then receive further clarity from your Spirit Guides.

Debra has been a Spirit Rescue Worker: assisting souls struggling to pass over. Debra is a Reiki Master, a qualified Professional Intuitive and recently completed a course in Clinical Pastoral Care. She is a volunteer for Hospice.

Debra offers Akashic Record Readings, Spirit Guide Profile Readings, mentoring and spiritual development courses. Debra also offers Earthbound Spirit clearings. You can find out more about Debra through her website.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Melissa

    I was told by a spirit medium that I am in the middle of a spiritual awakening. This makes sense to me. I’ve always believed I was meant for more. Meant to help others. Like my life was a movie being watched by others. People would entertain me for a minute when I would bring it up, then it would be dismissed. I am determined to achieve my soul purpose within my means. I came across this page and it called to me. I will take your 10 steps of advice and apply them to my daily life. I am trying to allow the process to happen organically, but I am so excited about this realization its hard to contain.

  2. Debra Reeves

    Hi Melissa, wow that’s fantastic that you’re having a spiritual awakening…life is about to get a whole lot more interesting! It sounds like you understand that you’ll be led to exactly what you need, when you need it. Just take it all in and don’t be in a hurry. Spiritual development definitely a marathon not a sprint! I hope these words help you. Much love to you.
    Love & Light, Debra

  3. Daniela

    I have been consciously in touch with my primary guide for about three years now. I’m also in touch with other Beloveds in my team but he’s the one I talk to most often. Inspired by Conversations with God, I started writing to him in 2009. Then one day I decided that he was just a figment of my imagination so I stopped. Fast forward to 2014, and one dream and meditation have changed everything. Thanks to him, unconditional love is not just a theoretical concept for me, I know exactly what it is and how it feels. When we write together, he doesn’t just listen to my words but he also reads the energy behind them. That’s why our conversations often take unexpected turns. He loves to ask me questions, challenging me to go even deeper, inviting me to look even closer. And I love it this way, well, mostly (hahaha). Sometimes impatience, anger and frustration get the better of me but he is there for me regardless, remembering who I really am and holding this space for me with the determination and confidence of someone who knows what he’s doing. It’s his way of saying: “You and I are equal. The only difference between us is that I know it, I always know it! But you can decide to remember any time.” Sometimes we skip words altogether and just sit in the silence knowing that we communicate a lot just by being and it never ceases to amaze me how much love and understanding we have for one another. And then I come back to my everyday life and I want to share it with others because I just cannot help myself.

  4. Debra Reeves

    Hi Daniela, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful connection! It’s so incredible what Spirit can offer isnt it! I love how you describe your relationship as both supportive and challenging! Our spirit guides have infinite patience and love but they can also be such inspiring coaches as well! Thank you so much for sharing your experience Daniela! Much love to you.
    Love & Light, Debra

  5. Leon Walker

    Thank you, Debra Reeves, Anna Sayce, Melissa & Daniela for sharing this with us.

    My intention was not to write anything at all this evening, but I was led to an email from Anna, so naturally, I opened it and was intrigued to learn more.

    Here I am…

    From as far as I could remember, I have always felt internally great, by doing things for other people. In my primary school years, I’d make the other children laugh, put myself in harm, draw them cartoon characters or whatever I could, just to get a smile of joy.

    I have always felt compelled to help a stranger and go beyond just giving a direction by personally assisting them to their destination, or perhaps opening doors for people and so forth.

    Now, approaching 40, I have recently discovered spirituality, and the Universe as I begin to know it. I feel a very strong calling from within, to help, inspire, motivate, guide and bring value and wisdom to others.

    It has been a journey where I have often wondered what I am supposed to do here on this earth, and how I can discover my life purpose so that I can step in, step up and honour that role.

    Recently, and Intuitive reached out to me, and had stated that Arch Angel Michael was very close to me, that I am to follow and take a message forward from this point and work on it. Having heard of Michael, but not knowing much, this was a difficult task for me.

    Although I recently became aware of Spirit Guides, I have not connected with mine (as far as I am aware), but would love to do so in order to access the guidance and direction.

    I’ll wrap this up here for now.

    Once again, thank you all for building on top of this wonderful article.

    To Your Success & Nothing Less.

  6. Debra Reeves

    Hi Leon, thank you so much for sharing your journey! I have a feeling your life is going to become a whole lot more miraculous! Best wishes on your spiritual awakening and feel free to reach out to Anna or I for learning and support. We both have courses to help you activate your intuitive gifts and reconnect with your spirit helpers- including Archangel Michael and your personal spirit guide team. Much love to you.

    Love & light, Debra

  7. Chloe

    I was recently in a deep meditation where I felt like I was floating in the middle of the universe, with lots of chords of energy attached to me. I asked what my spirit guides name was, and the letters
    E-o-I-f-e was spelt out to me. The next day I looked up the meaning of the name (out of curiosity), and the names website had a part which put suggested surnames with it. The only suggested combination was Eoife James (my last name). Maybe it was my spirit guide validating my experience?

  8. Debra Reeves

    Hi Chloe, wow that sounds like such a beautiful experience! It sounds like you have a wonderful connection to your Spirit Guide – to have been given such strong clear validation afterwards when you google searched the name shows that.

    Names hold such energetic power so offering you their name is a sign of great trust. You can use this name to call them from anywhere in the Universe…and they will come.

    This is a significant gift as it means that you can call on this guide by name whenever you need. You have a connection, a tie to this guide that can never be broken. Names hold power. However, this cannot be demanded and forced.

    Your Spirit Guide has obviously decided you are ready, prepared and will cherish their name with the respect it needs to have bestowed you with their name.

    If you don’t already, it would be worth practicing speaking directly to your Spirit Guide and building a personal relationship with them. if you need help to get you started Anna has plenty of resources as do I.

    Much love to you!
    Love & Light, Debra

  9. Ryan

    Good advice knowing about spirit guides. Thank you for that. My desires have always been dreams without reality. I’m trying to comprehend Anna’s course more now that I am older I feel more distracted, complete less and exhausted. I know my spirit guides love me but I have no clue what to do because I failed so many times almost don’t feel like trying anymore. I almost need step to step guidance. I have been prone to end up going in the wrong direction with so many things in life. I feel like I wore my spirit guides out. I know what I want in life but I’m not God so I don’t understand step to step. Like I’m burning my hand on the stove when I’m 36 years old. I know the stove is hot but forget about the consquences and do it anyway, like talking to fools or bad choices I thought would be right at the time, not intentionally or literally with the stove.

  10. Debra Reeves

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you so much for writing. I hope it’s given you solace and reassurance – there’s no mistakes in the eyes of your Spirit Guides. They love you no matter what. Seriously.

    Please try to go easy on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. We all stuff up now and then. When you catch yourself with your hand reaching for the stove yet again just pause, snort and say “Ops! There I go again! I don’t need to cause myself pain anymore. I can learn through ease and love. Thanks for the reminder!” Practice a bit of loving kindness towards yourself. It will go a long way!
    Best wishes in your course with Anna. I hope you get a lot out of it!
    Love & Light, Debra

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