Have you just trained as a professional intuitive? Perhaps you channel peoples’ Spirit Guides, maybe you do Angel oracle readings or Tarot readings. Here are some reasons why you might want to read the Akashic Records for people, on top of the work you’re already doing:
1. Do Amazing Career Readings
Just to clarify for anyone reading, who doesn’t know, the Akashic Records are a repository of information about the soul and its past. We all have an Akashic soul record, and this can tell us lots of interesting information about ourselves, including our life lessons, our soul purpose, and our soul gifts.
My Akashic Record Readings are probably a bit different from some peoples’ Akashic readings. (You can see an example of the type of reading I do here.) Some people go into the Akashic Records with general life questions.
I work differently. I don’t ask general life questions in the Akashic Records. Instead, when I read someone’s Akashic soul Record, there’s a list of about 17 questions altogether that I go through and ask, and this paints a really detailed picture of who the person is on the soul level…questions like:
- Which is the client’s primary life lesson (out of the 88 I know of)
- Which soul group does the client belong to, and how does that impact on her soul’s purpose?
- Why is the client incarnated here? (what’s her life focus)
- What has she been doing in her previous earthly lifetimes, and even between lifetimes, and what kinds of soul gifts have these given her, that she can use in this lifetime?
So, in my view, if you’re a psychic who reads for people in the area of career but you aren’t reading the Akashic Records, you’re probably not getting the full picture about your client and what sort of work or career path they would be suited to.
When you read the Akashic Records, there are 3 areas that give you a good idea of what kind of work your client will be drawn to, and good at. And they are:
- The Archangelic realm of training
- The soul group of origin
- The archetypes
For example, if your client belongs to the Alpha Caelian soul group, you know that she is going to be drawn to healing. If you also know that she has the fifth realm of training, you also know that needs a strong communication element to her work, such as writing, speaking, teaching, or liaising verbally with other people. Then if you find that her archetypes are: the lightworker /humanitarian archetype and the counsellor/advisor archetype, this starts to flesh out the picture a little more. This means that this soul is someone who has had many past lives in a counselling or advising role, and as a lightworker/humanitarian, it’s really important that she does work that impacts positively on the planet. So if our Alpha Caelian soul works in a bank or a shop for example, she is going to find that this is not enough for her.
When you present this information to your client, and she says that she has been thinking of re-training as a therapist, and wants to write a book about healing, you know that this is a career path that matches well with her soul gifts, because she has the fifth realm of training (communication), the Alpha Caelian soul group (healing) and 2 archetypes which are also well suited for this path.
So, this can be a very thorough and systematic way of working and reading for people in the area of career. It’s like putting a jigsaw puzzle together to understand who the person is on the soul level, and what they’re good at, and it can be massively validating for the client to receive the information.
Let’s have a look at another useful application of the information in the Akashic Records:
2. Get the spiritual context behind relationship questions
When you can read the Akashic Records, you can access a deeper level of information about relationships. You can ask for example:
- Who is my significant other, on the soul level? (what is his/her soul group, life lessons, soul gifts, and reason for being here?)
- How many past lives have I shared with him/her? What kinds of past lives, and how might that impact on our relationship now?
- Which life lessons is he/she learning within our relationship, if any?
When you get the spiritual context behind a relationship, it often helps to answer other relationship questions such as, ‘why are we having difficulties at the moment?’ And ‘are we well matched?’
3. Give readings with lots of substance and content to them
Akashic Record Readings have a lot more substance & content to them than your average psychic reading. When you’re a psychic, depending on how you work, the information that you pass on, may be restricted to some messages that the client’s Spirit Guides want to pass on (which may or may not be a lot), and answers to any questions that the clients wants to ask.
But when you ask lots of questions in the Akashic Records, this means that you get a lot of information for your client. The average length of my email readings is around 25-30 pages.
4. Get the spiritual context behind difficult experiences/situations, and life choices for your clients
When you’re doing an Akashic Record reading, you’re getting to the deepest level of information on who your client is, and what their soul is like. And therefore, I find that there are some details that you can pass on in an Akashic Record Reading that can make someone’s life make a whole lot more sense.
For example, the man who had had an unusually high ratio of female:male incarnations, was drawn to transitioning gender (his soul had had a lot of experience incarnating as a woman and felt more comfortable in a female body.)
Or the star traveller soul who was only on his 15th incarnation here on Earth (this is really not many for a soul to have) and who found planet earth baffling and our society did not make sense to him. He had only had 15 incarnations here because he hardly ever incarnated, and when he did it was at times that were turning points or during revolutions. This helped to explain why he had always felt like he really didn’t belong here.
Or the woman whose soul purpose was to experience our earthly environment in all its glory (and as much of it as possible) in terms of natural environment and different climates. This helped to explain her choice of being a full time house sitter and world traveller for 8 years.
The information from the Akashic Records can often help people to accept themselves and embrace their true path. And it is information that anyone can learn to access, in a very systematic way.