Is It Possible to Find out Information About Future Lifetimes in the Akashic Records?

First of all, if you’re reading this and you’re not sure what the Akashic Records are, please visit this page for an explanation.

For those of you who don’t know how I work, I’m different from a lot of intuitives in that I am primarily an Akashic Record reader & I do Akashic Record Readings.

An Akashic Record Reading is a special kind of reading that tells people about their past lives, their lives between lifetimes (e.g. soul trainings that they have done on the ‘other side’), their soul origins, soul gifts, and more.

I’ve sometimes been asked whether it’s possible to look into future lifetimes as part of an Akashic Record Reading. So, whether we can know what our next lifetime is likely to look like, in terms of the family we might choose to be born into, the location of the lifetime and the things that will happen in that lifetime.

Personally I don’t research future lifetimes, and in this article I’m going to explain why.

Here’s the main reason I don’t do this kind of research:

Future lifetimes haven’t happened yet

That might seem like a really obvious statement to make, however, some people believe that there is no such thing as past, present and future in the spirit world, and that everything that happens, happens all at once. And that for this reason, we can access information about future lives.

I don’t think about future lifetimes in this way. 

It is often the case that we come into our current lifetime with a vague idea (on the soul level, of course, not usually consciously) of what we might do in our next lifetime, but it’s not usually a concrete idea. Our soul is usually more focused on this current lifetime.

We tend to choose the details of our next lifetime when we’re in the spirit world, after the end of a lifetime. So, if you’re currently incarnated and alive (which you obviously are if you’re reading this! 🙂 ), then this is not something your soul is going to be overly focused on.

What kind of things do we choose about our next lifetime, in the spirit world?

I believe that before you incarnate again into a new body, you are going to choose the family and circumstances you’re going to be born into, that will help to facilitate the learning of your life lessons. You’re also going to choose the right body for that lifetime. You will also link up with some of the souls who will accompany you on that journey through life, just as you will plan to play a part in their upcoming lifetime. And you might choose to put in place certain events for that lifetime, that may crop up for you, such as having a child or the opportunity to choose a certain line of work.

(If you’re interested in what this pre-life selection process actually looks like in the spirit world, you may be interested in Michael Newton’s interesting books, Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.)

However, I don’t believe we set up every detail of a future lifetime (when we’re in the spirit world choosing our next life) because there’s a lot of free will involved once we arrive here. Not everything is set in stone.

So, if you’re going to receive information about future lifetimes, it’s probably going to be vague information about the upcoming lifetime, simply because at this stage most of your soul’s plans are not 100% set in stone.

There is one exception to this — a scenario where an Akashic Record reader might get information about your future lifetimes…

It may be possible to know what kind of lifetime you might be getting next time around.

What do I mean by the kind of lifetime?

Well, there are actually 4 main reasons a soul will incarnate here. The 4 possible reasons are as follows:

1. To grow and expand your soul through learning and experiences on Earth (aka a learning lifetime)
2. To have a rest (a holiday lifetime)
3. To contribute something significant to the society you live in (a contribution lifetime)
4. To play a supporting role to another soul you’re incarnating with (a support lifetime.)

Sometimes a soul will incarnate for a mixture of those reasons, so for example you could combine a holiday and a support lifetime.

You can read more about those 4 reasons here.

So, Akashic Record readers may get information about this. For example, it may be possible to know that a soul who has had 3 difficult lifetimes in a row with a lot of learning and evolution, is going to have a holiday lifetime (and a rest) next time around.

That’s the kind of vague information about future lifetimes that can be had before the future lifetime selection process has even begun, following the end of an earthly lifetime. And if a client asks me about future lifetimes, that is something I can research for them.

If you’d like to learn how to read the Akashic Records to research information about a soul’s past and present, you might be interested in my Akashic Record Reading Program. 

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


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