Can Everyone Develop Intuition to a High Level?

I wanted to write a response to a criticism that was levelled at my work recently, which is, “Intuition can’t be developed”.

According to this argument, only a select few people are intuitive to a high level and no-one else can be good at it, so they shouldn’t bother trying.

Obviously, I don’t agree with this (otherwise I wouldn’t teach people to develop their intuitive abilities) and I’m going to unpack this idea in this article because I think it is something that many students of psychic development worry about on their journey.

First of all…

It is true that some people are born with open ‘channels’, more than others.

I know I came into this life with very open upper chakras, and an open channel. I recently did a past life regression where I was given more details about what I came here to do in this life, and I was told that my highly developed intuition was not an accident. I’d been re-creating the same karmic situation for dozens of lifetimes and the only way I was able to break it in this lifetime was by having a strong sense of intuition to guide me to break it.

If I didn’t have those skills, I wouldn’t have achieved what I came here to do.

So, people who come into this life with highly developed intuition have that for a reason. It’s often to allow them to survive some situation or break a karmic pattern that they really need to break. (This applies to all skills that we have naturally — they are no accident — everything is strategically chosen to enable us to fulfil our highest path and purpose. )

On top of that, it’s true that some people who go through trauma in childhood become highly intuitive and empathic adults as a result. (I go into that phenomenon here.)

So, yes, some people are more naturally gifted than others in this area.

But that doesn’t mean that intuition can’t be developed. It’s like any other skill, in that regard.

I would liken intuition to singing. Some people are naturally really, really good at it, some people are not so good at it, and lots of people are in between those two extremes.

Intuition is like that.

Saying that intuition is only for the select few is like saying no-one except Celine Dion and Michael Buble should sing. Everyone else should shut up because they’re not good at it. No-one should bother taking singing lessons either because they’ll never be as good as Celine Dion.

If only Celine Dion should be singing, why does everyone else have a voice?

Similarly, if only the Sonia Choquettes and Tyler Henrys of this world should be using their intuitive abilities, why does everyone else have this facility, too?

The fact is, we all have a voice because we should be using it.

We all have a body to move through this physical realm. Obviously we’re all meant to be using that.

We all have an emotional aspect to give us feedback about our lives.

We all have a psychological aspect to allow us to reason and think critically about things.

We all have intuition and psychic abilities to some degree, because we all have souls. The word ‘psychic’ comes from the Greek ‘psukhikos’ and it simply means ‘of the soul’.

We’re meant to stay connected to our souls when we are incarnated, and that is what intuitive abilities allow us to do. Intuition is like a GPS that is hooked up to our soul. It tells us where to go in our lives.

Saying that no-one except the gifted few should be using intuition is like saying:

  • Only the most emotionally intelligent should be using their emotional aspect
  • Only philosophers should be using their reason
  • Only top athletes should be moving their body

It doesn’t make any sense.

I believe that everyone can develop their intuition to a good level, no matter what they are starting with. Even people who have never seen any evidence of their psychic ability can make progress with this.

I know it because I’ve taught thousands of people, including people who had never had a psychic experience when they began.

My guess is that if you believe that intuition is only for the gifted few and you can’t develop yours, you probably aren’t doing it right.

I talk more about my approach to intuitive development here: My 6 Step Formula for Learning to Communicate with Spirit

So, to summarise:

  1. Some are always going to be better than others at it, but yes, everyone can develop their intuition to a level where it is helping them in their life. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance are all gifts that can be developed
  2. Dreaming as a psychic gift and psychic empathy are the only two gifts that cannot be developed if you don’t have them naturally. Psychic empathy cannot be developed and usually if you’re not an empath by the time you are in your twenties, it’s not going to happen. Similarly, if you have never remembered a single dream in your life, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be able to receive messages from Spirit in your dreams.
  3. Developing clair gifts to the point where you can channel is quite a complex endeavour and requires multiple steps, learned in the right order
  4. The more effort and time you put in, the more likely it is that you will excel in this area.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


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